[RAW2DNG] BATCHelor 3.0 Alpha 3

Started by fatpig, May 24, 2013, 03:43:29 PM

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I am trying to reproduce the problem, but until now, no luck.

just to confirm, this works for me:
What I mean is, choose your .RAW folder, click nothing else, press GO.
It works, done.
Then, press GO again.

Then there is no output in the new, second DNG folder?

ted ramasola

Quote from: fatpig on June 06, 2013, 02:22:20 PM
I am trying to reproduce the problem, but until now, no luck.

just to confirm, this works for me:
What I mean is, choose your .RAW folder, click nothing else, press GO.
It works, done.
Then, press GO again.

Then there is no output in the new, second DNG folder?

yes. no extracted contents in all folders created. In the 1st time I ran Batchelor, I knew it was working because I see the cmd prompt window with the progress running.

I'll go step by step.

-run batchelor 2.0 as administrator. --- app opens
-click source button---window opens, I select CF card-go to DCIM folder--select subfolder with the raw files
-click on destination--picked a folder in drive ( f:\footage\).
-click GO
-in footage folder DNG1 is created with folder named 1_001  -its empty
-Status in batchelor app says DONE
-click GO again
-in footage folder DNG2 is created with folder named 2_002  -its empty
-Status in batchelor app says Done

complete text in status box for entire process is:

processing M06-0438.RAW...
Generating Thumbnail 001... Done.
processing M06-0438.RAW...
Generating Thumbnail 002... Done.
5DmkII  / 7D

ted ramasola

Just want to post for others following this that Fatpig has pmed me some assistance and have gotten this to work on my system. Currently it can't handle files bigger than 4gig.

Hopefully this useful software will be able to automatically join spanned files from the mkII.

Keep up the great work! :)
5DmkII  / 7D


just for this operations I've ordered 2nd ssd for my laptop, I'll try to use it wisely but I'm not sure how long it lasts..

as far I know, my old SSD (which I've bought 3 months ago, Intel 520 series 60GB encrypted) has 35TB data limit, I'm seeking for more data transfer capacity model, do you have any ideas?

(I really don't like to wait to see the results using a HDD)


worked fine few times then I just keep getting an error. "Line 2215" Error: Subscript used with non-Array variable.


This On-Set solution is what's definitely needed to bring the RAW out in the fields.
Especially the "just GO"-solution from card to HDD together with thumbnails for a quick check for corrupt files is like a dream.

Hopefully the MLTools will go that way, too ;-)
5D2 ML RAW + VAF-5D2b: http://vimeo.com/69350650


Would be nice to have an option to uncheck thumbnail creation. Thanks :)


Any chance we can have it use the raw name for the folder?
I.E. "M14-0149.RAW" becomes a M14-0149 folder.  This way later on if there's confusion I can just manually extract the raw in question.



Hi Guys, I just finished a Week of shooting with our beloved 5DII RAW and worked on the automatic copying and joining of files.

I am currently thinking about iplementing copy/join only option because once you extracted your DNGs from .RAWs, there is no way to get cinemaDNG out of those, is there?

What are some of your thoughts on what BATCHelor should do on set exactly?
looking to keep your .RAWs?

My experience on set was not to process the .RAW Files because cards filled up as fast as I could copy the .RAWs, so no HDD speed for processing left..

@Shield: I am changing the enumeration to the origin file name
(which seems to have changed from 00001, 0002, etc. to current time like 1149, 1150, 1200,...)
- so your set assistant can keep track of file names for syncing audio.

@Viente: Why?

@guentergunter: Is there another tool that already does this?

try to find out if some funky folder path is the problem, delete config.ini and set your source/destination again.

this is really a problem on set. unless you have a server with RAID, I see no option other than usb 3.0 / Firewire and ssd.


Downloaded this great tool and it works nicely.

BUT, you must replace the RAW2DNG converter you have in your install package, because there is a new version available now (from june 6th).
This new version of RAW2DNG seem to fixe a crucial error which are the vertical stripes occuring on the 5D3.

I too would want the DNG-folders to inherit the filenames from the RAW files..


yep, I fix RAW Naming in version 2.3 - will be online in a few days! thanks for your support!
until then you can replace raw2dng.exe :)


As soon as RAW2CDNG implements command line, I will do another rewrite.

I think cineform proxies with CinemaDNGs is the way to go.
Does anyone see the need to keep RAW2DNG or compressed DNGs option?


Yes! well i think so. i think the dng files edited in ACR have much better sharpness and color. However i only have the 422 cineform licence not the 444. I might be doing something wrong but so far ARC exports look the best out of all the methods. But again im on windows and i have the free versions of cineform and resolve so that could be the issue. ACR might be slow but its super sharp!


hi, well you can use the cinemaDNGs in ACR aswell, that is why I propose to let RAW2DNG go.

I also use the free version of cineform and resolve.
I think both are great to use.
Any problems with version 2.3?


Hi! Let rawtodng go? I don,t see rawmagic producing any ProRes files? I like the rawtodng app, still it have som quirks but could be sorted out in time.



i dont get what you are saying.

I want to replace raw2dng with raw2cdng in the future inside my app.
rawmagic is not involved.


Quote from: fatpig on June 26, 2013, 09:10:57 AM
hi, well you can use the cinemaDNGs in ACR aswell, that is why I propose to let RAW2DNG go.

I also use the free version of cineform and resolve.
I think both are great to use.
Any problems with version 2.3?

OHHhh! Duh sorry. Yeah cdng still works in ARC so thats cool too.  No problems so far with 2.3 works great! its impressive what you all are doing!!!

The only thing i dont like about the resolve or cineform route is that it seams like ARC has the best quality so far. resolve and cineform dont look as sharp as ARC in my side by side testing. They work for me but im not thrilled with quality. It would be nice to use cineform for more then a proxy but it doesnt seem to match ACR quality yet. I could be comparing apples to oranges tho. ACR is just really slow but it looks real good!!!


I think ACR gives more of a photo-esque look, maybe it is a little more perfect.
I can not complain about sharpness in resolve, maybe try ticking "force highest resolution debayering" and "highest resolution scaling"
(or something similar, dont remember the exact names) in delivery tab.
if your lenses are not as good, maybe try some sharpening in post.

I used the 5DII with some Zeiss primes- and the sharpness and look, especially when using a FujiFilm 3D LUT in resolve is stunning.
I will have a trailer online soon. :)

Cineform can be used for real RAW with 1/6th file size if you have the paid version, but this is not implemented in BATCHelor yet.


Quote from: fatpig on June 26, 2013, 04:41:22 PM

i dont get what you are saying.

I want to replace raw2dng with raw2cdng in the future inside my app.
rawmagic is not involved.

Aha, I misunderstood, sorry. Agreed upon replacing dng to cdng.


huh maybe i need to check my settings in resolve. workflow would be way faster. Delivery tab settings might be my issue. i will also have to try this lut too. thank you sooooo much for your hard work and speedy response. I have been using batchelor since the beging an ive had zero issues! cant wait for your trailer!


So, when I tried to change the file names to something other than default, it created all these .p or something files instead of dngs...


hello again.

thanks for your input, it is still in beta phase.
It did not occur to me that people might rename their .RAW Files.

I might have to implement a checking routine-
just out of curiosity-

how did you name the files?


Quote from: fatpig on June 26, 2013, 06:45:48 PM
I think ACR gives more of a photo-esque look, maybe it is a little more perfect.
I can not complain about sharpness in resolve, maybe try ticking "force highest resolution debayering" and "highest resolution scaling"
(or something similar, dont remember the exact names) in delivery tab.
if your lenses are not as good, maybe try some sharpening in post.

I used the 5DII with some Zeiss primes- and the sharpness and look, especially when using a FujiFilm 3D LUT in resolve is stunning.
I will have a trailer online soon. :)

Cineform can be used for real RAW with 1/6th file size if you have the paid version, but this is not implemented in BATCHelor yet.

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH you were sooooooooooo right! ticking that box was the trick!!!!!!!! Wow you just changed my life hahaha! ok yeah soo cdng is the way to go for sure. I know this is off topic but i would love to try the fuji LUT where did you find it? Thank you sooo much again!

Wait nope sorry i was looking a a avi render from ARC it was the wrong file i was looking at. Im still not getting good results with davici. i must be doing something wrong. thank you again!!! 2.3 is still working great for me though.


Actually, I didn't rename the .RAW, just the output file from its default, if based on the original RAW. It created the folder from these new files but they were all very strange formats. something like .p #@% or something. So I turned off the rename option and then it worked fine creating proper dngs.