12-bit (and 10-bit) RAW video development discussion

Started by d, May 22, 2013, 10:58:34 PM

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Surin Dmitriy

Quote from: g3gg0 on July 02, 2017, 06:27:04 PM
can you check if you had a lot of .idx files on your card that wasn't able to play back?

No I had only idx related to the footage. Also I deleted all IDX and try to replay again - nothing.

Surin Dmitriy

Quote from: g3gg0 on July 02, 2017, 05:04:31 PM
header start looks a bit uncommon.


is this recorded with mlv_rec instead of mlv_lite?


hey alex i will say that i used the exact settings on both versions and even made sure to  only activate  the raw record/play/sound module. installed the different versions both twice just to  make sure that the install didnt mess up the first time. but i will provide screen shots. what is it again that you want me to screen shot? the raw video settings and for the speedtest do you want me to use the card speed test in debugging mode? thanks


The writing speed indicator from the MLV recording module (either during recording, or afterwards) should be fine.

I don't have a 700D to test, but I can try to reproduce on 5D3.

andy kh

i just test the 10bit expirimental build on 2 july 17 for 70D. just after  started recording the camera hangs. stop buttons or any other buttons wouldn't work so i have to pull out the battery. i can share a video very soon if needed to see what i mean

edit: while the camera is recordng if i press any buttons like stop button, my camera hangs so i have to pull out the battery. however the file is save in the memory card. i can't preview in  the camera but i can preview in my laptop with mlrarviewer
5D Mark III - 70D


That's unlikely to help. A lot more helpful would be a detailed (!) list of what works and what not.

If raw video is not working at all, it could be worth trying other ways of capturing raw frames from LiveView (silent pictures, raw_diag) or other builds (e.g. lua_fix).


oh hey alex sorry for the long response time but i went to go download the june version again to show you but it was already replaced by the july version sorry.
good thing is the july version doesnt seem to have the problem the june version had and compared to the may version seems to be even better! for instance the write speed seems to be more consistent. resolutions i use to use that technically did shoot continous (even though magic lantern had a yellow camera icon by it) now are recognized by magic lantern as a continous shoot.  so that feels good as far as usability goes.
one thing did happen when i tryed to play back the file though. it started gathering all the frames and then it slowly wrote this into existence (see images) and then it was just plastering onto my camera screen and the only way to get it off it seems was to turn off the camera(i could till see through it and it wasnt frozen)

btw i mean play back of 10bit raw recordings


How can I use this 12bit/10bit raw feature on my camera?

Walter Schulz

With care or not at all.
Depends on the cam you have. Top of page -> Downloads -> Downloads (drop-down menu) -> Experiments.

@Admins: Please edit first post of this thread and add some links/text/instructions according to other threads.

Surin Dmitriy

I see that 4k crop build has the fix of the black frame issue at the mlv_play module...Could anybody add this fix to 10_12 bit build?


I see a problem with ghost images in this build. It shows the overlay, but immediately prints error log.
Looks like it was resolved in Unified. https://bitbucket.org/hudson/magic-lantern/commits/e0c1b48a2558975e23545eaeea9eced6de72ab97
count <= 8192
at ../../src/fio-ml.c:528 (FIO_ReadFile), task cls_task
lv:1 mode:3

Magic Lantern version : raw_video_10bit_12bit.2017Jul03.600D102
Mercurial changeset   : c38f583da163+83173fc0953b+ (raw_video_10bit_12bit) tip
Built on 2017-07-02 22:50:32 UTC by jenkins@nightly.
Free Memory  : 208K + 795K


okay so i have a theory on why playback doesnt work for 10-12 bit recordings (ive only tested 10 bit)(tested 14 bit to and looks to be the same)
i have a 700D
so playback only seems to work when a file is under 1GB, anything over 1GB will bring up the console message saying something about fio_malloc, and it wont go away until you restart your camera or go to the debug settings and turn on and off show console.
it could be something like, anything over 978mb or something random but 1GB seems to be the safe bet here.
so maybe a fix could be since it only shows up on files over 1GB then maybe there is something that says files over 1GB display message or something like that. so all that would need to be done is to find out whats telling it to  say that and tell it not to? i dont know, im not a coder or anything. its probably more complicated then that but its just a theory.


Yes it's easy to get rid of the error message, but the message is not the problem, it was intentionally put there to highlight the underlying bug and encourage someone to fix it.



7D Users,

I played around with the 10/12bit Magic Lantern build for 7D found here: https://bitbucket.org/reddeercity/magic-lantern_10-12bit/downloads/magiclantern-10bit_12bit_raw_twk_crop_rec.2016Dec01.7D203.zip
I was shocked when I managed over 2min of continuous 2520x1200 video @ 24fps with working Liveview and in camera playback! I used a Lexar 64GB 1066x card.

Here's a guide for noobs like myself who wish to try it out.

-In Modules menu enable mlv_play.mo, raw_rec.mo and raw_twk.mo.
-In Movie menu set FPS override to 24 FPS Exact.
-Enable RAW video and set Bit depth to 10, return to Liveview and do 5x zoom, return to Movie menu set resolution to 2520x1200,
-In Overlay menu set Global Draw to OFF, return to Liveview in 5x zoom
-Hit record!

When the camera is turned off and in some other situations when you attempt to record in 5x zoom mode Liveview will freeze. Go back to Overlay menu, enable Global Draw again, return to Liveview 5x zoom, go back again and disable Global Draw, return to Liveview one last time, hit record and you will again be able to view what you are recording.

Most of the time I get around 1min40sec of continuous 2.5k video :)

Edit: I've noticed there's a few pixles in the bottom right corner of the video that do strange things..


Quote from: tonij on August 01, 2017, 02:50:32 AM
7D Users,

I played around with the 10/12bit Magic Lantern build for 7D found here: https://bitbucket.org/reddeercity/magic-lantern_10-12bit/downloads/magiclantern-10bit_12bit_raw_twk_crop_rec.2016Dec01.7D203.zip
I was shocked when I managed over 2min of continuous 2520x1200 video @ 24fps with working Liveview and in camera playback! I used a Lexar 64GB 1066x card.

Here's a guide for noobs like myself who wish to try it out.

-In Modules menu enable mlv_play.mo, raw_rec.mo and raw_twk.mo.
-In Movie menu set FPS override to 24 FPS Exact.
-Enable RAW video and set Bit depth to 10, return to Liveview and do 5x zoom, return to Movie menu set resolution to 2520x1200,
-In Overlay menu set Global Draw to OFF, return to Liveview in 5x zoom
-Hit record!

When the camera is turned off and in some other situations when you attempt to record in 5x zoom mode Liveview will freeze. Go back to Overlay menu, enable Global Draw again, return to Liveview 5x zoom, go back again and disable Global Draw, return to Liveview one last time, hit record and you will again be able to view what you are recording.

Most of the time I get around 1min40sec of continuous 2.5k video :)

Edit: I've noticed there's a few of pixles in the bottom right corner of video that do strange things..

Thanks Tonij !
It's working !
I've made some test this morning and i get around 73 seconds of 2.5K 10-bit with 1000x card :



50d and 7d are both digic 4. I don't have my 50d atm. Could a 50d owner kindly check this on their 50d?


Not sure that anyone has a 50D build out there, but then again, I didn't know that there was a 7D build either. Neither are listed on the Experiment Downloads page.


In Canon 70D (firmware 1.1.2) 10 and 12 Bit do not work, the camera stops. Further use without removing the battery is not possible.
There is no menu item to select the number of frames rate
This is what is written on the memory card   https://yadi.sk/i/FJIQ-wbe3LkRDs
This is how the menu looks after hanging up https://yadi.sk/i/ZH4eFzWl3LkR9d
After a couple of minutes error 80 or 70 appears


Thank you, tonij. I'm happy to test the bleeding edge builds, but have a hard time getting into making them myself.

I recorded a few seconds of 14, 12 and 10bit each at 1280x544px and converted to DNGs with MLVmystic. Seems to work except for a few corrupted frames (top part hyper-saturated and magenta) with 10bit recording.

So it seems to almost-work on 50D. I'll do a few more tests next week... Anything special I should do?


Yes thank you tonji. Excited to test on my 50D. Did not have good luck with the 550D build, but I thought it was a common issue for Digic 4 cameras.


Quote from: halbmoki on August 06, 2017, 01:24:46 PM
...converted to DNGs with MLVmystic. Seems to work except for a few corrupted frames (top part hyper-saturated and magenta) with 10bit recording.

Any reason why to use MLVmystic instead of the latest and greatest coming from those who have constantly been hard at work (for obvious reasons) by keeping things up to date with all the bells and whistles in their apps/converters especially when it comes to using experimental stuff?

Also do you run on Mac or Win?
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109

Francis Frenkel

Quote from: DeafEyeJedi on August 07, 2017, 05:49:26 PM
Any reason why to use MLVmystic instead of the latest and greatest coming from those who have constantly been hard at work (for obvious reasons) by keeping things up to date with all the bells and whistles in their apps/converters especially when it comes to using experimental stuff?

I use MLVMystic (on windows 7) because it's perfectly stable.
What are for you the best "uptodate" applications for dng ?

Francis Frenkel


Runs Bouncyball beefed up mlv_dump version and produces cdng files to any bitrate you like.


Quote from: DeafEyeJedi on August 07, 2017, 05:49:26 PM
Any reason why to use MLVmystic instead of the latest and greatest coming from those who have constantly been hard at work (for obvious reasons) by keeping things up to date with all the bells and whistles in their apps/converters especially when it comes to using experimental stuff?

Also do you run on Mac or Win?

I run Win7 64bit.
Some time ago, MLVmystic was the most stable and easy to use, so I just stuck with that. Always keeping up with the latest and greatest development is fun, but sometimes "working well enough" is all I need. If you could point me in the right direction for a current converter with a decent interface, I'd be happy to try something else, though. Maybe the corrupted frames at lower bitrates came from using an outdated converter, not from the recording itself.