Rec. Level and RAW Video with mlv_snd

Started by theBilalFakhouri, June 21, 2020, 12:16:28 AM

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Hello Community

Does Rec. Level (in Sound Recording, Canon menu; which limits sound recording volume) work when recording RAW Video (mlv_lite) with mlv_snd?
It didn't work for me, I didn't find answers


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I am on 700D with a custom build I made based on crop_rec_4k branch (experimental builds page)

I didn't test another builds

But my question was if Rec. Level was functioning when shooting RAW Video with mlv_snd in general, does it work?


I experienced the same thing. I shot some .h264 and some MLV at the same concert with the same audio settings, but all the audio from the MLV's was clipped and distorted. I have my development machine up and running now, I'd like to discuss this with you further, maybe we can dig into MLV_SND and figure out why it is ignoring the Audio levels in the canon menu


Is it capturing manual levels overriding auto settings? Test this by adjusting manual levels and compare.


OK, I just did a (somewhat) controlled test by playing a 295.8 HZ test tone from my computer speakers at a consistent volume and set the gain in canon audio menu to 25% The recorded MLV and .H264 clips were within 1db of each other. This is perfectly acceptable. Perhaps that night at the concert I lost my gain settings after a battery pull or something stupid. I have a healthy suspicion that the difference becomes more pronounced at lower gain settings, or.... the .h264 encoder features an audio limiter that was active at concert volumes, but transparent in my test. It's too late for me to scream at my camera tonight, but I will test again tomorrow with varying signal strength and see if I can get to the bottom of this.

