"Suggestion" - Magic Lantern Raw 5.7k (very) short movie - 5D Mark III

Started by Mattia, March 08, 2023, 05:54:03 PM

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Hi! I made this video to test Magic Lantern raw video capabilities on my 5D Mark III and to test a little set of soviet lenses I gathered. Everything is shot in 5.7k mode. The lenses I've used are:

- Mir-24M (KMZ, 1986)
- Helios-44M (KMZ, 1978)
- Jupiter-9 (GOMZ, 1992)


5D3 for video
70D for photo


Nothing special, really, just some slight correction in mlv app (particularly rising shadow brightness and adding 30 or 40 sharpen) then I exported everything as ProRes4444 and edited the video in Resolve (with some little more shadow brightening).

The only thing that didn't work were the highlights in the dual iso shots which were flickering a lot. Do you know what could cause this?


Quote from: Mattia on March 08, 2023, 10:20:11 PM
Nothing special, really, just some slight correction in mlv app (particularly rising shadow brightness and adding 30 or 40 sharpen) then I exported everything as ProRes4444 and edited the video in Resolve (with some little more shadow brightening).

Thanks. Did you try working with RAW footage (cDNG) directly in DVR? If so, what made you choose the other route?

Quote from: Mattia on March 08, 2023, 10:20:11 PM
The only thing that didn't work were the highlights in the dual iso shots which were flickering a lot. Do you know what could cause this?

I inderstand that iaburn is fiddling with algorithms in MLV App and is achieving great results there. Check the MLV App thread. You can try raising chroma smoothing anyway, that may help maybe? But I may be totally wrong.
5D3 for video
70D for photo


Quote from: vastunghia on March 08, 2023, 10:59:42 PM
Thanks. Did you try working with RAW footage (cDNG) directly in DVR? If so, what made you choose the other route?

I tried just now. I can confirm that exporting a cDNG sequence from MLV App doesn't produce any highlight flicker. There is no particular reason why I decided to use ProRes4444, I guess I'm just more familiar with that codec. Anyway cDNG seems much better..


Mmh interesting. I guess that explains why I've never experienced flicker issues with Dual ISO.

I wonder if this (i.e. cDNG being flicker-free) is expected for some reason, or is a surprise also for people more familiar with the matter than me.

Ps: of course you will lose MLV App's great default tone mapping if you go for cDNG... you will typically have to work hard in DVR just to get to the initial grading stage provided automagicaly by MLV App. Pro's and con's...
5D3 for video
70D for photo


Quote from: Mattia on March 08, 2023, 10:20:11 PM

The only thing that didn't work were the highlights in the dual iso shots which were flickering a lot. Do you know what could cause this?

Don't use dualiso anymore and prefere use lights inside and reflectors outside. Now, a decent lighting material is cheap.