Magic Lantern for 5D Mark III - Alpha 3 (1.1.3)

Started by a1ex, September 07, 2012, 04:51:40 PM

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Quick tests okay, but it does not load at all when having a Eye-Fi card in the second slot  (ML on the CF card). I hope you will get this fixed, as Eye-Fi was one of the main reasons to go with the 5D3 ;)


working great. The focus peaking seems really tight. I love the mark III screen and ML takes it up a huge notch



Maybe you should increase the file size for the bigger buffer sizes, it seems it's rather optimistic with 128MB/s as the card is only specified at 86MB/s i think


Good point. If that number would be true, that would be enough for uncompressed video...


would be interesting to see what a 1000x lexar professional cf does. they are specified with 150mb/s read. from what searching just found me they do around 140mb/s write, so maybe if you can somehow dump a uncompressed stream it would indeed be possible.

then again i would gladly take compressed 4k over uncompressed 180p/2k


Thank you Alex.  The version is no problem.  Looking for the final version.  By the way, is 5D3 possible to handle 1080P/60FPS or even 4K/60FPS?


Well... I'm not able to break physics laws :(


what features are you planning on trying out next, once you are satisfied with the amount of people giving feedback and stability so far?

bulb ramping / timelapse functions in general would most welcome to have, also the zoom in functions while recording would be great.


I'd like to try things that don't alter camera settings (as this part might be potentially dangerous). So probably I'll enable some advanceed ISO controls, HDR video, display tweaks... not yet sure.

I'm also thinking to expose H.264 parameters so you can play with them.



Quote from: wintix on September 13, 2012, 10:45:02 PM
would be interesting to see what a 1000x lexar professional cf does. they are specified with 150mb/s read. from what searching just found me they do around 140mb/s write, so maybe if you can somehow dump a uncompressed stream it would indeed be possible.

I have a couple of 32gig 1000x lexar cards. How do i test them on my mk3?

Quote from: a1ex on September 14, 2012, 12:12:15 AMI'm also thinking to expose H.264 parameters so you can play with them.

Does this mean higher bitrate etc? That's the main thing i'd like since you've already got peaking going! :)


Just a quick question,
With ML, Is there a way to re-assign the zoom/magnify button to its original position? (ie 7D, etc)

Jason Montalvo

I too have some 32GB 1000x Cards and would be more than willing to be a Guinea Pig  ;D



Thanks again for progress on the 5D3.

Here are my results from testing the last 24 hours. I just sat down with the camera and tried to go through each function. I'll certainly keep testing in real world use, but it seems very stable and free of glitches right now. Congratulations!

The only issues I encountered are:
1. Focus Method is different on 5D3 compared to ML2.3 on 600D. 600D only has Method [1st deriv.; 2nd deriv.], whereas 5D3 has Filter Bias [Fine Detail; Strong Edge; Balanced]. All worked.
2. While using Waveform [Fullscreen], a ghost of the waveform would remain sometimes when I would zoom 5x or 10x... only sometimes. I never use Waveform at Fullscreen, so I hadn't noticed this. But, the same thing happens on my 600D.
3. Histogram, Clip Warning [Gradual] is on 5D3 and not ML2.3 on 600D. I like the Gradual setting!

Here's what I tested:

I had not updated to 1.1.3 from 1.1.2. So, for kicks I tried installing ML on 1.1.2 (I do not recommend this and was I clearly warned not to do this). It would hang and not install. I removed the battery, reformatted the card and everything was fine. After installing 1.1.3, ML installed fine.

Global Draw
ON, LiveView, and OFF work fine in Liveview and during rec

All functions works in Liveview and during rec (when set to show during record)

Focus Peak
All functions (and colors) work in Liveview and during rec (see note above about differences from ML2.3 on 600D).

All work in Liveview (movie and photo) and during rec

All functions work in Liveview and during rec

All functions work in Liveview and during rec (see note above re: "Gradual")

All functions work in Liveview and during rec (see note above re: Fullscreen and push-to-zoom)

OFF and ON work in Liveview and during rec

Audio Meters
OFF and ON work in Liveview and during rec

I can also say that I tried turning functions off and on during liveview and record. No problems. I used it with all items ON and it kept up nicely.

I look forward to having Magic Zoom!


Quote from: jeffrogerson on September 14, 2012, 02:03:00 AM
Just a quick question,
With ML, Is there a way to re-assign the zoom/magnify button to its original position? (ie 7D, etc)

You probably know this already, but the Canon firmware for the 5D3 has some ability (granted,  not much) to reassign that button. I have mine assigned to the "SET" button. I agree that it would be nice to have the ability to reassign it anywhere, so I hope the answer is that ML can do this!


Just finished testing and had no explosions  ;D  Messed with histogram, zebra, focus peaking, and the overlays.  All seemed pretty stable.  Thanks for your hard work, and looking forward to testing the next version.  Looking forward to bulb ramping and intervalometer.


Thanks for detailed reports!

Yes, a few things were tweaked since 2.3 (like the gradual clip warnings). If they prove to be better than the old ones, they will become defaults.

Focus peaking is based on D2xy, so:
- biased for edges: that's exactly d2xy, and the algorithm is described here:
- biased for fine details: it's second derivative (d2xy) minus first derivative (what was d1xy). Rationale: strong edges (with high contrast) are very likely to be false positives, so this setting will try to filter them out and only look for textures.

Zoom button is hard to re-assign. There is a generic event for unhandled buttons (GUICMD_PRESS_BUTTON_SOMETHING), so it's not possible to know whether user pressed the old Zoom In or something else from the top area.

Magic Zoom flickers quite a bit (much more than with digic 4). I can make it flicker-free, but it will slow down the frame rate somewhat (probably 20fps or so). Is this a problem?

I wouldn't enable the intervalometer and other photo features right now, because they require some function calls which might not be safe, so I'll do more testing on my camera first for those.


What CF cards are you guys using? Why so fast?
P.S. ( different SD card in second slot have different result)

Using a 4GB class 4 SDHC with 64GB PRETEC 567X CF card

Using a 8GB class 6 SDHC with 64GB PRETEC 567X CF card

Malcolm Debono

@crazypig: Resized images for you in post above as they were too large for forum. Next time please attach a resized-version of the image of around 500px max. on the long side. Most image upload services allow you to resize the image when uploading!
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Quote from: crazypig on September 14, 2012, 08:03:17 AM
What CF cards are you guys using?
Using a 8GB class 6 SDHC with 64GB PRETEC 567X CF card

Pretec PCF516G - PRETEC CompactFlash Card 567x - 16GB - transfer speed 85MB/s read 40MB/s write Metal Housing

It seems your card isn't the fastest one around as it is only specified with 40mb/s write speed. you can try rebooting the camera directly prior to running the benchmark to get it into a defined state to run the benchmark from.



@wintix: here's a version which uses a 1.8 GB file for benchmark:

My write speeds: 17.5 and 24.5 MB/s (Transcend 266x, photo mode, outside LV).