RAW Video Post processing (raw2dng) [Mac/Win/Linux]

Started by g3gg0, May 14, 2013, 11:42:07 AM

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Hi out there.
is it possible do convert several RAW files at once to dng-files and get in that step also a second version of converted video files? ...something like a mirror to start work on and see whitch takes are needed. that files could be small - just to edit and watch them and get a cut of your movie before bringing the necessary dng files for gradingn etc in.
The question is: do i need to convert every RAW file to a videofile manually before start editing? a tool wich i could run over night and spit out dng files and a video file would be awesome. Or a tip for the workflow in Adobe CS6.

Im very amazed of the RAW quality out of the 5d3 - thank you guys for your work!!!

If there is a thread about that question already - i did not see it.

thank you for any informations! Regards from Vienna  :)



Just downloaded and installed the nightly build for Jan23 on my 60D to test out the RAW workflow. Everythings been good until I try and open the DNG files from RAW2DNG (which I just downloaded from the link at the beginning of this post,  http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5404.0). My Photoshop CS6 with Camera Raw 8.3 says "Photoshop cannot open this file...if you are trying to open up a raw file from a digital camera make sure you have the latest camera raw update...etc". Camera Raw 8.3 is meant to be the latest for CS6. In camera I am able to play back the RAW files using the playback option, so I feel like those files should be OK. And the converter seems to do its thing normally as well. Any ideas?

If anyone wants I can send you one of the DNG files and see if you can open it.



Updated raw2dng.exe (small metadata fix from Andy600).

Also added raw2dng_cs2x2.exe for cameras with pink dots (650D, 700D, EOS M) - you may know it from the PinkDotRemover thread. It's a quick one-size-fits-all solution to pink dots, but it uses no knowledge about the position of these dots (which means it might remove some useful detail too). Use it when PDR doesn't work.



I'm getting pink DNG files I have searched the forums but cant find too much on it. How can I avoid getting these pink images?

The raw2dng spits out a prores that looks fine but the dng's are all pink? :S

I think I can fix them in lightroom but just wondering why

I tried raw2dng and RAWMagic
www.thomasridout.com - www.twitter.com/thomasridout - www.facebook.com/thomasridout

Canon 5d mk ii - 85mm 1.8 - 50mm 1.8 - 40mm 2.8 - Rokinon 14mm - 28-135mm IS - FD 70-210mm - FD 50mm 1.8


Used the linked file for raw2dng.exe from a1ex two posts above and everything's working now...Thanks!


When I use raw2dng I get a set of DNGs which are nearly the same size than the raw file. Because these files are size of GB, I would like to save hard disk space. Are the DNG the same quality than RAW or is a lossy algorithm used? Should I drop RAW and keep DNG, so I can drop additional single DNGs similar to cut the movie to relevant parts?


raw2dng does some small corrections like fixing vertical stripes (banding) or bad pixels, but other than that it's lossless.

There are other tools that can save files with a lower bit depth (lossy). You can also use Adobe DNG Converter (can do both lossy and lossless compression). If you use MLV, you have some lossless compression options too.


and baldand is developing a lossless/lossy compression with up to 65% saving for MLV (for offline archiving, not during record)
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Simple question but answer seems hard to find (at least for me): where can I get the last version of raw2dng for OS X?

I saw A1ex post a few lines above with a link to Windows version but I'm currently running OS X.



Quote from: g3gg0 on February 05, 2014, 01:43:24 PM
and baldand is developing a lossless/lossy compression with up to 65% saving for MLV (for offline archiving, not during record)

Yay! \o/ I've been wondering how I'd store these ungodly file sizes.

What's the future for MLV btw? (any "roadmaps"?)


Thanks Danne for the links but I cannot find raw2dng inside the Zip  :(


Quote from: thomasridout on January 27, 2014, 03:49:13 AM

I'm getting pink DNG files I have searched the forums but cant find too much on it. How can I avoid getting these pink images?

The raw2dng spits out a prores that looks fine but the dng's are all pink? :S

I think I can fix them in lightroom but just wondering why

I tried raw2dng and RAWMagic

I too have been searching for an answer to this problem.  All of the my DNG's that come from Raw2DNG are completely overlayed with pink. When I open them in ACR, the pink is not there.  But when opened in Resolve, it looks terrible.  Ive tried using RAW Magic also, and the files are even worse in Resolve.

RAW2DNG sample http://s226.photobucket.com/user/donnyriz/media/Screenshot2014-02-09at121629PM.png.html
RAW2DNG in resolve http://s226.photobucket.com/user/donnyriz/media/Screenshot2014-02-09at123103PM.png.html

RawMagic in Resolve  http://s226.photobucket.com/user/donnyriz/media/Screenshot2014-02-09at122633PM.png.html

I would rather be able to open the DNGs right in resolve rather than going through ACR first.

Anyone else have this issue?


Quote from: Donnyriz on February 09, 2014, 09:33:53 PM
I too have been searching for an answer to this problem.  All of the my DNG's that come from Raw2DNG are completely overlayed with pink.
use the converter of Chmee, http://www.phreekz.de/wordpress/2013/06/magiclantern-raw2cdng-cinema-dng/  version 1.4.9
it has a partymode checkbox which remove the pink cast that appear in Premiere. (maybe works for Resolve too...)

here is the thread : http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5618.475


Hi Alex,

I'm was having an issue with green dots in overexposed areas from my 650d... i used your raw2dng whitefix version and it got rid of the green dots except left some black/grey dots in the overexposed regions during playback in Resolve 10 lite. I went to inspect the dngs with windows picture viewer and these dots couldn't be found! What could your program be doing to cause Resolve to interpret these pixels as dark grey?



Quote from: davegravy on February 14, 2014, 05:31:35 AM
Hi Alex,

I'm was having an issue with green dots in overexposed areas from my 650d... i used your raw2dng whitefix version and it got rid of the green dots except left some black/grey dots in the overexposed regions during playback in Resolve 10 lite. I went to inspect the dngs with windows picture viewer and these dots couldn't be found! What could your program be doing to cause Resolve to interpret these pixels as dark grey?


Nevermind, looks like a bug related to Resolve and possibly my graphics card...


EDIT: Or not... the solution in the above link doesn't work for me, and I also noticed that the "black" pixels are actually a very dark green. If you have any ideas Alex I'd love to hear them!


Quote from: Malex on February 11, 2014, 09:43:40 AM
use the converter of Chmee, http://www.phreekz.de/wordpress/2013/06/magiclantern-raw2cdng-cinema-dng/  version 1.4.9
it has a partymode checkbox which remove the pink cast that appear in Premiere. (maybe works for Resolve too...)

here is the thread : http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5618.475

Thanks, but Im on MAC. This appears to only be a WIN converter.
Its strange that all the DNG's have a pink overlay when previewed in the finder (even the thumbnails are pink) but it goes away in ACR. But I do not want to go through ACR. I just want to go str8 to resolve to make proxies.

Could this be something in my ML settings on camera? Though when I play back the files in the camera, 5Dm3, they look perfect.  Cant figure out why the pink overlay appears after conversion.


Quote from: thomasridout on January 27, 2014, 03:49:13 AM

I'm getting pink DNG files I have searched the forums but cant find too much on it. How can I avoid getting these pink images?

The raw2dng spits out a prores that looks fine but the dng's are all pink? :S

I think I can fix them in lightroom but just wondering why

I tried raw2dng and RAWMagic

Wow. I guess I finally figured this out, sort of. So apparently the problem with the Pink DNGs is due to Snow Leopard (10.6.8). I looked at the same files on a Mountain Lion computer (10.8.5), and they looked perfect. They also loaded into Resolve without any issues. I have no idea what the hang-up with SL is, but doesn't matter. Ive upgraded now. Hope this helps someone else out!


Quote from: a1ex on January 25, 2014, 08:23:34 PM
Updated raw2dng.exe (small metadata fix from Andy600).
Many thanks for keeping your tech updated!


Hello g3gg0,
since a few days now there's a discussion about the future resolutions available for the 5D2 (and maybe other cameras).

It started with a1ex:

Quote from: a1ex on March 14, 2014, 09:55:26 PM
The horizontal resolution is restricted to multiples of 8 bytes and 16 pixels according to latest findings. This restriction is valid at least for 5D3 and 6D (didn't do much testing on other cameras), but I'd like to keep the code portable without camera-specific exceptions.

So, before including this change in nightly builds, I'd like to ask you which is better: 1888 with 8 pixels of black border that you will have to crop, or 1856 without any border pixels? Between these 2 values, there are no valid resolutions that respect the alignment restrictions.

This change was discussed here:


In my opinion, it would be no problem to simply discard black borders from an image while converting to dng:

Quote from: guentergunter on March 24, 2014, 08:39:02 AM
...and it's also no coding effort to discard pixels while converting to dng. The user wouldn't even realize it!
This way, no one has to crop anything actively in post! It's simply done in background in the ever necessary converting (to dng) step.

I'm no programmer (just some very basic skills).
Thus it would be really great, if you could just leave a little comment about it as a programmer to help us sort things out for the 5D2 (and other cameras with the same problem):

Specific 5D2 threat

Thank you very much!
5D2 ML RAW + VAF-5D2b: http://vimeo.com/69350650


Quote from: g3gg0 on May 14, 2013, 11:42:07 AM
Mac executable: raw2dngOSX.zip (run in terminal, don't forget chmod +x)
Windows executable for cameras with pink dots (650D, 700D, EOS-M): raw2dng_cs2x2.exe (it does some chroma smoothing, which happens to remove the pink dots too; use it when PinkDotRemover doesn't work)

Hi g3gg0, a1ex and scrax,

I don't want to double post but yesterday I posted this message: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5508.msg108656#msg108656 and realized that maybe I should have posted here instead.

Basically, I'm in need of removing pink dots on EOS-M raw files and PinkDotRemover isn't working for me. To make things a bit more complicated I'm on a Mac. I do have access to a Windows machine at work and raw2dng_cs2x2.exe does the trick but I'd rather keep my files on my personal computer.

If there isn't a Mac executable of  raw2dng_cs2x2 I'd be happy to try my limited skills at compiling it but I have no idea where to start.

Edit: Well I'm not completely clueless. I did find this to get started: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=7645.0 but I am still at a loss where to find the source for raw2dng_cs2x2, I did find the vanilla raw2dng code.



Minor update to raw2dng (fixes some weird kind of cold pixels like in this image). See first post for the link.


Also, it looks like any image quality updates I implement in raw2dng will also take effect in mlv_dump (so the fix is there too). Cool!


Thanks alex! Are all the versions which are posted in the first post updated with this? (specifically, is the cs2x2 version updated?)


No; do you have a sample that requires both workarounds?



may i ask what is the fastest work flow for 1 april 2014

mine is

1 raw2dng mac
2 ps adjust color and covert to tif
3 quicktime convert to mov 4444

is this the best?