Crop mood - WYSIWYG Edition (650D / 700D / EOS M / EOS M2 / 100D)

Started by theBilalFakhouri, April 01, 2023, 06:37:50 PM

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Quote from: vastunghia on April 28, 2023, 07:16:38 PM
My humble contribution to the discussion:
(Full quote removed by Mod)

which video mode were you using on 5d3. 10 bit had significant color banding. really unexpected.


Quote from: mlrocks on May 01, 2023, 02:29:57 AM
which video mode were you using on 5d3. 10 bit had significant color banding. really unexpected.

1x1 3.3K I think. I suggest you have a look at the MLV files yourself, I included a download link.

Why unexpected? Shadows were heavily pulled here. If 10 bits were not banding, I don't know what could band.
5D3 for video
70D for photo


Quote from: vastunghia on May 01, 2023, 08:08:31 AM
1x1 3.3K I think. I suggest you have a look at the MLV files yourself, I included a download link.

Why unexpected? Shadows were heavily pulled here. If 10 bits were not banding, I don't know what could band.

Some of modes on ML are not optimized. Not all modes are equal. I used 3.5k 10 bit extensively before due to the low data stream at the time. Field footage is  very good.


Define "optimized".

10 bits is 10 bits, it may yield banding or not according to the scene, but I don't see why different modes should alter this fact. This is straight maths after all.

Of course would love to be proved wrong, always nice to to learn something new.
5D3 for video
70D for photo


Hey Bilal,

I did tried the suggestions you made to make the 10x zoom feature work in 1x mode in photo mode, but it still won't zoom in at 1x. From what I heard, you don't actually have an EOS M to test on, but rather a DSLR so the feature might work differently on the 650D/700D. When I depress the zoom half-way in Danne's build, the screen will go back to the default screen. The other thing is the EOS M doesn't have a physical magnification button so the magnifier only works by touching the magnifier icon in the canon default screen.

Thanks for all your hard work on this build. Many people are soooo grateful!!!


Quote from: vastunghia on May 01, 2023, 06:08:53 PM
Define "optimized".

10 bits is 10 bits, it may yield banding or not according to the scene, but I don't see why different modes should alter this fact. This is straight maths after all.

Of course would love to be proved wrong, always nice to to learn something new.

According to my experience, some of the modes on ML are not optimized. Theoretically they should behave better but not in practice. Sometimes the ML versions matter also.

So for me, I have to test my main modes in each new ML version. Not to take granted that previously this mode works, it should work in the latest ML version. Of course, the main modes need thorough stress tests before applying to field projects.

I don't know about the codes side, just from my experience using ML cameras.


With the current crop mood, can we compare image quality from eosm/700d etc with canon 5d mk III ?
At least for sharpnes, clean image , colours etc.... dynamic range i suppose is better on 5D cause its full frame.


Thanks for the lovely build, works wonderfully!! The only thing that bugs out for me are the L/R-buttons under Customized buttons. Speaking of which, if I may add a feature request, would it be possible have an option to map REC to the INFO button? Reason is that it would be ideal for shooting in vertical mode, which I'm experimenting with for instagram and social media-posts.


Quote from: amitkattal on April 30, 2023, 11:00:55 AM
Could there be an option to have "sticky zoom" on half press shutter. Like press half shutter to go 10x zoom and press half shutter again to go out of zoom.

Yes, I think it's possible to do it that way too, will try to put both ways in next version.

Quote from: gabriielangel on April 30, 2023, 06:14:18 PM
When trying to use Full-Res LV 1:1, I get a similar problem to what @masc reported, but in my case, I cannot record with Full-Res LV at all, even if I load it first or if I come from the 2.5k preset.
it gets into record mode for less than 1 second then stops. The MLV is empty.

From first post (also build walkthrough video):

Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on April 01, 2023, 06:37:50 PM
-Full-Res LV preset has working preview for the first time. You can record 5208x3478 @ 3 FPS continuously in 14-bit lossless (240 MHz, hacks enabled, sound recording off) :) .


Quote from: davidicharp on May 01, 2023, 06:20:03 PM
I did tried the suggestions you made to make the 10x zoom feature work in 1x mode in photo mode, but it still won't zoom in at 1x.

Hmmm, strange, I believe this feature should work on EOS M. Have you tried with autofocus truned OFF?
Are there other EOS M users have this feature broken (Zoom on HalfShutter)?

Quote from: davidicharp on May 01, 2023, 06:20:03 PM
From what I heard, you don't actually have an EOS M to test on, but rather a DSLR so the feature might work differently on the 650D/700D.

Half-shutter press and unpress should work the same on all mentioned models.


Quote from: toxotis70 on May 02, 2023, 02:22:27 PM
With the current crop mood, can we compare image quality from eosm/700d etc with canon 5d mk III ?
At least for sharpnes, clean image , colours etc.... dynamic range i suppose is better on 5D cause its full frame.

5D3 sensor will always be better if you are comparing 700D against 5D3 in the same modes (3x3, 1x3 and 1:1).

Quote from @masc from FB group on the same question:

QuoteThe sensor of a M or 700D does not become better than a sensor of a 5D3, with a piece of software, if you're asking for that.


Thanks @omygolly

Quote from: omygolly on May 03, 2023, 10:22:24 AM
The only thing that bugs out for me are the L/R-buttons under Customized buttons.

It seems EOS M doesn't have physical L/R buttons, they are digital buttons.
I read somewhere an EOS M user wrote that you need to press and hold on a certain button to activate L/R digitally then you can make it work.

It could be there a workaround for this, by assigning the actual left and right buttons (Danne told they are * button for the left and something for the right).
On other models like 650D / 700D / 100D have these L/R work fine.

Quote from: omygolly on May 03, 2023, 10:22:24 AM
if I may add a feature request, would it be possible have an option to map REC to the INFO button?

It should be possible, will try to do it.


Finally there is a demo shows how *L/R arrows* work on EOS M:

Go to 9:00. I will add a note in next version for EOS M, also will try to print a message so user get notified when *L/R arrows* get activated (if possible).


(Crop Mood 700D issue - card speed or something else)

Bilal - I think your highly apreacheated help is needed.

I have a setup on one of my M´s - working fine and my preferred UHD 1x3 crop runs green and without stopping. When setting up my recently acquired 700D I have really tried to follow your video the same way I did for the M, with all the settings.
I have tried cards working fine on my M with 240MHz, but on 700D I get impossibly low record times, and speed. Newly bought card samme issue. Changed MHz several times.
I have run benchmark on them and the speed vary from 20 to 70 MB/s - on same card - and seem to be inherited between tests.
The only visible problem in the setting is the un-accessable shutterspeed - set to 353-354 degrees 1/25-1/26. Not possible to change, only the referred Tvx.x number - unknown phrase to me. I have re-downloaded, re-formatted and re-installed ML. Please check attached video if you have some time available. Thank you. (I hope access is working)

I also have a few crash logs and images -

It seems I am alone with the problem - so I guess it is me or my camera, but hope for some help.


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on May 04, 2023, 03:29:11 PM
Finally there is a demo shows how *L/R arrows* work on EOS M:

Go to 9:00. I will add a note in next version for EOS M, also will try to print a message so user get notified when *L/R arrows* get activated (if possible).

I was always using the right arrow to toggle between shutter speed and aperture adjustment when turning the wheel on Danne's builds, and it works the same on yours  :)


No activation of arrows when pushing the wheel.
You can activate right/left on eos m when in Expo tab and selecting aperture or shutter from there. Then you use it like we want it, left and right.


It's even not related to magic lantern. Right bouton (no need to hold it 2 secs) toogle between aperture and shutter. Next time we have to read the canon Manual  ;D


Quote from: canoneer on May 04, 2023, 03:36:30 PM
(Crop Mood 700D issue - card speed or something else)

After another uninstall of ML Cr.M., I refomatted card in camera, copied Ml files from Bilals original, installed ML Cr.M. on camera and restarted it - the following is then shown on shutter line when opening ML.

Shutter       N/A, -191       TV10.0

This is in fresh installed and virgan startup window.

It is not possible to change this line at all, at start up or later.


Quote from: canoneer on May 05, 2023, 12:46:55 PM
Quote from: canoneer on May 04, 2023, 03:36:30 PM
(Crop Mood 700D issue - card speed or something else)

After another uninstall of ML Cr.M............
Shutter       N/A, -191       TV10.0
This is in fresh installed and virgan startup window.

It is not possible to change this line at all, at start up or later.

After this I tried the off- on-video  on the mode wheel --I have on 700D used the Video position. Tried the On position, and it seems the shutter line is available....witll test more in this position now. Coming from the M it is required to be in the Video position.


Quote from: canoneer on May 05, 2023, 12:55:12 PM
After this I tried the off- on-video  on the mode wheel --I have on 700D used the Video position. Tried the On position, and it seems the shutter line is available....witll test more in this position now. Coming from the M it is required to be in the Video position.

I am able to prepare all until going back from 240Mhz to set Raw video - under the On position - that menu page is greyed out without data. restarting and going to the Video position, I can set all except the shutter speed.- and I am not getting normal record times.

I find this pretty difficult. Going back to my M until a diagnose of what I should do.....




For SD write drops, make low level format in camera also set "Small hacks" to "All" from RAW video submenu to maximize write speed. Make sure the OC at 240 MHz.

For shutter issue in ML menu, there are two builds for 700D:

If the one without "Shutter" produce the shutter issue, try the version with "Shutter" (vice versa).


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on May 05, 2023, 05:32:59 PM

For SD write drops, make low level format in camera also set "Small hacks" to "All" from RAW video submenu to maximize write speed. Make sure the OC at 240 MHz.

For shutter issue in ML menu, there are two builds for 700D:

If the one without "Shutter" produce the shutter issue, try the version with "Shutter" (vice versa).

Thank you very much. It was a combination of the shutter issue - did not catch that before you told me - and the SD drop, possibly also me testing an avalanche of cards in pure frustration. Now it looks very promising - first UHD take green 23 seconds, 72.4MB/s 14% idle.

Happy camper.


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on May 04, 2023, 03:29:11 PM
Finally there is a demo shows how *L/R arrows* work on EOS M:
This demo video is misleading like a lot other videos about ML.Why? Because I did a lot of real shooting  ,I shot 3 weddings already.

They do not know the "global draw" "magic zoom""histogram" etc cause too much CPU usage,too much heat will cause disasters.In practical shooting,turn off "global draw",use Canon's original overlay to operate the camera.Use "slightly sharper"to help focus,it won't put burden on the CPU.

Auto focus?That is another wrong way to go.Bad auto focus on video mode is in the DNA of these old cameras.You must get a gimbal with a manual focus motor system.Use 10x zoom before press the record button.While shooting,you can only rely on the "slightly sharper",it's hard...

Even when the recording bar is green,CPU usage is low,temperature is not hight,it's still possible to get a camera crash if the scene changed in a sudden way,especially from dimmer to brighter .

Only 1080P 3x3 mode will get a wide enough field of view on the Canon ef-m lenses. In door shooting is a big part of practical shooting,due to the big crop factor,most of the "crop modes" is not usable in a limited shooting sapce .Hope more effort will be made to enhance the modes with a small crop factor.

Stability and practicality are the biggest weakness of the ML cameras .
EOSM,ex pro 95MB/s,NP-F970 for power,feiyu scorp pro+manual focus kit