12-bit (and 10-bit) RAW video development discussion

Started by d, May 22, 2013, 10:58:34 PM

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You have to enable mlv_snd module. MLV_REC.tmp has nothing to do with this. Anyway, seems you have it working so let,s keep up the 10/12bit testing.


Quote from: Danne on December 19, 2016, 09:10:20 PM
With the crop_rec module I think it,s posible to record unstretched mv720 mode(not mv1920)

Also if previewing the MLV files with raw_twk enabled please test to go back a few files then forward a few files. Do this a couple of times and see if screen turns black?

Yes in playback, the screen turns black after couple of time. (raw_twk and mlv_play)

Also when I say record crop mode, I mean in ZOOM mode. The build I have doesn't have "crop_mode" module (2016Dec18.5D3113)

So, it's impossible to record fullframe 1080p without stretch ?


I think maximum is 38 fps mv1080. Also let,s try to stay on topic here. You can dig out a lot of info with 'search' regarding stretch/unstretch footage.
Thanks for verifying raw_twk issue


6D: 10/12-bit with mlv_snd working in raw_rec and mlv_rec. Nice!

In cam preview with raw_twk working, but goes black when scrolling thru 3 clips or more.

Live view freezes on canon/ml greyscale without global draw preview, scrambled grey on ml greyscale w/global draw on.

latest @dfort build "magiclantern-raw_video_10bit_12bit.2016Dec18.6D116"


QuoteLive view freezes on canon/ml greyscale without global draw preview, scrambled grey on ml greyscale w/global draw on.
How do you mean? Does the camera freeze when previewing with grayscale?


Quote from: Danne on December 19, 2016, 10:18:30 PM
How do you mean? Does the camera freeze when previewing with grayscale?

On the 6D normal canon preview freezes in a still frame. I doesnt freeze on greyscale, its scrambled grey as earlier when global draw is on. So, limited preview options.


At this moment a bunch of camera have working live view while recording 10/12 bit (5D3, 60D, 600D, 650D, 700D and the EOS-M)
other ones have freezing live view while recording 10/12 bit video.


A brief summary of the test MLV-REC 10bit RAW on 600D:
RAW_twk - works
MLV_ snd - works
Most of the raw-videos converted with MLV_dump are badly decoded.



600D | 5D3 | macOS Sierra | http://www.GentleDogMovie.com



Can you update the first post with the latest results?

- what works at the moment
- tools for process on pc or/and mac at the moment

It's just a couple of lines.

Thank you.


Using 18dec build and the crop marks or actual pixels aren't shown in live view on 113 5D3. If I remembered correct the 4 Dec showed correct crop/actual pixels while recording. Anyone experiencing the same? Problem is that it's impossible to frame while rolling. Best, David
5D3 [size=6pt](OLPF removed)[/size] :: 1.1.3 :: Canon FD L Serie


Quote from: D_Odell on December 20, 2016, 07:23:53 PM
Using 18dec build and the crop marks or actual pixels aren't shown in live view on 113 5D3.

5D3.113 has the most amount of downloads by far so someone should be able to comment on that.

Just for fun, here are the download counts of the December 18 test builds. Checkmarks are for cameras that are working with CONFIG_EDMAC_RAW_SLURP:


Quote from: DavidSh on December 20, 2016, 09:26:14 AM
Any news on 5d3.123?

That is a bit more challenging to build and I don't have a camera to check it out but here's a build for any 5D3.123 user who would like to check it out--please report your findings.


Quote from: budafilms on December 20, 2016, 03:54:20 PM

Can you update the first post with the latest results?

@d started this topic on May 22, 2013, has only made 6 posts and hasn't been seen on the forum for over two years.


Quote from: D_Odell on December 20, 2016, 07:23:53 PM
Using 18dec build and the crop marks or actual pixels aren't shown in live view on 113 5D3. If I remembered correct the 4 Dec showed correct crop/actual pixels while recording. Anyone experiencing the same? Problem is that it's impossible to frame while rolling. Best, David

I try the 18dec 5DIII there is no crop_rec and when I zoom record I don't have good liveview...

May be dfort do some test before adding crop_rec ?


Quote from: MAG on December 20, 2016, 08:51:13 PM
May be dfort do some test before adding crop_rec ?

I'm doing test builds of just the raw_video_10bit_12bit branch for now. The crop_rec module is only working for the 5D3 and EOSM, is on a different branch and I don't want to introduce yet another variable until all possible cameras are working. If you want to experiment with crop_rec try merging branches--it really isn't that hard to compile and there are several tutorials in the General Development Discussion area of the forum.


10bit raw - video test /build 18dec 2016/



:: EOS 600D ::
MLV_REC + MLV_SND, ISO 400, 1728x648, 23,98fps

Most of recorded videos are fine.
Some of them are bad decoded. Some of videos are without sound.

Original video file:


5d3 113 mlv + sound 10, 12 & 14 bit seams to be working for me as well.


Gonna try 123 later.


Quote from: MAG on December 20, 2016, 08:51:13 PM
If you want to experiment with crop_rec try merging branches--it really isn't that hard to compile and there are several tutorials in the General Development Discussion area of the forum.
It is not easy. There are many conflicts when merging Unified into crop_rec branch.
Canon 5D3,1.1.3; Canon EOS M,202,  CF-SanDisk Extreme PRO,160MB/s, 256GB, SD-SanDisk Extreme Pro, 170MB/s, 128GB.


ok, put 10 and 12bit into raw2cdng. if someone s still using this tool :)
[size=2]phreekz * blog * twitter[/size]


Quote from: chmee on December 21, 2016, 01:22:54 PM
ok, put 10 and 12bit into raw2cdng. if someone s still using this tool :)

Of course, im still using your soft as mlv viewer and extractor. Thanks for your update.


Ali Oliya

Why this 10bit/12bit build is not available for download in  nightly builds? (5d3 - 1.1.3)

Walter Schulz

Because it is still in development. There is a "main repository" containing code considered to be tested/evaluated/peer reviewed. New features will tested by whoever dares to do so (= not afraid taking additional risks) in so called "branches". If (and only if) a dev is convinced code has been verified it will make it into "main" and then you will find it in the nightlies.

If you want to test this one (and taking all the responsibilities) you may use downloads compiled by members or build your own development environment. There are some quite good tutorials by dfort working perfectly for beginners like me.


Test of 10bit RAW_REC with EOS 600D.
Build: "magiclantern-raw_video_10bit_12bit.2016Dec18.600D102.zip"
RAW_REC, ISO 400-800, 1728x972, shutter: 1/15s, 12fps (postprocess: RawTherapee, Virtualdub, Avisynth, Kdenlive)
Original video file: https://ulozto.cz/!SbnYaSK0n6gx/karvina-frystat-2016-avi

Danne: thank you for the advice ;-)


As seen some post before, eNnvi tried to make CONFIG_EDMAC_RAW_SLURP work on the 6d.
One thing is working, live view doesn't freeze anymore when recording 10/12 bit on the 6d  :D
However new problem now is, the recording gives scrambled/pink frames  :(

So we're halfway there...
Since live view works, the address for CONFIG_EDMAC_RAW_SLURP is probably right and looks like this in the 'raw.c' file:
#ifdef CONFIG_6D
// found at 0xFFCE513C (ram func)
#define DEFAULT_RAW_BUFFER MEM(0x76d6c + 0x2C)

Question is now, why do we end up with scrambled/pink frames. Are we not using a right free edmac channel in 'edmac-memcpy.c' ?
which is configured as follows:
#if defined(CONFIG_650D) || defined(CONFIG_700D) || defined(CONFIG_EOSM) || defined(CONFIG_6D)
uint32_t raw_write_chan = 0x12;

I'm not an expert in this, but I'm wondering why some camera addresses are written as 0xXX and for other camera's like the 5d3 for example as a plain normal number:

/* for other cameras, find a free channel with find_free_edmac_channels  */
#ifdef CONFIG_5D3
uint32_t raw_write_chan = 4;

I'm wondering if I could brick my camera when trying out a normal written number address for the 6d like:
#ifdef CONFIG_6D
uint32_t raw_write_chan = 8;

eNnvi mentions that the scrambled/pink frames problem could also be due to wrong edmac flag settings.
We tried both options for 6d, the first one gives pink frames, the second gives scrambled frames.
/* see wiki, register map, EDMAC what the flags mean. they are for setting up copy block size */
#if defined(CONFIG_650D) || defined(CONFIG_700D) || defined(CONFIG_EOSM) || defined(CONFIG_6D)
    uint32_t dmaFlags = 0x20000000;
    uint32_t dmaFlags = 0x20001000;

So anybody got suggestions how to get this working, and is it safe to try out some different free edmac channels, or will it brick my camera when I pick the wrong one?