Crazy color effects for helping white balance

Started by a1ex, August 09, 2013, 10:08:56 AM

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I was playing with the display registers and found some false color effects that may be useful:

- Swap UV (already implemented on some cameras as video effects)
- Extreme saturation (e.g. if you have set your white balance a little bit on the magenta side, the entire image will be strong magenta). So, just dial WB until you get rid of the color cast.

Any use for them? or are they just cluttering the menu? Try them tomorrow in the nightly builds, or today if you compile yourself.

Canon eos m

Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


I think it's something I would use if I were recording H.264. Even though I'd custom WB if I wanted to nail the white point I think the extreme saturation could be useful. I already do something like that using Portrait with the saturation all the way up as a WB-check custom picture profile.
5D Mark III


I just had to do this today shooting video.  I guess I'm not great at setting WB, don't have a card, seem to have problems with custom WB sometimes in PP etc...  Usually I do OK, but today I was unsure and had the idea of upping saturation momentarily to check.  Worked well and something I think I'd do again.

I'm at least going to create a custom picture style as sergiocamara93 mentioned.