The CinemaDNG Discussion (raw2cdng)

Started by chmee, May 23, 2013, 10:46:55 AM

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Hi Chmee! Happy birthday some days late :)

I see that you can't download the 1.6.3 version anymore. I found a bug in the audio from that release, only the first 10% of the audio was there in Davinci Resolve. i use the 1.6.1 for now, and the problem isn't there as it wasn't with previous versions as well.
Thanks again for a great tool. Really love it togheter with Davinci Resolve.

Kind Regards

Karl Allemyr


Hi chmee and friends, happy christmas ;)

the footage that is shot when a CF card is almost full, popping up a "card full" message, at times crashes the tool. WIll send a debug next time... btw, curious to knw how the update is coming up  :D :D ;D


merry christmas. my december is kind of "training day" in party'ing. i did some tests with my footage, it works flawless. i already coded the new colormatrices. because i didnt implemented much exception-trapping/handling, most of these problems while recording will lead to a crash. by now i m still interested in the black dng's.. audiowise, i will put some effort into proper audiolength-handling.

finally i hope, i'll give you a new version this year.
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]


wow this year!

Looking forward to it!
once you go raw you never go back

andy kh

5D Mark III - 70D



put a 1.6.5 on my server (sourcecode in bitbucket refreshed as well)

(+) timeRef adjusted for proper sync-handling in resolve (seems to work now)
(+) new color-matrices as stated by andy600 (dmilligan uses them in mlvfs already)


(-) i couldnt find any showstopper-problems with my mlv-files. @feureau @anandkamal @andy_kh @chadmuffin please give me some more informations (body, mlv-file) again, maybe write them into bitbucket as issue

@feureau regarding wb-levels-problem, use mlvdiag1.01 from my site and shorten the file to ~55mb. send it to me. under what circumstances does this happen? (output-properties? bitdepth? proxy? debugfile?)

@chadmuffin not recognised by adobe-apps. yeah, had that as well, seems to be gone now. please test and tell.

did the blackframes went away after deleting settings-file?

@andy_kh i will do more tests now with xml-roundtripping, maybe its the same bug i fixed now (timeRef in audiofile) with two files just tested it worked. no crashes.

regards chmee
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]


Thank you for 1.6.5 \o/

I'm gonna have to try shoot some stuff for that wb thing and see if it's still / how it's happening. Doesn't seem to be a problem so far though.


btw. i did this chart for beginners to clarify some questions.

regards chmee
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]

andy kh

thank q for the new version. i wil try once i get back home
5D Mark III - 70D


Thanks for all your hard work! I'll run tests after the holiday season.

andy kh

i am not able to drag and drop mlv file in the new version. i also tried the same mlv file in version 1.6.1 but no problem
5D Mark III - 70D


i know, windows sometimes disables dragdrop an apps, but works after time. if its not a systemwide problem, try to delete and/or reuse from another place.. or a simple shutdown/restart..


regards chmee
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]

andy kh

after shutdown/restart i cant stil drag n drop mlv files in the new version 1.6.5 whereas i dont have any problem with version 1.6.3 and 1.6.1
5D Mark III - 70D


You may need to delete some old settings file. On windows: User\[you]\appdata\roaming named raw2cdng.settings.json. It helped me when using 1.6.3 with black frames, might help with you. Also, removed your old raw2cdngs and download the lastest stable one for you. You may need to run it as an administrator in Windows. If you are using a different OS, don't know...


Btw, chmee, is that black/white level dng supposed to be fixed in 1.6.5? I'm still getting that green cast. (using CDNG 16bit and vertical banding and chroma smoothing on)

I deleted the .json too btw.

EDIT: For those looking to fix DNGs with similar issues using exiftool and kept failing to get black/whitelevel to change:

BlackLevel is written to SubIFD by default.  Nothing will happen if the DNG doesn't contain a SubIFD.

Use this command to figure out where BlackLevel is stored:

exiftool -G1 -blacklevel image.dng

then write it to the same place:

exiftool -GROUP:BlackLevel=0 image.dng

In my case the GROUP is IFD0The complete command is thusly:

exiftool -IFD0:BlackLevel=0 *.dng

Same with whitelevel


please send me a short mlv with that problem. (pleaseplease)
Quote..I'm still getting that green cast. (using CDNG 16bit and vertical banding and chroma smoothing on)..
maybe thats a hint i have to re-check. seems, its not re-setting bl/wl if helpers are enabled. thx.
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]


You're welcome :D Looking forward for the fix.

Btw, any plans for hot pixel detection/removal thingy? :P


I ran some tests and here are my results:

5D3 with raw2cdng 1.6.5 in Adobe products on Windows 8.1.

I used vertical banding and chroma smoothing 2x2 in raw2cdng (after I deleted settings.json from previous builds). raw2cdng worked great! White balance was from the camera correctly, it correctly knew my 23.976 fps, 5 fps and 48 fps. There were no black frames or green tint. It did not know my aperture from my lens though. Came back as f/0, which could be because I use Tamron lenses? Not hindering the workflow though so not really an issue. I was able to successfully view them in Windows Explorer and the native photo viewer.

After Effects read the files just fine. I had to manually set the fps from 30 fps which seems to be typical. The .wav file started at the correct point and it went a few frames after but, that is easy to just cut that part out with exporting the clip. I used a clapper board over a span of 20 sec and did not see it the waveform off beat or visual see/hear it off beat.

I pulled it into Premiere Pro and brought in the .cdngs in through the media browser. The audio was on time, did not go past the video. However, it did not know my custom fps. It is an easy fix by adjusting the speed in Premiere.

I did not use Resolve.

Everything seems to be working great on my end! If you need more info or tests, just let me know.


Chmee, I think I narrowed it down a little bit more. It seems if vertical banding is triggered, the white/black level would be exif-clipped. If I select vertical banding and chroma smoothing first, then go change the CDNG bit level, it would not be exif-clipped.

Also: Enabling vertical banding on a 7D clip causes vertical stripes.


thx for response. good to hear. aperture is just a string. i think its not really worth investigating on it. but if you#ve got a shortened mlv for me i'll try to look into this string.

thanks a lot. i'll test this behaviour. as i said before, vertical banding can deliver worse data than before. if you want, send it as well, i'll try to narrow down, if its a coding or a logical problem.

regards chmee
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]


I did a test with all of my lenses to see if it was specific lenses or all of them. I only have a small handful of lenses to test to include Canon 15mm Fisheye f/2.8, Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 VC, Canon 50mm f/1.4, Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 VC. I also have the Tamron SP AF Tele-Converter. The only 2 lenses that had "f/0" were the Canon 15mm and the Tamron 24-70mm. Also, these lenses had typos in their names. "EF15mm f/2.8 Fishee" and "24-70mmP4I" The other lenses were named properly. I also tried the tele-converter on my lenses just to see and the same result happened on the same lenses. The tele-converter did not change the results. I was able to recreate this test 3 times with the same results. Your software seems to be consistent, it appears to be with specific lenses. I have included an MLV of about 3 seconds from each of my lenses and one with the tele-converter for you to check out.


I'm still testing some footage, especially with the new color matrix. This is the same Adobe Standard color profile as in the Adobe Raw converter thingy, right? Do you have the Canon Standard profile too? Would be awesome to have that and the Portrait profile for awesome skin tones.

A slice of MLV:


Hi all, i though its about time i try raw2cdng and Davinci Resolve. Now this here is off of 1.6.5 and there's something totally wrong in what i'm doing, could you please shoot me :)

Five different exports:
1st (far left) - 12bit maximized
2nd - 16bit with chroma smoothing ON
3rd - 16bit with vertical banding ON
4th - 16bit with highlights fix ON
5th(far right) - 16bit (all fixes are OFF)

Those 5 were imported in Resolve 11.1 with just Color space changed to BMD Film and Highlight recovery On (which didn't do much)... pretty much nothing else!


not so much wrong :) it seems, if the buttons are clicked in the wrong order, black- and whitelevel are wrong set. i'm off to detroit next 10 days, i'll try to find the main problem there. pardon for this bug and the patience u need now.

(simple fix: delete the raw2cdng.settings-file in /users/[user]/appdata/roaming and then try only with 16bit without nothing else) - ah and look if you've got blacklevel-fix in body en- or disabled.

regards chmee
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]