MLV App - All in one MLV Raw Video Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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@Ilia3101 @masc

You are wellcome!!!... If you need some more sample, just let me know. Thanks for all your hard work. You are awesome.


Nice! No more crashing on macOS Sierra 10.12.3
Exported to format png. Not bad. Files are looking really good. Any plans for dng exports ;).
How are prores exports in the cross platform version handled? Thought I read ffmpeg somewhere but I must have dreamt that.


You didn't dream it ;) not sure about all the details of how masc's implementation works though, but it is definitely ffmpeg. The Cocoa version will hopefully get native macOS/AVFoundation powered prores export, but AVFoundation is taking me a while to figure out.


Quote from: Danne on July 26, 2017, 10:25:23 AM
How are prores exports in the cross platform version handled? Thought I read ffmpeg somewhere but I must have dreamt that.
Yes, since version "Qt 0.2 alpha" we have prores export for Windows and Linux. I had problems to include a library version of FFmpeg. That's why I took the command line app to the package. So at the moment it is realized very easy: first a png sequence is rendered and then these pictures are converted to the mov. This is not optimal, because the pngs have only 3x8bit.  For the future I plan to take the library of FFmpeg, because we get more than 8bits... ;)
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


I see, intermediate png. You should be able to get 10bit prores4444 out of ffmpeg. I run that in Switch.


Right, it is 10 bit. Unfortunately the png output of Qt is only 8 bit... What do you mean with Switch?
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Ah okay. Thx. I read that a time ago, great project... :)
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


I uploaded a new version of the Qt app for OSX & Windows. The windows version has caching disabled, so we have only a view crashes, but it is a little slower. Now it crashes (for me) only on files >2GB. Have fun!
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


New release of Cocoa version!

Has ProRes 4444 export. Finally!
It is a temporary solution as it uses ffmpeg, not AVFoundation, but it makes the app a whole lot more usable. Used masc's intermediate PNG method for now.
Note: When you export prores, the app will freeze with the spinning ball, this is it exporting, not a crash. Just leave it until done for a few minutes.

Also converted it in to a .app bundle - in it's current state where it uses ffmpeg, it cannot work outside the bundle as a command-line app, but this ability will be returned once it gains AVFoundation export, as it will be able to live as a single executable file.



Fixed the main problem of the app's processing: poor highlight rolloff
There is now a 'Reinhard Tonemapping' option.


Tone mapping disabled on the left, enabled on the right.

Also it's different from highlight reconstruction, as it does not create new highlights, it simply avoids clipping existing ones.

New release on GitHub.

Next step is adding audio support. Is MLV sound compressed?




Not bad, Reinhard tonemapping. I tried to export to ProRes4444 but couldn´t get a file out. After pressing button a prompt want s me to "open"? A folder perhaps :)? Anyway. Pressing open didn´t get me a file.

Speaking of tone mapping. FFmpeg seems to be doing something...

Hable tonemapping?
Slide 140


@bouncyball Thanks, working on sound currently

@Danne yeah, I guess the open dialog is confusing, its a slight hack I had to do before I put it in an .app bundle - I had to use an open dialog instead of a save dialog.
You are right: you choose a folder and it exports to there after you click open (the app & dialog freeze as if to crash, but you just need to wait a couple of minutes while it exports - it is in need of a progress bar, I promise I'll fix that soon)

And speaking of the "Hable tonemapping" - I came across it while looking in to tone mapping, just Reinhard was the easiest to implement - literally: value = value / (1.0 + value), but adding a better more complex tone mapping formula wouldn't hurt the performance at all, as the app precalculates a 0-65535 look up table (processing is done in 16 bit integers), instead of calculating all pixels individually. I might do that soon, as from what I've seen Uncharted2 mapping looks a little better.


You´re right. I chose an unshortened file and as expected created PNG files and then...nothing :). Got this message. Last line.
2017-08-04 00:47:42.136 MLV App[85848:713418] Exported frame 143 to: /Users/dan/Desktop/MLV_files/test_Ilia/.temp_png/frame_00143.png
sh: (null): command not found

Does it mean I have 143 png files in a hidden temp folder?


The files are most likely deleted by the app, but to check, do this in terminal:  defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES.

Then go to the export directory (that you chose) in finder, and if there is a greyed out looking folder called .temp_png, delete it, if not, then the app automatically deleted it and it's fine. You can then do the terminal command but with 'NO'

Not sure why it didn't work for you, did you use the executable file on its own outside the app bundle?

I've done the prores 4444 export on videos up to 245 frames long by the way ;D


I compiled from source "make" and double click the mlv app binary. Gui opens and terminal window is also opened.


Ah I see! The way I've got the makefile set up is: you need to type 'make app' not just 'make', if you want an app bundle.

There's a whole shell script and a compiled+executed c program inside the makefile that builds the app bundle during the make process.



@Ilia3101 continues to make waves. This is all indeed badass!
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Yes. You can make a "log"-like prores with corrected white balance in no time. Makes all the difference. The file comes out looking real nice.


Now with v0.3 alpha I don't have any crash!!!! :) but I can see... nothing. Just pink noise. I'm playing 14bit lossless files in the qt version of the app.


Quote from: pc_bel on August 04, 2017, 10:46:51 AM
but I can see... nothing. Just pink noise. I'm playing 14bit lossless files in the qt version of the app.

What platform do you use? And what size do the files have? I am not sure, if the code from @Ilia supports lossless already.
I get a lot of pink noise when (normal) mlv files are bigger 2GB, on both, Mac & Windows. We have plans to avoid that in future...
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