What exactly are "pink frames?"

Started by sloore, July 21, 2013, 02:47:20 AM

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So I am new to Magic Lantern as many others here are, and I do apologize if this has been covered, but I have not been able to find anything regarding this specific question even after searching both the forum and the wiki.  I don't know if I'm using the wrong terminology, or if in fact this has not been specifically covered yet.  I have a T3i(600D) with ML and Tragic Lantern installed.  I've had few problems with it, though on occassion I've noticed that I do get the occasional pink frame here and there. 

Most recently I shot some footage and a number of the shots had more than one pink frame in it, one was about 42 seconds(about 1000 frames) and had ten pink frames in it.  Now, I have been looking for ways to fix this, one of which is to bring the footage into after effects, import small chunks of the offending clip that surround the pink frames, get rid of the pink frame itself, effectively shortening the clip by a frame, then timewarp it to be a frame longer.  Finally I would then splice the chunks back into the full clip and re-render the whole thing out again.  This seems a bit inefficient to me, but if that's what I've gotta do...

However, upon closer inspection, I've noticed that the pink frames are actually not just frames that have been colored pink, but are pink colored frames that are either from a different clip, or from a very different part of the same clip.  I'm guessing that this is some sort of buffering issue where either the camera itself or ML is writing a previously buffered frame into a place that it doesn't belong.  My uncertainty is whether this pink frame has actually overwritten a frame that was supposed to be there or if it was an "extra frame" that was inserted into the clip between consecutive frames.  So I guess what I'm asking is:  Can I fix video clips with pink frames by simply deleting them and then pushing the rest of the clip forward a frame to fill in the space?  Or will this simply result in desynced sound?

Also, I've been looking around and haven't found anything specific, but are there any settings that drastically reduce or increase the chance of getting pink frames?  Again, sorry if this has been dealt with elsewhere, but I have already looked with no luck.

Thanks in advance.