5D2 RAW video Builds 14-Bit

Started by a.d., May 20, 2013, 05:27:13 PM

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ted ramasola

I would say the temp is not unusual.
5DmkII  / 7D


I would say the same thing as Ted .
At 60GB Temp around 61-62 degree C
There is times it will spike to 68 degree C if I'm push it with multiplies card record with hdmi.
Stop for 5 -10 min cools down quickly . You will know when you camera to hot when it starts to have
functions error.  :)


Quote from: ted ramasola on January 17, 2014, 05:16:18 PM
I would say the temp is not unusual.

I would even say: It's harmless!
Your sensor is build upon silicon transistors. And silicon can stand a lot of temerature (many hundred degrees). It's just, that components around (like housings, wires, etc.) will tire from too much heat.
But: Your camera has a build-in shut-down-safety-feature. And this feature starts long before the temerature becomes really critical!

In other word: Don't worry!  ;)

By the way: Transistors build into your computer operate all day long at temperatures beyond 50 or 60 degrees (irregardless normal cooling). And it does not harm them as well.
5D2 ML RAW + VAF-5D2b: http://vimeo.com/69350650


Dear a_d and fellas :)

Is it just me or is it like that for everyone that when you use Magic Zoom window during recording the writing speed is dropped to 20-22Mb/s from 64-70Mb/s?

This applies to at least builds from Oct-24, Dec-30 and Jan-14 which all of them I have tried. I have tried to solve this issue with reformatting the card multiple times and using different settings etc... So I am just not using MZ window during recording now, but the window would be very useful to have for refocusing during panning. Thanks :)

My setup:
Canon 5DMKII
Lexar x1000 64Gb

Modified settings:
Magic Zoom: F+HS, Med, TL, 2:1
Cropmarks: CINESCO2.BMP
FPS Override 23.976
RAW video: 1880x800
Aspect ratio: 2.35:1
Preview: Canon
Small hacks: ON


Thanks for the info guys, got a 128 gig card but dont think i'll ever record that long a take.

but good to know I got ability to do so.. Well except for the recent posts about the recording stopping prematurely at 10 gig or was it 10k frames?
once you go raw you never go back

ted ramasola

Current builds stop at 40gig.  A.d. 's Jan 6 MLV_rec.mo is ok. Non stop till card is full.
5DmkII  / 7D

Canon eos m

Folks, did you notice that files processed as a RAW + WMV package on the MLV Browser are more noiser after DNG conversion than files that are directly DNG + WMV! Or, is it just me?

Another thing, I just figured out how to get the MLV + sound thing going. Downloaded the latest build (19/01/2014) and replaced the mlv related files with the mlv module files. Ran the files through the MLV Browser and the rest is history. A few things that I have not been able to figure out still. When even I use RAW or MLV to record files, I am let down when there is no second chance - like going out with the kids and catching them playing and having fun. It happened yesterday and I just gave up on the whole thing and came back to the tried and trusted H.264 recording on my 5D3.

So my question - what is the most reliable and trusted fps, frame size, setting to record raw / mlv sound and video so that things always turn out as per expectation. I have 32GB Lexar 1000X, Komputerbay 128GB 1000X and Scandisk Extreme 95Kbps cards.

Next question - I have kept all the builds since the last 1 month or so. With the g3gg0's mlv module and the 19/01/2014 build in camera can I delete all the older ones from my computer.

Last question - what is the mlv_dump file used for?
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


Hey guys!

I am playing with mlv+snd and love it! Especially with Davinci Resolve the workflow got as easy as h.264 just a lot more powerful.

After processing the .mlv-file with the latest version of mlv_dump on my mac i always end up with wav-files that are a little bit longer than the raw-material and audio is not perfectly sync.

I use the latest a.d.-build from Jan 14. I do not use FPS-Override and Davinci Resolve is set to 23.976 fps.

ted ramasola

Yes, its normal.

Almost always, nudge back the WAV track by 2 frames. Sometimes, but rarely, 3 frames. And the wav track is always longer by approximately 8 to 10 frames. Just cut it off.

If recording is cut abruptly, by say skip frames or card full. The characteristics of you file will be as follows.
The wav file will be much shorter.
The video file will have some missing frames in the tail end resulting in chunks of frames not continuous in number from the main video file. No biggie, just delete them in your timeline.
5DmkII  / 7D


Quote from: Canon eos m on January 19, 2014, 09:38:34 AM
Folks, did you notice that files processed as a RAW + WMV package on the MLV Browser are more noiser after DNG conversion than files that are directly DNG + WMV! Or, is it just me?

I actually haven't but now you made me paranoid and have to go do a test.

Do you have any examples?
once you go raw you never go back


Quote from: reddeercity on January 18, 2014, 04:05:46 AM
I would say the same thing as Ted .
At 60GB Temp around 61-62 degree C
There is times it will spike to 68 degree C if I'm push it with multiplies card record with hdmi.
Stop for 5 -10 min cools down quickly . You will know when you camera to hot when it starts to have
functions error.  :)

I'm want to do some test before I film a Economic Segment for a News show, I want to test out the MLV so I can use the Jan 6 build with Jan 14 MLV.SND? If I use .RAW I need to use Oct 24th build for Stability.
Canon 5D Mark II


Quote from: dariSSight on January 20, 2014, 02:31:21 PM
I'm want to do some test before I film a Economic Segment for a News show, I want to test out the MLV so I can use the Jan 6 build with Jan 14 MLV.SND? If I use .RAW I need to use Oct 24th build for Stability.
That's right,  Oct24th for .raw and mlv+audio jan14th for audio & jan 6th or any nighty built mlv_rec before that to jan1st.  :)
I'm curious, do you use any add on gear e.g. evf , monitor, backup(hard drive recorder) etc. ?
I'm doing a beginners guides video for ML Raw/MLV+Audio on the 5D2, for "Newbe's" . I will be cover
everything from installing ML raw, straight thought filming , post & trouble shooting problems,  and I just wanted some input for you  ;D

That's goes for anyone, if you have some input for this I would like to hear from you.
Specially if you had problem installing or filming, Thanks 


It's an expected behaviour, 'cause your settings max out the usage of CPU and Raw Buffer.

Thanks, atleast I know what caused the bug now!

@Canon eos m
MLVViewSharp is the gui + mlv_dump and mlv_dump is the programm ...
Did you already try following settings on 5D3?
Card spanning On (CF+SD)
Memory Hack On
Small Hacks On

It's possible to stop in synch, however it generates more CPU Load and Buffer Allocation, that means less writing speed. Currently the stop concept is  sequential: the video and then the sound, so you'll get more audio data in general.

Oct24 Raw: max file size is around 43GB and it fixed in the latest release.

Tutorial: maybe a setup picture of HDMI Recorder + EVF?


Quote from: reddeercity on January 20, 2014, 08:25:20 PM
That's right,  Oct24th for .raw and mlv+audio jan14th for audio & jan 6th or any nighty built mlv_rec before that to jan1st.  :)
I'm curious, do you use any add on gear e.g. evf , monitor, backup(hard drive recorder) etc. ?
I'm doing a beginners guides video for ML Raw/MLV+Audio on the 5D2, for "Newbe's" . I will be cover
everything from installing ML raw, straight thought filming , post & trouble shooting problems,  and I just wanted some input for you  ;D

That's goes for anyone, if you have some input for this I would like to hear from you.
Specially if you had problem installing or filming, Thanks
I have monitors, rode mic and I'm looking into Hardrive offloads. I have a 7in Haier Monitor but I can't get an output from my Canon 5D Mark II. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!
Canon 5D Mark II

ted ramasola

if you don't use magic lantern, can you output to your haier monitor?
5DmkII  / 7D


Quote from: dariSSight on January 21, 2014, 01:58:56 AM
I have a 7in Haier Monitor but I can't get an output from my Canon 5D Mark II. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!
I did some research, on this monitor and what I found was its only component (RGB) and not HDMI.
If that's right then you need a hdmi to component converter box ,did a quick search and found this
but its $99.0 It maybe better to look for a hdmi monitor.   


What do you people think.
In 5DM2 RAW mode: does it make sense to go for negative digital gain (-0,3 for example)?
And should i film in 100 or 160 ISO steps?



In movie mode RAW, 160 = 200 = 250.

Digital gain only affects the preview.


Quote from: a1ex on January 21, 2014, 09:21:53 AM
In movie mode RAW, 160 = 200 = 250.

Digital gain only affects the preview.

OK - So it makes no difference if i choose 160 or 200 or 250 (of course correctly exposed - ettr) ?


Quote from: reddeercity on January 21, 2014, 06:52:19 AM
I did some research, on this monitor and what I found was its only component (RGB) and not HDMI.
If that's right then you need a hdmi to component converter box ,did a quick search and found this
but its $99.0 It maybe better to look for a hdmi monitor.

I have HDMI monitors but I want to put the Haier on a rig but I use a HDMI monitor. I think the HDMI ON the 5D Mark II is an microHDMI input right?
Canon 5D Mark II


Quote from: ted ramasola on January 21, 2014, 05:01:46 AM
if you don't use magic lantern, can you output to your haier monitor?
Checking, I will get back to you.
Canon 5D Mark II

ted ramasola

Quote from: dariSSight on January 21, 2014, 11:48:02 AM
I think the HDMI ON the 5D Mark II is an microHDMI input right?

it is mini hdmi not micro. micro is smaller than mini.

Make sure you use HDMI to connect to monitor not the AV out cable.
5DmkII  / 7D

Canon eos m

Quote from: a.d. on January 20, 2014, 08:40:28 PM
It's an expected behaviour, 'cause your settings max out the usage of CPU and Raw Buffer.

Thanks, atleast I know what caused the bug now!

@Canon eos m
MLVViewSharp is the gui + mlv_dump and mlv_dump is the programm ...
Did you already try following settings on 5D3?
Card spanning On (CF+SD)
Memory Hack On
Small Hacks On

It's possible to stop in synch, however it generates more CPU Load and Buffer Allocation, that means less writing speed. Currently the stop concept is  sequential: the video and then the sound, so you'll get more audio data in general.

Oct24 Raw: max file size is around 43GB and it fixed in the latest release.

Tutorial: maybe a setup picture of HDMI Recorder + EVF?

Will try your suggested settings. Thx. One more thing, if I load the *.snd file on the module with the 20th Jan build on my 5D3 it crashes - over and over. How do I share the crash log with developers.
Canon 5D Mark III, Gopro Hero Blacks with 3D Casing, A Few Lenses, Adobe CC 2014, MacBook Pro, Windows 8 PC, Lots of Video Rig!

Started Nuke. Loved it but then the 15 day trial ran out. Back to After Effects and loving it :-)


Hello guys,
How to get the "white rectangle recording frame" back?
I can not see the framing when using 2.35:1 mode, for example- like I used to.


Can't get a clear answer to this : does raw video + dual iso doable with 5D2 please ? My dual iso seems to be greyed out on live view and only active on photo mode.
Thanks and long live ML !