MLV App - All in one MLV Raw Video Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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Great work masc ! Can someone compile for us win build to try ?


Hi everybody, just asking if after playing a clip it would be possible to make it restart by directly pressing "Play clip", without having to press "Jump to first frame". That would be a useful feature. By the way, thanks for this wonderful app!


You could use this loop button and stop and start wherever you like.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Hey masc its me again, i did some experiments using anamorphic mode on canon M, it resizes from  1488x1900 to 4464x1900 in MLVApp using probably lanczos or bicubic ? You know best, im guessing.
So i did test with b-spline resize and managed to get less staircase artifacts/aliasing with it than default method in MLVApp , do You think it would be possible to have b-spline as an option to upscale raw  frames in the future? Maybe theres even better algorithm, im still checking different ones but this one beats lanczos3,bicubic,bell,triangle or mitchell when it comes to interpolating 75degree staircase artifacts.

IMO chroma separation sharpening after this b-spline should work much better and get rid of lot of aliasing.Would be nice as an option but not as the only choice cause theres a bit less perceived detail with it.
Original photo,bspline,mlvapp


Quote from: 2blackbar on April 21, 2019, 01:43:33 PM
but this one beats lanczos3,bicubic,bell,triangle or mitchell when it comes to interpolating 75degree staircase artifacts.

I think ffmpeg has Spline64 on it. Might be easier to implement and has a good quality...


@Luther & 2blackbar: the viewer of MLVApp does not show what you'll get when exporting. I think on playback it is linear interpolation or nearest neighbor (fast), else it is bicubic (or something similar Qt offers by standard when resizing a picture) You can choose between "fast" and "nice" in code.
The frame is sent as is (without resizing) to ffmpeg and ffmpeg does the resizing - with the algorithm you choose in export settings: bilinear, bicubic, sinc or lanczos. If you need some spline and ffmpeg offers this, it is simple to add. (there were many algorithms, not sure which exactly)

Edit: these are the algorithms supported by ffmpeg:

    Select fast bilinear scaling algorithm.
    Select bilinear scaling algorithm.
    Select bicubic scaling algorithm.
    Select experimental scaling algorithm.
    Select nearest neighbor rescaling algorithm.
    Select averaging area rescaling algorithm.
    Select bicubic scaling algorithm for the luma component, bilinear for chroma components.
    Select Gaussian rescaling algorithm.
    Select sinc rescaling algorithm.
    Select Lanczos rescaling algorithm.
    Select natural bicubic spline rescaling algorithm.
    Enable printing/debug logging.
    Enable accurate rounding.
    Enable full chroma interpolation.
    Select full chroma input.
    Enable bitexact output.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


5D3.113 | EOSM.202

Lucky Luke

Hello community.
Searching for help. On my old Windows 7 system I was successfully converting Canon 5d3 RAW to any format in MLV App. Just built a new Ryzen 2700x system on Windows 10. Everything fast and great exporting line is fast traveling to the right, but no file is exported..?. Nothing will be written on the Harddisk. Did I missed some thing already described here in forum?
Somebody had the same problem?
Thank U in advance with greetings from Austria.



Will it be possible to drag and drop dng files ? Silent pics for eample? Im so used to mlvapp that i export single frames cause theyre coming out nice and other software does not have camera tonemapped preview and other useful stuff.
Or at least can someone recommend simple app that could pack a bunch of dng files into mlv? Or they must share the same resolution?

Lucky Luke

Just solve it...downloaded and put the program to another folder...everything is great!

Springgreetings from Austria


Quote from: masc on April 21, 2019, 10:10:46 AM
You could use this loop button and stop and start wherever you like.

Thank you masc, I didn't notice that could be useful in my case!


Quote from: 2blackbar on April 21, 2019, 11:53:23 PM
Or at least can someone recommend simple app that could pack a bunch of dng files into mlv?
Nope, there is none (theoretically this could be done but nobdy did it yet, except some g3gg0's experimental code in ML main repo)

We decided that MLVApp's not gonna support DNG input natively. Use MLV output for silent pics (record MLV raw video) and do not delete converted MLVs.


Quote from: Lucky Luke on April 21, 2019, 11:02:23 PM
Everything fast and great exporting line is fast traveling to the right, but no file is exported..?. Nothing will be written on the Harddisk.
Quote from: Lucky Luke on April 21, 2019, 11:53:58 PM
Just solve it...downloaded and put the program to another folder...everything is great!
Sounds like ffmpeg was missing...
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: 2blackbar on April 21, 2019, 11:53:23 PM
Will it be possible to drag and drop dng files ? Silent pics for eample? Im so used to mlvapp that i export single frames cause theyre coming out nice and other software does not have camera tonemapped preview and other useful stuff.
Or at least can someone recommend simple app that could pack a bunch of dng files into mlv? Or they must share the same resolution?
As bouncyball already wrote, DNG import will not be possible so easy. The internal realization is written for MLV only atm and must be rewritten just for this feature. If you find a way of packing DNGs into MLV, all DNG files MUST have the same resolution and settings, otherwise you'll get crashes only. Frame geometry and memory allocation is adapted always using metadata found in the first frame of a clip atm (and normaly it does not change).
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Yeah we can do mlv silent pics so theres no use of coding dng support, was just wondering if it was straightforward to add if it already kinda supports dngs that it has to unpack from mlv.


Quote from: 2blackbar on April 22, 2019, 07:26:15 PM
... if it already kinda supports dngs that it has to unpack from mlv.
There is no dng in a mlv. Completely different. There is "just RAW data inside" in both formats. But even that is organized in different ways.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Hi, im having issues with bad pixels with MLVFS. The "fix bad pixels" in MLVapp works WONDERS and eliminates all the dynamic dancing bad pixels.

So i am wondering if there is anyway workflow like MLVFS but within the MLVapp where one does not need to export. So it just "fake exports" to a virtual drive where i then can access the DNGs with Davinci?

My workflow now, due to the dancing bad pixels, is:

MLVapp fix bad pixels and focus pixels -----> Export CDNG ------> Davinci Resolve

Which works fine but the Export CDNG step takes allot of time and space :( Maybe there is an option within MLVFS im missing? The "bad pixel fix" in MLVFS only fixes the bad pixels in the first frame. Is there an option to execute bad pixel fix in all frames maybe?

Can someone please point me in the right direction. Thanks!


Testing a 3.5k crop mode shot that might 7 seconds long. The export via MLVAPP is roughly 15minutes. Is that normal?


Quote from: limey on April 29, 2019, 07:03:42 PM
Testing a 3.5k crop mode shot that might 7 seconds long. The export via MLVAPP is roughly 15minutes. Is that normal?
Depending on your system, the used MLVApp version and your settings, maybe yes. But without knowing your settings and your specs, nobody will be able to answer...
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


@aulden: what I don't understand with your MLV: even if I disable RAW correction, I don't see those pixels in MLVApp. Or do you see them with RAW corrections OFF?
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


once you go raw you never go back


No ACES :(
Anyhow, nice job this release, the new shadow/highlight seems cool.