MLV App - All in one MLV Raw Video Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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Only on the multi core for dual ISO, but then cedricp added a fix for the flicker. I think masc made the interface changes, so it took some work and it's useful, I'll take a look and see if I find the problem


Just checking back here after many years. Do we have a way yet within MLV App to include our own DCP transform?

Personally I'm still a big fan of the Cinelog workflow.
On a mac, a Prores 4444 plays/srubs at lightning speed compared to DNG or compressed formats, and it effectively stores anything you could want from the 14 bits coming off the sensor in practice.
Not to mention the file size benefits.

Batch processing an sdcard full off MLVs into prores 4444 Cinelog with a few clicks would be a dream.

Miguel Mesa

Hi there! I'm having the same issue with some old material, just found (late 2019). I'm planning to process it but the file shows the error "invalid blocksize 0, corrupted file". I try to understand the solutions given here but to be honest it was a bit hard for me to understand.

Any help will be highly appreciated!

Google Drive link:



Sorry... but there is not much we can do for you. That message means the header tells there is no data in your file. That might (and probably is) wrong. The header contains wrong data. But without the correct number we can't read the file.
Some years ago there were users with hackish solutions repairing files with that error. But I don't know what exactly they did.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Hey masc, where i can find in the source all tonemapping math ? I want to try to recreate that in resolve.
I tried various tonemapping formulas to convert pics, did some guis and all but i specifically want the one from mlvapp.


Encountering a problem for the first time with v 1.14. It is not recognizing or exporting the complete clip.

I am recording a video that is ~ 3min and the camera (5D3) is recording from start to finish (I paid extra attention after having two takes "lost"), but I am only getting about a minute of what I shot. The rest seems to be lost to oblivion.
I have tried 14 bit and 10 bit lossless. Same issue. Both recorded right through.

I have shot videos this length before and never had a problem getting all frames out of MLVapp but with an older build (which build, I don't know). Any idea what is going on?

Walter Schulz

Are you by any chance recording to CF and SD together and only exporting files from a single card but not the other?


Quote from: Walter Schulz on December 24, 2024, 03:13:57 AMCheck file size

About 4-5GB per clip

Recording to a 64GB card. Freshly formatted when problems arose today, no change in results.

Walter Schulz

Check file system. FAT32 or ExFAT?
Which build in use?
Which module loaded? MLV_lite or MLV_rec?


Quote from: Walter Schulz on December 24, 2024, 07:21:12 AMCheck file system. FAT32 or ExFAT?
Which build in use?
Which module loaded? MLV_lite or MLV_rec?

FAT32 (I think this may be the culprit, 4GB file size limit)
Build crop_rec_4k.2018.Jul22
Tried both modules

Do I reformat to ExFAT on my computer or in-camera?

EDIT: Ok, I figured it out. MLVapp isn't the problem. It's that my card is formatted in FAT32, so ML was splitting the files in .mlv, .mlv00, .mlv01...etc. for each 4GB chunk. I saw the non-.mlv files on the card and thought they were just extra files to be ignored but they were the video! Once I load the .mlv into MLVapp, it branches all pieces together.
I wasted so much time reshooting the same thing four times...


Canon Log users as tester needed!
I found the exact formula for Canon Log (the original first one). To see if we get the correct results with it, you could open your clips in MLVApp, select the Alexa preset first (just for special internal log setup) and then change the transfer function to
(0.529136 * (log10 ( 10.1596 * x + 1 ))) + 0.0730597
Then take a Canon camera offering Canon Log and compare the results. I hope it is close.

Alternatively, download this receipt and use it for your clip:

I added this formula already to MLVApp code. So if you are able to compile MLVApp, you also can get the latest sources, compile and select "Canon Log" directly.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: masc on January 11, 2025, 12:50:35 PMCanon Log users as tester needed!
I found the exact formula for Canon Log (the original first one). To see if we get the correct results with it, you could open your clips in MLVApp, select the Alexa preset first (just for special internal log setup) and then change the transfer function to
(0.529136 * (log10 ( 10.1596 * x + 1 ))) + 0.0730597
Then take a Canon camera offering Canon Log and compare the results. I hope it is close.

Alternatively, download this receipt and use it for your clip:

I added this formula already to MLVApp code. So if you are able to compile MLVApp, you also can get the latest sources, compile and select "Canon Log" directly.
hi masc,
I found formula for canon log2 but I'm not sure if it's correct or not

(x<0)?-0.24136077*log10(1-87.099375*x)+0.092864125:0.24136077*log10(87.099375*x + 1)+0.092864125
and variation of canon log

Canon-Log v2

Canon-Log v3

and others log
bolex log:
(x >= 0.0149480) ? 0.2756705 * log10(5.5555556 * x + 0.0280665) + 0.4150634 : 5.9861078 * x + 0.0625265

(x >= 0.00089) ? 0.344676 * log10(0.555556 * x +  0.009468) + 0.790453 : 8.735631 * x + 0.092864


(x + 0.01 < 0.0) ? (x + 0.01) * 15.1927 : 0.224282 * log10((x * 155.975327) + 1)

I hope this will be useful, I am quite satisfied with the above formula
EOS 700D


Hej thank you ML700D!
Do you have references for the findings? I also found some other curves here and there, but I can't really trust what I found.
Isn't "canon log2" = "Canon-Log v2" ? As I know there is "Canon Log", "Canon Log 2" and "Canon Log 3". But whereever I search, for 2 and 3 the math never is the same... haha.

F-Log is Fuji? Is it the forumla we already have in MLVApp? For Panasonic V Log and Red I think I now found the same too. Can add it later. Nice! What is Bolex?

5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: masc on January 16, 2025, 06:44:12 PMHej thank you ML700D!
Do you have references for the findings? I also found some other curves here and there, but I can't really trust what I found.
Isn't "canon log2" = "Canon-Log v2" ? As I know there is "Canon Log", "Canon Log 2" and "Canon Log 3". But whereever I search, for 2 and 3 the math never is the same... haha.

I forget the reference but I read in their white paper and tried to figure it up..
canon log2 is differ from canon-log v2, v2 is variant from canon log.
you can try to search with keyword like "canon log white paper" or "transfer functions"

Quote from: masc on January 16, 2025, 06:44:12 PMF-Log is Fuji? Is it the forumla we already have in MLVApp? For Panasonic V Log and Red I think I now found the same too. Can add it later. Nice! What is Bolex?

Is there any update in MLVapp? I still use old v1.14 version and no F-log in it  :D

about bolex here from wikipedia Bolex

and here the refference about Bolex Log

I think bolex is unique one, I like it.  :D
EOS 700D