what the heck!?

Started by eric6d, August 26, 2017, 08:33:00 AM

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hey, everyone! so this is 110% user error im sure, but im 200% lost (or stupid, whichever fits the bill). I've been trying to use the dual ISO, but every time I zoom in, edit, and export the image, I get some bizarre banding/lines across the image. I tried doing some research on here but I honestly can't figure it out. I downloaded the cr2hdr.lrplugin for Lightroom, but still get the strange lines..?

Walter Schulz

Make sure to use latest plug-in. https://bitbucket.org/kichetof/lr_cr2hdr/downloads/
If this doesn't help you have to link an unprocessed dual ISO file showing the problem.



Process dual-ISO first, i.e. before other post processing.