Supported 1000x CF cards for continuous RAW recording

Started by Africashot, May 13, 2013, 01:18:28 PM

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hi i want to buy the 1000x card Wise CF 64GB Memory Card (CF -1000x/150MB/s is abt 8500 is it work for raw recording or not


5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Long time reader, previous 70D owner, current 5DIII owner.

Just wanted to throw this out there. I bought one of the ProMaster 1000X CF cards and was getting around 60-70Mb write speeds. I was anxious to get something and this was all they had at my local shop in north Texas. @ $200 with that type of speed, I said F that and returned it. Just an FYI for anyone wanting to try that brand. And I suppose that others may be faster than what I received, but there is obviously other/cheaper options available. Currently waiting on a 1066X KB card.


I Recommend Toshiba exceria 1000x CF, I have two 128gb cards.

I can Record continuous on 50D normal raw 60mb/s +-
in crop mode 80mb/s +-
50D + 600D

Roberto Mena

I have a Toshiba 64GB EXCERIA 1000x CF card and just bought the 128gb version of the same model. I've had the 64gb model for a while and has worked flawlessly but the newly acquired 128gb card is not recognized by my 7D every time I try install magiclantern with it. 128gb CF cards not doable with magic lantern with my 7D? What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanks.

Walter Schulz

No problems with 128 GB cards here or ever reported.
Format card in cam, copy extracted nightly build content to card and redo installation.
If your problem persists:
Your error description is not very precise. Can you record the install session? Quality don't matter that much.

And check your card with h2testw (Windows) or f3/f3GUI (macOS).