raw2dng.app 0.13 Osx GUI development, bugs and updates

Started by scrax, May 19, 2013, 03:15:09 PM

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Quote from: mkrjf on October 09, 2013, 06:56:04 AM
It seems the latest version of raw2dng is .13 - but it also seems to be older than latest builds of ML.
Renato mentioned in another forum (or responded to someone) that there are several identically labeled versions of raw2dng.
Really? How would we know which is which?
And better yet someone posts they finally found the newest one but provided no link or details.
I also am finding that it seems to be outputting 422 not 444. Asked once or twice if others could confirm and I only see a few others claiming output is 422.
If you know where the answers are in the forum please post or private message me.

I know you can choose dragging the icon over the icon in the dock some options as 4444 Yes, and define the folder to extract. Maybe devs can develop two option:  Proxy version at 720 to visualize , and 4444 full res.


My resolution is still not changed. Looking further the cause.


I have some problems with prores files converted from sequences of over 4,3GB. I read somewhere that it was possible to drag and drop directly .RAW and .R00 files in rawtodng but it doesn't work for me, so I first join them using terminal like explained here on other topics and then convert the resulting .RAW file. Converting it to .dng seems to work well (apart from a pink picture on the last frame) but the prores file does not seem to work. I'm doing this on a OS X Maverick platform. I am doing right now some intense work using a 50D with huge amount of footage, so I need the simplest solution possible to have prores files. Anybody might have an insight ?

Best Regards,


Quote from: speakingcake on October 26, 2013, 04:21:01 PM
I have some problems with prores files converted from sequences of over 4,3GB. I read somewhere that it was possible to drag and drop directly .RAW and .R00 files in rawtodng but it doesn't work for me, so I first join them using terminal like explained here on other topics and then convert the resulting .RAW file. Converting it to .dng seems to work well (apart from a pink picture on the last frame) but the prores file does not seem to work. I'm doing this on a OS X Maverick platform. I am doing right now some intense work using a 50D with huge amount of footage, so I need the simplest solution possible to have prores files. Anybody might have an insight ?

Best Regards,

How do you use the .R00 files? I have a few from my project today.
Canon 5D Mark II


Quote from: dariSSight on October 27, 2013, 12:27:03 AM
How do you use the .R00 files? I have a few from my project today.

Search ¨spanning files raw magic lantern¨.

Good shots!


How can you set it up so that it recognizes the camera, instead of embedded canikon?


it's not working in Mavericks, the last OSX from Apple!


Quote from: budafilms on November 06, 2013, 06:14:23 AM
it's not working in Mavericks, the last OSX from Apple!

I'm running Mavericks and it's working fine.


Can you post your version? I can't run in Mavericks, I have three computers and is not working.


I'm having trouble with OSX Mavericks as well.

Can someone please post a link to a version that runs in Mavericks?

Is there a way to convert .MLV files to DNG? (an what are the .idx files for?)


I run the latest version in the first post and maverick. Upgraded from 10.6 so probably have a lot of old code still in there :)


I have used a free app called Data Glue and it is great for Mac. Just rename the files file.001, file.002...etc. (ensuring that the number acts as file extension and there is not a hidden extension, you can see that in file properties) drag and drop in the app and rename the resulting file adding the .RAW extension in the name. ???


Quote from: dariSSight on October 27, 2013, 12:27:03 AM
How do you use the .R00 files? I have a few from my project today.

in terminal, you can use =
cd NameOfDirectoryWhereYourFilesAre
cat Mxx-hhmm.RAW Mxx-hhmm.R00 Mxx-hhmm.R01 Mxx-hhmm.R02 Mxx-hhmm.R03 > Mxx-hhmm-complete.RAW




raw2dng converter GUI for OsX
Beta ver.0.13

/Volumes/Untitled/DCIM/100EOS5D/M13-0326.MLV File not Supported


Hallo everybody,
I'm on Mac Mavericks and I've just started to use raw2dng but it convert my native .raw in a quicktime mov and nont in a .dng sequence...? What is wrong?

Second question: I used RAwMagic and I'd like to know which are the differnt and if raw2dng can clean better my native raw which are full noise also if I use always ISO 100 until max 320 (DAY). I've Canon 60D.

Many thanks!


hi there
I have downloaded raw2dng file for osx but couldn't install it
somehow my macbook doesn't accept it
is there some body knows how to install it??


Hello scrax,
since a few days now there's a discussion about the future resolutions available for the 5D2 (and maybe other cameras).

It started with a1ex:

Quote from: a1ex on March 14, 2014, 09:55:26 PM
The horizontal resolution is restricted to multiples of 8 bytes and 16 pixels according to latest findings. This restriction is valid at least for 5D3 and 6D (didn't do much testing on other cameras), but I'd like to keep the code portable without camera-specific exceptions.

So, before including this change in nightly builds, I'd like to ask you which is better: 1888 with 8 pixels of black border that you will have to crop, or 1856 without any border pixels? Between these 2 values, there are no valid resolutions that respect the alignment restrictions.

This change was discussed here:


In my opinion, it would be no problem to simply discard black borders from an image while converting to dng:

Quote from: guentergunter on March 24, 2014, 08:39:02 AM
...and it's also no coding effort to discard pixels while converting to dng. The user wouldn't even realize it!
This way, no one has to crop anything actively in post! It's simply done in background in the ever necessary converting (to dng) step.

I'm no programmer (just some very basic skills).
Thus it would be really great, if you could just leave a little comment about it as a programmer to help us sort things out for the 5D2 (and other cameras with the same problem):

Specific 5D2 threat

Thank you very much!
5D2 ML RAW + VAF-5D2b: http://vimeo.com/69350650


I hope this is the right place to post this--I spent a lot of time searching and reading until I finally arrived here.

So the situation is like this, a brand new EOS-M camera and a new MacBook Pro. Shooting RAW in 1280x720 3x-crop. Using raw2dng.app 0.13 to make DNG image sequence and ProRes QuickTime. Works great but--pink dots! The PinkDotRemoval Java app doesn't work on my Mac or a Windows box. It is broken and has been unmaintained for a while now. What does work is A1ex's raw2dng_cs2x2_ahdlike_noise.exe -- unfortunately it only seems to be available for Windows.

Is there any way to get raw2dng_cs2x2_ahdlike_noise as an OSX app?

Thanks again to all the developers for these amazing applications!


Any way to get the DNGs to include the source filename? Right now it exports DNGs as a 6-digit number sequence that is not-unique. Can it be set up to be "sourcefilename_6digitnumbersequence"?

For instance, source filename = MR_5722. DNG convert folder contains DNGs named "MR_5722_000000" etc etc.



Just to be clear, the ProRes files that are created by raw2dng -- are they just proxy files for editing? I assume so, and that "prores_kostya" is a lower bitrate variety of ProRes that's not equivalent to HQ, but wanted to make sure before doing a bunch of redundant work by bringing the DNGs into AE.

Thanks for your help!



El Capitan, and the osx gui version isnt working for me.
I get

raw2dng converter GUI for OsX
Beta ver.0.13

/Users/Helen/Desktop/RawTest/M16-2115.MLV File not Supported

Any suggestions?
7D - 3D Artist and VFX/Motion Graphics Artist