Magic Lantern (RAW) Video format v2.0 (

Started by g3gg0, July 15, 2013, 10:58:23 PM

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Yes 23.976 fps.. I know I can record more then 1 min with normal raw.rec
Canon 5D3



When I try to record in 3x crop mode and when I set the FPS override to 23.976 it currently disables the audio. Is there a way to have prevent the audio from being disabled now that we have have the mlv_snd module?


g3gg0, 48khz solved my problem, now sound has a perfect sync  :D
I experienced some sound frame skips though, recorded over 1 minute clip 1920x1080 25fps and after 37sec sound lost its sync completelly. I will make some further testing.   5D Mark III, 6D, 550D


Quote from: rob_6 on December 25, 2013, 10:28:55 PM

When I try to record in 3x crop mode and when I set the FPS override to 23.976 it currently disables the audio. Is there a way to have prevent the audio from being disabled now that we have have the mlv_snd module?

Are you sure the audio is disabled?

The reason I say this is because when you have the FPS override turned on there is a message saying that the audio is disabled. I would record regardless of this message and just check and see if you have recorded an audio file when you extract it.

Just try it. You might be pleasantly surprised (as I was) to see that it actually does record it! ;)

If that's not the case then I really can't help you and sorry! but Merry Christmas anyway :)
5DMKII | 500D | KOMPUTERBAY 32GB Professional 1000x |Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II | Samyang 35mm f/1.4 ED AS UMC | Canon EF 75-300mm f/4-5.6 III | Zoom H2 (4CH. audio recorder) | Mac OS X 10.9.2 | Photoshop CC | After Effects CC | Final Cut Pro 7


Quote from: g3gg0 on December 25, 2013, 09:42:35 PM

for FILE in `ls -A1 *.MLV *.mlv 2>/dev/null`; do
    BASE=`echo $FILE | cut -d "." -f1`;
    mkdir $BASE;
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump --dng -o ${BASE}/frame_;

Not working ... do I need to feed in args or is it just a batch?  It makes the directory but nothing happens after that, just shows me the mlv_dump options.


sorry, missed a parameter. try this

for FILE in `ls -A1 *.MLV *.mlv 2>/dev/null`; do
    BASE=`echo $FILE | cut -d "." -f1`;
    mkdir $BASE;
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump --dng -o ${BASE}/frame_ $FILE;

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I got it working like this ...

for FILE in `ls -A1 *.MLV *.mlv 2>/dev/null`; do
    BASE=`echo $FILE | cut -d "." -f1`;
    mkdir $BASE;
    mv ./$FILE ./$BASE
    cd ./$BASE
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump --dng -o $BASE $FILE
    cd ..


BAH!! anything under 1920 x 960 records fine over 2mins bah.. lol
Canon 5D3


come on... cant you be ANY MORE DETAILED?!

"does not work bah" isnt something i could fix.
also i dont know how to reproduce that.
plus you could have tested it with different settings, with/without sound etc.
Help us with datasheets - Help us with register dumps
magic lantern: 1Magic9991E1eWbGvrsx186GovYCXFbppY, server expenses: [email protected]
ONLY donate for things we have done, not for things you expect!


Last post, mad respect to g3gg0 for the help....

Do the following ...

1. Download mlv_dump.osx
2. Open a Terminal
3. Go to the folder where you downloaded mlv_dump.osx (extract if needed) and type: sudo mv ./mlv_dump.osx /usr/bin/mlv_dump
4. Type sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/mlv_dump
5. Make a file in the folder where you've moved the MLV files, save as, with contents:

for FILE in `ls -A1 *.MLV *.mlv 2>/dev/null`; do
    BASE=`echo $FILE | cut -d "." -f1`;
    mkdir $BASE;
    mv ./$FILE ./$BASE
    cd ./$BASE
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump --dng -o frame_ $FILE
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump -m -o meta.mlv $FILE
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump -v meta.mlv >$FILE.txt
    rm ./meta.mlv
    rm ./meta.mlv.wav
    cd ..

6. Run from the Terminal.

This will extract all the frames from the MLV files and extract MLV metadata into a TXT file.

7. Profit!


Quote from: mageye on December 25, 2013, 10:43:59 PM
Are you sure the audio is disabled?

The reason I say this is because when you have the FPS override turned on there is a message saying that the audio is disabled. I would record regardless of this message and just check and see if you have recorded an audio file when you extract it.

Just try it. You might be pleasantly surprised (as I was) to see that it actually does record it! ;)

If that's not the case then I really can't help you and sorry! but Merry Christmas anyway :)

Actually you are right. It does record the sound. I just assumed that the sound wasn't coming through because the sound meters disappeared and in the menu it says the sound will be disable when FPS override is activated.

Maybe there is a way to prevent the sound meters from being disabled when FPS override is active? Not a big deal, but would be nice. :)

48khz update works perfectly! I no longer need to convert the sound so that it can be read by Resolve. Thanks for the update! On Christmas even! Merry Christmas to you and everyone else.


Quote from: dubzeebass on December 25, 2013, 11:12:27 PM
Last post, mad respect to g3gg0 for the help....

Do the following ...

1. Download mlv_dump.osx
2. Open a Terminal
3. Go to the folder where you downloaded mlv_dump.osx (extract if needed) and type: sudo mv ./mlv_dump.osx /usr/bin/mlv_dump
4. Type sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/mlv_dump
5. Make a file in the folder where you've moved the MLV files, save as, with contents:

for FILE in `ls -A1 *.MLV *.mlv 2>/dev/null`; do
    BASE=`echo $FILE | cut -d "." -f1`;
    mkdir $BASE;
    mv ./$FILE ./$BASE
    cd ./$BASE
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump --dng -o frame_ $FILE
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump -m -o meta.mlv $FILE
    /usr/bin/mlv_dump -v meta.mlv >$FILE.txt
    rm ./meta.mlv
    cd ..

6. Run from the Terminal.

This will extract all the frames from the MLV files and extract MLV metadata into a TXT file.

7. Profit!

Thanks for putting this together this great script. So great for converting a bunch of files. It works perfectly! Thanks so much. Thanks to g3gg0 again too for the help!


Cheers, glad to hear!  You could also add it to /usr/bin and always have it handy then since it's in the path.


Glad to contribute!


haha, that script from dubzeebass totally nailed it :)
Thanks a lot!

Strange though I get 2 wav files from each conversion? One called meta.mlv.wav and the other one simply called frame.wav


with out Snd it still skips frame at 1min
most settings are off
preview is auto
disable G draw is on

any Resolution under 1920 x 960 works fine with sound

i thought i had MLV recording doing full 1920x1080 before..

i have tried all kinds of number settings for "Buffer fell method" and "CF-only buffers"
this is on a KB 64gb 1000x card

any pointers?

Canon 5D3


Quote from: Danne on December 25, 2013, 11:49:15 PM
haha, that script from dubzeebass totally nailed it :)
Thanks a lot!

Strange though I get 2 wav files from each conversion? One called meta.mlv.wav and the other one simply called frame.wav

    rm ./meta.mlv
    rm ./meta.mlv.wav
    cd ..

Add the bolded line into the script.



Worked nicely :)
Can I ask you how to execute the script.
I copy pasted the scripttext to text editor and the saved it and changed the suffix to .sh
How do I execute this?
Thanks for helping


From the terminal... I'll make a video when I get home next week.


Quote from: Jakobmen on December 25, 2013, 10:01:53 PM
Any more settings to try I stop recording after 1 min from frame skip?

I can repoduce the skip.
It seems to happen at 4096MB. Suddenly the buffer fills up and a frame is skipped. Before about 1/5 to 1/4 of the buffer is used. Nevertheless I  observe a similar behavior when the recording starts. First the buffer fills up to almost 100% then writig catches up and the buffer emptys. I assume there is something happening while beginning the second chunk and writing metadata?

5DMKIII (Fill Method: 3 CF-only buffers: 8)
Nightly build December 25th.
Nightly build December 26th.


Quote from: dubzeebass on December 26, 2013, 12:33:47 AM
From the terminal... I'll make a video when I get home next week.

I modified a command script from a member here,  jerrykil, and put in your script-instruction dubzeebass and g3gg0. So if doubleclicking the commandscript from within the folder with the mlv,s it starts the conversion without having to go through terminal.

Instruction would be:

1. Download mlv_dump.osx
2. Open a Terminal
3. Go to the folder where you downloaded mlv_dump.osx (extract if needed) and type: sudo mv ./mlv_dump.osx /usr/bin/mlv_dump
4. Type sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/mlv_dump
5. Run the recursive.command file below from the same folder as the .mlv files. Need admin rights. Go to command script through terminal and write chmod +rxw recursive.command press enter
6. run the recursive.command by doubleclicking

You can doubleclick the recursive.command script a couple of times to have them work in parallell.



*updated recursive.command 29 dec (g3gg0)


I've re-uploaded it with the attributes fixed as some people may have had trouble due to ownership and administrative settings.  Cleared all attribs with Batchmod.


I recorded 1:30 and this time no dropped frames at all. Sound perfectly synced till the end of a clip. i dont know why i had dropped frames before, both times 1920x1080 25fps. This time however i formatted my card to exfat, before was FAT32. In both cases MLV file was splitted to 4 GB and the rest. I think i was able to record all card with single file with raw-rec. Does Mlv-rec records files over 4GB?   5D Mark III, 6D, 550D