MlRawViewer alternative for 10bit MLV including easy Pro-res convert? WIN 5D3

Started by erikbaldwinson, March 24, 2017, 12:42:45 PM

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My Windows workflow 5D3 MLV 14bit has been..

1. Offload the mlv files from the cards to a backup drive.
2. Use MlRawViewer to pick and choose, sometimes adjust temp and exposure while simultaneously exporting to pro-res on my SSD drive.
3. Edit in premiere pro cc using pro-res files to create a final edit. Deliver final edit as well as pro-res files to the client.

I see that MlRawViewer is not compatible with 10bit and 12bit mlv, the program crashes immediately..

I'm hoping to use 10bit raw to save space and reduce time - but is there a workaround or an alternative program that is easy and respects this workflow allowing me to deliver the original footage, preferably in the form of pro-res, to the client? I really like MlRawViewer's interface and quick conversion to pro-res.

I don't want to edit with .dngs. Please help!


Mac or windows?
If on mac you could play around with In there I included bindings with mlvfs command line and mlrawviewer. This means you can open any bit file since the dng files will be uprezzed to 16bit. Alternatively you can export to prores via ffmpeg.

andy kh

you must be on mac since you want to convert in proress. i use windows and for me mlvp works the best for converting/preview 10/12 bit raw. most of the 10/12bit raw shot with my 70D has wrong black level. mlvp can do the magic for wrong black level so i prefer using this. btw it works both on mac and windows
5D Mark III - 70D


I'm on Windows, pro-res plays back perfectly even with plugins/effects.

I'm checking out mlvproducer, what are the important settings you select? What type do you export to, why? I'm using 5d3

Is the black level number absolute for the 5d3 or relative to each file?

andy kh

@erik for me output setting depends on my project. prefer cdng the most but i also export in h264 422. and setting black level to 120 seems rite for me
5D Mark III - 70D