How to set up cinemadng files for colorgrading with luts

Started by swinxx, June 20, 2013, 12:11:03 PM

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When i import a cdng file into after effects the acr window opens. Great!
Now i can colorgrade to a flat neutral picture..
My question is: how flat and neutral this should be for applying lits..
When i import into resolve and apply the blackmagic film color space, the video looks flat and it feels like loosing some color information.. When i apply a look onto that bmcc - a 3dlut it doesnt look right..
Can anyone explain please.. How should a cdng sequence be graded in ae or resolve..
Is the video really looking the same as a bmc when the bmc film look is applied, or are there different raw bits on that bmc camera..?



Quote from: swinxx on June 20, 2013, 12:11:03 PM
When i import into resolve and apply the blackmagic film color space, the video looks flat and it feels like loosing some color information.. When i apply a look onto that bmcc - a 3dlut it doesnt look right..
When you apply BMD film in resolve you get a very flat look. That doesn't mean you loose the color information, it's still stored in your raw file. From this point you can apply a LUT, make a node for example and choose the BMD film lut (3D lut). For me this works perfectly. The BMD film lut is very colourful, I do turn down the saturation from there.


Any body have any good methods for sharpening in Resolve? i noticed my ACR dngs are way sharper then my Resolve clips. Are there any settings im missing  in the menus? I have been matching up my resolution settings correctly and i have been messing with the blur and sharpen tool in resolve and i cant seem to get that amazing ACR sharpness. Any thoughts?


does this ACR sharpness add to the moire?
I noticed that using Resolve and BMD Film look, much of the bad moire was almost invisible.