Raw Video: 12bit or 10bit possibility?

Started by luizhmgoncalves, May 30, 2013, 04:49:54 PM

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I don't know if you are already doing it, or if it is possible do do!

My question is about making an option in the Raw Hack to change from 14bit to 12bit, or even 10bit and 8bit.

It could be a god option to some cameras that are slower or/and don't have the Compact Flash option.
Some cameras already have an option when are taking pictures, choosing from 14bit to 12bit, to have small files.

12bit raw video still very good like the Blacmagick Camera and other raw video cameras.

10bit raw video could have the same latitude of the Prores 10bit from the Blackmagic.

8bit raw, in theory still better than normal video from the Canon Dslr.

I don't know if it is possible or very hard to do. But In theory cam the hack will generate small files direct from the sensor, and we could use slower cards to achieve 1920x1080p in other cameras like the 50D and 60D.

Sorry about my english.