Pink highlight in 10 bit modes

Started by mlrocks, April 20, 2023, 05:43:11 PM

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Using Dannes 2/16/23 version of ML 5D3 1.13

3.5K 1x1 ar 2.07 10 bit 14 bit lossless is continuous. However, pink highlight clips are about 20-30%.
UHD 1x1 ar 2.67 12 bit 14 bit lossless is continuous.
5.7k 1x3 ar 2.39 14 bit 14 bit lossless is continuous. Have not seen a single clip with pink highlight.

Using Bil's 5/25/22 version of ML 650D

UHD 1x3 AR 1.66 12 bit 14 bit lossless is continuous. Extensive field footage shows that pink highlight clips are less than 10%, and this is when the exposure is adjusted 0.5 stops lower (auto ettr in acquisition) in mlv app. Otherwise, pink highlight will not show up.

Full res 1x1 6 fps 10 bit is continuous. Pink highlight is almost on every clip.

Take home message to me is that using 14 bit modes when possible. 10 bit modes need to be well optimized and well tested before being used for field projects.

Thanks a lot to Danne and Bil and other ML gurus for their contribution to ML.