RAW to dng & tiff to Prores, DNxHD, Mjpeg, h264... [EyeFrame Converter]

Started by tin2tin, September 15, 2012, 09:31:13 PM

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Reuploaded 1.8.0 with latest raw2dng, dpx img seq in & out.

Btw.if a wav file with the same name as img seq is located in the same folder as the tif seq,  it will be added automatically.


Great tool!

That said, I'm a little confused by the settings. I want ProRes 4444. But when I select the "LW PRO ProRes 444 HQ - proxy" in the pulldown menu, I get dngs and tiffs.

What am I doing wrong? I'm not seeing the thumbnails in the Eyeframe window either.

I get an "Unable to import" error. Do I need to run the converter from within Lightworks? I have tried it standalone and while Ligthworks was running. Neither works.

I've gone through the intro video, but following those steps still yields the same result (dngs and tiffs, with an error, and no Prores).

Also, when I start up Lightworks, I get a "There are no media locations available for this project space. You will be unable to record or import any media". But when I go to the Manage Media Locations controls, the "Add Location" is grayed-out.

Any ideas?


I was able to solve the "media locations" error by right-clicking the application icon and selecting "Run as administrator".

But still no luck with the conversion.


EFC doesn't need Lightworks installed.
It sounds like ffmbc is not running correctly. Can you import and convert other video formats? When did you download Efc? (Did a fix two days ago) .
After an unsuccesful import open the menu view log and copy paste the contents here.

Efc does the raw to dng to tiff conversion on import. Ffmbc cant open raw or dng. The conversion to a video format is done after the click of the convert button.

- Drag and drop RAW files into the gui.
- The conversion to dng and tiff will start automatically.
- Preview by double left click thumbnail.
- Hit convert.
- Select the video format (+ proxies if needed).
- Okay and the batch conversion will start.

Btw. Time code and reel name can be edited by right click in coloum. The dcraw settings can be found and edited in "Documents/EyeFrame Data/dcraw.ini"
(No merge of spanned files yet)


Thanks for helping me out!

I am able to convert other types of media (e.g., .wmv)

I downloaded the latest version of EFC from http://eyeframeconverter.wordpress.com/download/ to make sure it's current.

But I get the same result with RAW files: no thumbnail/details when I drag it, it asks me where to send the output; and then it does dng/tiff conversion. At the end of the conversion process it asks me for a frame rate, and gives me an "unable to import" error for one tiff (see below).

On a side note, I'm wondering if this last error could be one of those "000" bugs (where deleting the "000" item and having "001" be the first in the sequence fixes the problem).

Thanks again. :-)


There is no merge of spanned files yet.

Could you post menu: view > log?


Quote from: tin2tin on June 23, 2013, 07:30:22 AM
There is no merge of spanned files yet.

Could you post menu: view > log?
Here's a link to the log file.

I can run it again and generate another log file, if that's helpful.


Your source file name is somehow converted into image sequence string naming:

Your log:
Moving: \\psf\Home\Desktop\M0000004\M0000004_000567.tiff to \\psf\Home\Desktop\M0000004\M0000004_tiff: 0

FFmbc version 0.7-rc7
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Baptiste Coudurier and the FFmpeg developers
\\psf\Home\Desktop\M%06d4\M%06d4_tiff\M%06d4_%06d.tiff: No such file or directory

My Log:
Moving: C:\Users\user\Desktop\RawFiles\Out\M03-1651\M03-1651_000018.tiff to C:\Users\user\Desktop\RawFiles\Out\M03-1651\M03-1651_tiff: 0

FFmbc version 0.7-rc7
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Baptiste Coudurier and the FFmpeg developers
Input #0, image2, from 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\RawFiles\Out\M03-1651\M03-1651_tiff\M03-1651_%06d.tiff':

Try to rename your raw file to something without all the numbers(will look into the string parsing later).


I think I've solved that string parsing error. So try to re-download EFC now and check if it works for you. It's still called 1.8.0.


I've tried to add the +4gb file merge function, but I don't have any files to test with.

To test install the EFC setup.
Download this patch: http://download.videohelp.com/tin2tin/EyeFrame.exe
And replace it with the existing in the Programs(x86)/EyeFrame Converter folder.


Never mind the patch above. Now I've uploaded a new EFC 1.8.0 with merging of spanned files.
So get from the link at my signature.

Have fun,


Hi! Thanks for this, but can i transcode only raw to dng? Because i can transcode only dng+ tiff, but i don't need tiff...thanks!


If you only need dng then drag and drop your raw files on to raw2dng.exe found here at the forum.


Quote from: tin2tin on July 02, 2013, 02:56:30 PM
If you only need dng then drag and drop your raw files on to raw2dng.exe found here at the forum.

Yes, but in this way i must create a bunch of of new folders, than put every single raw files onto every single folder, than, copy in every folder raw2dng than drop every single raw  files  on everey single raw2dng...than search every raw files and delete them.. This software, do all those stuff by itself... but with tiff included.. :P


The main purpose of the RAW import in EFC is to output as video and in order to do this the conversion to tiff is a necessary step. Ffmbc which does the conversion can't import dng.


Quote from: tin2tin on July 02, 2013, 03:54:50 PM
The main purpose of the RAW import in EFC is to output as video and in order to do this the conversion to tiff is a necessary step. Ffmbc which does the conversion can't import dng.

I got it! Thank u!!

Francis Frenkel

Ok > but is there a way to modify the program just to create the files with source name (as it does now) but just stop there and not create the TIFFs wich I dont need cause I use Resolve turnaround with Sony Vegas Pro 12.

Second questions :
1) When I use EFC, the TIFFs are bad quality (blurry, and to bright compare to the TIFF I can automtically create in ACR)
2) There is always 3 or 4 TIFF images in the DNG folder that I have to put manually in there file...


Francis Frenkel


Quote from: Francis Frenkel on July 29, 2013, 10:30:03 AM
Ok > but is there a way to modify the program just to create the files with source name (as it does now) but just stop there and not create the TIFFs wich I dont need cause I use Resolve turnaround with Sony Vegas Pro 12.
Quote from: tin2tin on July 02, 2013, 03:54:50 PM
The main purpose of the RAW import in EFC is to output as video and in order to do this the conversion to tiff is a necessary step. Ffmbc which does the conversion can't import dng.
Quote from: Francis Frenkel on July 29, 2013, 10:30:03 AM
Second questions :
1) When I use EFC, the TIFFs are bad quality (blurry, and to bright compare to the TIFF I can automtically create in ACR)
On changing the dcraw settings: http://eyeframeconverter.wordpress.com/2013/06/04/eyeframe-converter-1-7-9-with-improved-magic-lantern-raw-import-is-out/

Francis Frenkel

I got the 1.8.0 update and in the DCRAW.ini file :

$rawset="-v -w -T -H 2 +M"
16 bit:
$rawset1="-v -T -4 -b 3.9 -S 11597 -r 2.1426 1 1.5488 0"
More values here:

$rawset1="-v -4 -r 1.976563 1 1.6252 1 -H 2 -T -b 7.5 -s 2048"
$rawset1="-v -w -T -H 2"  -S 13584
$rawset1="-v -4 -T -i -w -H 2"
$rawset1="-v -f -H 1 -t 0 -o 0 -4 -T -b 3.9 -S 16597 +M -i"
$rawset1="-v -T -4 -b 3.9 -S 11597 -r 2.1426 1 1.5488 0"
$rawset2="-b 1.0 -o 1 -H 9 -4 -g 2.2 20.0 -T -v"

2 questions :

a) What do I have to change or modify, to stop the TIFF creation and keep only the creation of the directory with file source name and the DNG's (and by what code ?) ?

b) why do I always have 5 or 6 Tiff images in the Dngs directory, and too bright tiffs ?

Francis Frenkel


Anyone still using this tool? Just wondering I stumbled on it recently and it seems like a great one, but for some reason I can't get it to import any dngs. I'm running it on a mac via VMWare Fusion. Any help would be very appreciated!!

This is the error I'm getting:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\EyeFrame Converter\ffmbc.exe" -r 25 -i "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\WD 1TB\ML RAW\DNG\M22-1451_C0000\M22-1451_C0000_%05d.dng" -vframes 1 -vf format=bgr24,scale='min(96,54*dar*sar):ow/dar/sar',pad='96:54:(96-iw)/2:(54-ih)/2:white' -threads 0 -y "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eyeframe Data\Thumbs\M22-1451_C0000_00001.bmp"FFmbc version 0.7-rc7
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Baptiste Coudurier and the FFmpeg developers
\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\WD 1TB\ML RAW\DNG\M22-1451_C0000\M22-1451_C0000_%05d.dng: No such file or directory

"C:\Program Files (x86)\EyeFrame Converter\ffmbc.exe" -i "\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\WD 1TB\ML RAW\DNG\M22-1501_C0000\.DS_Store" -vframes 1 -vf format=bgr24,scale='min(96,54*dar*sar):ow/dar/sar',pad='96:54:(96-iw)/2:(54-ih)/2:white' -threads 0 -y "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Eyeframe Data\Thumbs\.bmp"FFmbc version 0.7-rc7
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Baptiste Coudurier and the FFmpeg developers
\\vmware-host\Shared Folders\WD 1TB\ML RAW\DNG\M22-1501_C0000\.DS_Store: Invalid data found when processing input
5D2 + Other Stuff :)


Never used it but you could try removing spaces from your folder and file paths, maybe use an underscore instead to signify a space. Spaces in paths can trip up apps working on the CLI.


Quote from: bart on October 09, 2012, 03:03:03 PM

The MIR-24N(H) is in my opinion the best of the cheap 35/2 primes available. Got mine for 75eur and stopped me from searching further. Ok sharp right open and very nice bokeh. Not those harsh rings as with takumar 35/2 or vivitar 35 1.9. It knocks out strong lines in the background easily. I tried on a bookcase and It looks just great.
Many sample picture done with mir-24 are grainy photo scans and not very representative. I tried hard to find the photo that sold me but can't find it. I found this though. Made with both takumar s.m.c. 50 1.4 and mir 35/2 (someone else that appreciates this nice combo)

other samples.

WOW man!!! AWESOME!! Sent you a vimeo message :) User "Juan Beccaglia". Please share your experience!!!! 7D right??




Hmm, thanks for the suggestion but it seems like it still won't import the dng files.  I've tried importing just one dng file with a simple name and I still get the same error. 

I just tested it with a .RAW file and it was able to create tiffs dng and proxy file.  Is efc unable to import dngs created by another program?
5D2 + Other Stuff :)


Oh sorry, I didn't read your first post carefully enough. EFC is a gui for ffmbc and ffmbc can't open dng files, therefore dng must be converted first to tiff files in order to open then in EFC(like when importing RAW files).
