RAW-Video Frame interval

Started by alexunderboots, July 01, 2013, 12:57:22 PM

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Was it too much to just post in that thread?
Canon EOS 6D, 60D, 50D.
Sigma 70-200 EX OS HSM, Sigma 70-200 Apo EX HSM, Samyang 14 2.8, Samyang 35 1.4, Samyang 85 1.4.
Proud supporter of Magic Lantern.


This is a small change in the raw_rec module to enable timelapse video. It simply skips frames during the timelapse frame-interval, hence the slow card I/O is no more an issue.

The 'FPS override' somewhat gives similar results (usually desirable in a low-light condition). However, this frame-skipping option gives us better control over the FPS and the shutter-speed for timelapse, specially in a bright-light condition. It can still be used along with the 'FPS override'.