50D Raw video

Started by Andy600, May 22, 2013, 03:40:57 PM

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Quote from: ultramaze on July 04, 2013, 05:36:55 AM
Here is a little test film I threw together. Love the 50D and I love my girlfriend :)


Oh, this is you Dave! Its me, Dan. :)
Resolve Addict. ML RAW Addict. Contagious.


Brilliant color! Did you use a Print LUT? Resolve?

At 0:05, I knew it was gonna be a mindblow.
Resolve Addict. ML RAW Addict. Contagious.


This will solve your purple magenta fringing/moire problem in resolve...



New 50D user here.. :)
I succeded in having everything working and recording RAW video, but I have problems in post.
I used Raw2DNG (PC) to convert the files, photoshop opens the files correctly but DaVinci opens a tiny preview in magenta tint as big as an icon.
What's wrong? Can somebody help me?
BMCC - 50D - D5200 - Nex5N


Quote from: riccardocovino on July 04, 2013, 03:50:59 PM
New 50D user here.. :)
I succeded in having everything working and recording RAW video, but I have problems in post.
I used Raw2DNG (PC) to convert the files, photoshop opens the files correctly but DaVinci opens a tiny preview in magenta tint as big as an icon.
What's wrong? Can somebody help me?

You need raw2cdng by Chmee. Search the forum for the topic ;)
Colorist working with Davinci Resolve, Baselight, Nuke, After Effects & Premier Pro. Occasional Sunday afternoon DOP. Developer of Cinelog-C Colorspace Management and LUTs - www.cinelogdcp.com


I use Andy600's last build. When i'm in 5x crop mode, and record a video, the image is not in the center. When i watch recorded meterial, i see that it slided to the left. Is it the way to record centered video in 5x crop mode?


Go to zoom box settings in the menu and change to snap to 5x center. When you're in crop mode (zoomed) press the joystick ;)
Colorist working with Davinci Resolve, Baselight, Nuke, After Effects & Premier Pro. Occasional Sunday afternoon DOP. Developer of Cinelog-C Colorspace Management and LUTs - www.cinelogdcp.com


Quote from: ultramaze on July 04, 2013, 05:36:55 AM
Here is a little test film I threw together. Love the 50D and I love my girlfriend :)


Beautiful footage you making the 50D shine.  What was your workflow?  ACR into Davinci, or RawMagic straight into Davinci?  Did you use any sharpening?


Quote from: Andy600 on July 04, 2013, 03:59:23 PM
Go to zoom box settings in the menu and change to snap to 5x center. When you're in crop mode (zoomed) press the joystick ;)
Hmm, it does not work. I set "snap to 5x center" and in the crop mode when i press joystick (center, not left or right) the image just jumped to the left a bit. When i try to record, the image is still not on the center. I press joystick again and it jumpes again to the left and to the top a little bit.


Quote from: Andy600 on July 04, 2013, 03:55:30 PM
You need raw2cdng by Chmee. Search the forum for the topic ;)

It worked, thanks!

Info on settings in ML, conversion and editing in main softwares are scattered through 80+ pages of topic, would you think it could be of great help to sum it up on first topic?

richt now it has links to other posts regarding installation of ML and RAW modules, but nothing from then on.

thank you again for all the great efforts of coders, users, forum moderators!
BMCC - 50D - D5200 - Nex5N


Quote from: riccardocovino on July 04, 2013, 05:03:46 PM
It worked, thanks!

Info on settings in ML, conversion and editing in main softwares are scattered through 80+ pages of topic, would you think it could be of great help to sum it up on first topic?

richt now it has links to other posts regarding installation of ML and RAW modules, but nothing from then on.

thank you again for all the great efforts of coders, users, forum moderators!

It's not camera specific and there are already topics for setting up and shooting raw plus all the conversion options etc but I will add the relevant post links to the first post when I have a few mins spare.
Colorist working with Davinci Resolve, Baselight, Nuke, After Effects & Premier Pro. Occasional Sunday afternoon DOP. Developer of Cinelog-C Colorspace Management and LUTs - www.cinelogdcp.com


Got my CF card today, went with a 64gb 600x Komputerbay since no one appeared to have test that yet... it's garbage. Was advertised as 60 mb/s and 90 mb/s, but the write speed is 24 mb/s, and the read is 20 mb/s. Ridiculous.

Edit: Did the first test in the afternoon, running the benchmark again, write speed is 17.5 mb/s, read is 8.4 mb/s... it's a dud


I posted about this card about 2-3 times on this tread and others advising not to buy it and saw similar experiances from other people. Some reading would have saved you the hassle of sending it back ;)
50D, Komputarbay 1000x 32gb, Tokina at-x 24-40, Centon 50f1.7, 55-250 IS II, zoom H1


on 50D i'm seeing the Canon full color screen when in ML Grayscale until i hit record then it switches to grayscale.
(recent unified build)
Movie -> Raw Video -> Preview ->ML Grayscale
is this a bug? is this happening on the tragic builds from 1%?
also, the 50D ML grayscale is beautifully detailed in comparison to ML grayscale on 5D3.

note: for those PM'ing me about pink frames - you should not get pink frames in any recent build.
when the white point  (set in the exif) of the DNG is above the actual white level you will see a pink frame.
these bugs were fixed weeks ago.
do not be fooled by pink preview images.
if you have a DNG from a recent build which is pink when viewed in gimp or a commercial tool then that is a bug.
post the DNG image and build info to the forum.

@ultramaze thanks for the video - like the hand held vérité shots in the car - parthenon is not a bad place for a picnic. 8)


Hi everyone. This is my first post on a ML forum. Just bought a 50D and really hope to make some tests too.

I'm having trouble to get a fast CF card, though. Since the 50D can't be as fast as a 5D3 because of the RAM, can someone help me on this one? I know that Komputerbay 1000x has the best perfomance for price by now, but I can't find who could ship me a card: I'm in Brazil. And I searched on eBay, Amazon and so on, all with answers like "we can't ship to Brazil right now".  :-\

I could buy a Lexar 1000x, but it's just too expensive and I don't know if I'll need all that. So, I started reading everything here and, aside tests of a Komputerbay on a 50D, all I found was some guy complaining about the Transcend 1000x 16GB.


Sugestions, options, anyone?


Quotealso, the 50D ML grayscale is beautifully detailed in comparison to ML grayscale on 5D3.

I told you before - if it's that beautifully detailed, it's not ML grayscale, it's Canon LiveView with a workaround for masking the pink tint.

ML grayscale is for correct framing. You can't have it at realtime speed, just as you can't playback FullHD video on a 486.

1% enabled display filters. You probably need to do the same thing; I'd research a more robust method instead, using the EDMAC, because the 5D2 method leaves LiveView in a "hacked" state (single-buffered, with tearing).


Quote from: bzhwindtalker on July 04, 2013, 08:04:02 PM
I posted about this card about 2-3 times on this tread and others advising not to buy it and saw similar experiances from other people. Some reading would have saved you the hassle of sending it back ;)

I did that, but there was only ever talk about the 32 gig version (or I missed it).


Quote from: a1ex on July 04, 2013, 08:23:38 PM
I told you before - if it's that beautifully detailed, it's not ML grayscale, it's Canon LiveView with a workaround for masking the pink tint.

1% enabled display filters. You probably need to do the same thing; I'd research a more robust method instead, using the EDMAC, because the 5D2 method leaves LiveView in a "hacked" state (single-buffered, with tearing).
yes - sorry for any repetition - thank you - wanted to alert the 50D users and ask if it was different on 1% builds.
so on 50D it is not ML Grayscale - rather gray covering up the pink.


Quote from: Molinsky on July 04, 2013, 08:19:59 PM
Hi everyone. This is my first post on a ML forum. Just bought a 50D and really hope to make some tests too.

I'm having trouble to get a fast CF card, though. Since the 50D can't be as fast as a 5D3 because of the RAM, can someone help me on this one? I know that Komputerbay 1000x has the best perfomance for price by now, but I can't find who could ship me a card: I'm in Brazil. And I searched on eBay, Amazon and so on, all with answers like "we can't ship to Brazil right now".  :-\

I could buy a Lexar 1000x, but it's just too expensive and I don't know if I'll need all that. So, I started reading everything here and, aside tests of a Komputerbay on a 50D, all I found was some guy complaining about the Transcend 1000x 16GB.


Sugestions, options, anyone?

Estou proximo de SP talves possa ajuda-lo,  estou fazendo experiencia com duas 50D. Por favor mande um PM abraços


Quoteso on 50D it is not ML Grayscale - rather gray covering up the pink.

Either you have the ML preview of the raw or you have the desaturated "canon" preview in zoom mode.
Both are gray but one shows you the whole frame, the other just a tiny window.


Quote from: funkysensation on July 04, 2013, 01:47:30 PM
This will solve your purple magenta fringing/moire problem in resolve...


The free version of resolve has the denoiser disabled. Just so you know. Perhaps, it's best to do the defringing in ACR or lightroom, save the images, then work in resolve for coloring.


QuoteThe free version of resolve has the denoiser disabled. Just so you know. Perhaps, it's best to do the defringing in ACR or lightroom, save the images, then work in resolve for coloring.

I just tried this technique yesterday, but instead of the noise reduction on the chroma node, I used blur. Has pretty much the same effect. I still prefer a pass through ACR though rather than bringing in the the CinemaDNG files directly into Resolve.

Still trying to find the optimal workflow, but am slightly stumped. Would be cool to know what other 50d shooters are doing.


CANON 50D- My Mercedes Raw test shoot video

Here's a another quick test of the Magic Lantern Raw firmware on my Canon 50D.
I wanted to see how much I could push the contrast and shadows, but still maintain visibility of the subject ( in this case, car) I was filming.
Camera: Canon 50D with Magic Lantern Raw firmware
Lens: Tokina 11-16mm
Workflow: RAWMagic, AE, ACR, Final Cut
Latest Build: https://bitbucket.org/GregoryOfManhattan/magic-lantern/downloads/magiclantern-2013Jun28.50D.109.go.unified.3ecd254bdba1.zip


Quote from: menoc on July 05, 2013, 05:20:31 AM
The free version of resolve has the denoiser disabled. Just so you know. Perhaps, it's best to do the defringing in ACR or lightroom, save the images, then work in resolve for coloring.

Would the CDNGs open in ACR and still be recognized by resolve?


Quote from: artiswar on July 05, 2013, 12:33:24 PM
Would the CDNGs open in ACR and still be recognized by resolve?
If you make adjustments on the raw it's no raw anymore.