Where's the multi language panel(i18n) on the top of each article on ML wiki?

Started by GNUE4, December 29, 2024, 01:18:17 PM

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A few years ago, I wrote some tranlations of ML docments on ML wiki, i can be access easily from the panel on the top of each article at that time. But last year,when I check if everything was ok, I found that the multi language panel of each article disappeared, but I still can search out the url of my translations, and it seems easy to fix,so I let it go and thought the problem will be fixed quickly. But one year passed, I still can't access my translations from the wiki's website in regular way. (I can still search and open it up in all inds of search engines) What happend in the wiki? :o


Walter Schulz

I think* this is due to first line in https://wiki.magiclantern.fm/faq
I didn't care because linked language FAQ versions have been unmaintained for a very long time and linking old and outdated FAQs makes little to no sense. IMO.

I'm not aware of many wiki entries using headers, though. Install Guide comes to mind.

@GNUE4: Faster way to communicate via discord. Follow invite and switch to https://discord.com/channels/671072748985909258/796285435131330590/1322980400837955736

*: I hope we are not talking about fandom wiki ...


Quote from: Walter Schulz on December 29, 2024, 06:19:52 PMI think* this is due to first line in https://wiki.magiclantern.fm/faq
I didn't care because linked language FAQ versions have been unmaintained for a very long time and linking old and outdated FAQs makes little to no sense. IMO.

I'm not aware of many wiki entries using headers, though. Install Guide comes to mind.

@GNUE4: Faster way to communicate via discord. Follow invite and switch to https://discord.com/channels/671072748985909258/796285435131330590/1322980400837955736

*: I hope we are not talking about fandom wiki ...
yes, I'm talking about the FAQ of magiclantern offical website. I think that all of the translations are outdated. Once I finished my translation of the installition page, I checked the English version of it for about 4 times a year. And everytime I will find nothing important. For the low update freqency of magiclantern itself as well it's docmention updates,(from 2022 to 2025,there's only one word is added in the install page) So I think my works are still useful for chinese users. But if this is hard to do,or you think this is a waste of time,that's not a problem, at least for my translation because my tranlation will be show on the bottom of the english version both when I search magiclantern in bing and google.
(By the way, I live in UTC+8 timezone, such real time chat like discord seems unfriandly for both of us)