New open-source CinemaDNG playback/review tool

Started by russelln, November 02, 2022, 01:25:48 PM

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Hi, I just wanted to share the minimalist open-source CinemaDNG playback/review tool we have developed - OCTOPUS RAW Player. It is a cross platform open-source GitHub project:

More info/download is at

Disclaimer - I am the lead coder!


Nice tool :)

How hard it would be to implement native .MLV (Magic Lantern RAW video) support?


Tried it with a bunch of cDNG's generated from 5D3 and 70D .MLV via MLVApp (both lossless compressed and uncompressed), but unfortunately 1. colors are wrong (always reddish) and 2. playback jumps back and forth in a weird way. Am I the only one? I can see its potential though! Would be super to have direct .MLV support.
5D3 for video
70D for photo


Quote from: theBilalFakhouri on November 02, 2022, 11:19:04 PM
Nice tool :)

How hard it would be to implement native .MLV (Magic Lantern RAW video) support?

That is something we are looking at - assuming its uncompressed bayer sensor readout data using the same colour matrix maths as DNG, it shouldn't be a crazy amount of work :)

Quote from: vastunghia on November 05, 2022, 11:49:31 PM
Tried it with a bunch of cDNG's generated from 5D3 and 70D .MLV via MLVApp (both lossless compressed and uncompressed), but unfortunately 1. colors are wrong (always reddish) and 2. playback jumps back and forth in a weird way. Am I the only one? I can see its potential though! Would be super to have direct .MLV support.

Would you be able to create an issue for this with a couple of .DNG frames and your pc/mac specs on our GitHub issue tracker? (
We haven't had the opportunity to test much with .DNG's that were converted from .MLV :(


Hi. Nice work. Would be great if you could make it work with more cdng flavours, in this case cdng coming from MLV files. Tested on mac and it plays correctly but output is very green. Created an issue on github and provided a few files to play with.


Mlv App:


Hi, we've just released v1.0.3 which fixes the green issue and also we now support the pixel aspect ratio .DNG tag for correct non square pixel playback :)



Works like a charm, thank you.

Unfortunately, at least for me personally, this great tool is pretty useless as long as it cannot read MLV files directly. Any chance to have this feature implemented in the future?

Should this feature be implemented and guarantee real-time playback also with MLV files, it would fill a huge gap (left by MlRawViewer, RIP :'() in my typical workflow: today I review my footage in MLV App (and then export to cDNG to render in DVR), but it is a pain in the neck as I get only 5 - 10 fps playback (which is ok for MLV App as it is not intended as a tool to quickly review shots, but rather to grade, render and deliver).

[Or is there a reason that I'm missing which makes real-time playback feasible with cDNG's but unfeasible with original MLV files? ??? EDIT: maybe lossless compression baked into MLV's?]

5D3 for video
70D for photo


Can You make it work with dng from motioncam ? it records raw on android and converts to DNG
Heres one DNG file


We have re-written the DNG decompression routine to now support a wider range of DNGs including 'slimRAW' output and the output from the MotionCam Android app. This is be released in the next major revision at the end of March. We also have ongoing investigation to look at adding MLV playback support.


Quote from: russelln on March 22, 2023, 01:51:09 PM
We also have ongoing investigation to look at adding MLV playback support.

That would be awesome! Only uncompressed or lossless too?
5D3 for video
70D for photo