windows bat file for card spanning with mlvapp

Started by 70MM13, October 03, 2020, 01:06:04 AM

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this was originally posted in the mlvapp thread, but i just noticed a new user who didn't know about this, so it seems like a good idea for it to have a separate thread for easy discovery:

i wrote a very simple batch file for other windows users to use:  (input it as a text file and then save as filename.BAT)
right click on the icon and choose "run as administrator"

Code: [Select]

@echo on

SET SrcRoot1=L:\DCIM\100EOS5D
SET SrcRoot2=S:\DCIM\100EOS5D

FOR %%A IN ("%SrcRoot1%\*") DO (MKLINK "%TargetRoot%\%%~NXA" "%%~A")

FOR %%A IN ("%SrcRoot2%\*") DO (MKLINK "%TargetRoot%\%%~NXA" "%%~A")


it's obviously set for my paths, so adjust to your specific settings.  make sure to create the destination directory before running the batch!

i'm using a ramdisk as drive A, which is a convenient place to stick random junk like a pile of shortcuts for a single use :)

NOTE: the destination directory must be formatted with NTFS


Why do you need to do this ? 
I have no problem with mlv app. reading spanning file off the cf card as one file or did i miss something here ?


this is required for windows mlvapp users to read off both SD and CF card for spanned files.
