MLV App - All in one MLV Raw Video Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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Quote from: s1ntex on March 14, 2023, 05:40:44 PM
Do you guys happen to know if there is an option to rotate the image when recording 1080x1920?
Just 0° and 180° is available. Any other angle can be setup in your final NLE.

Quote from: s1ntex on March 14, 2023, 05:40:44 PM
Second question, more general, what is your way of editing an .mlv file if you use Premiere Pro, as I do?
Is there a better / equally good method, like: edit in MLV App -> export finished file in ProRes 4444 as .mov -> work on timeline in Premiere Pro?
E.g. exporting in some format to Premiere Pro and colouring directly there?
You can use Adobe ACR in After Effects. For me still the benchmark color wise.

Quote from: iaburn on March 15, 2023, 07:36:01 PM
Most of the time I do my final editing on Davinci Resolve, exporting as DNG from MLV App. It is more convenient to do color correction and video cut on the same place, and also much faster to export.
Not always true. ProRes export currently is faster than DNG in MLVApp. And Resolve also needs much time to render...

Quote from: iaburn on March 15, 2023, 07:36:01 PM
MLV App is awesome on many aspects, but there are things like highlight recovery, noise reduction or local corrections that I miss from Resolve.
Highlight recovery and noise reduction is available also in MLVApp - good enough for most cases.

Quote from: Mattia on March 09, 2023, 01:37:38 PM
Hi! I'm getting flickering highlights when exporting a dual iso mlv as an Apple ProRes video.
If you use official release: probably the known problem and the reason why we discussed to remove dualiso completely. Upload a MLV for analysis. Or try the latest versions from @iaburn - he did a great work getting a better version of dualiso processing into the app. This one should be flicker free.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: masc
If you use official release: probably the known problem and the reason why we discussed to remove dualiso completely. Upload a MLV for analysis. Or try the latest versions from @iaburn - he did a great work getting a better version of dualiso processing into the app. This one should be flicker free.

I couldn't fix the flicker, but cedricp implemented a workaround that prevents flickering by applying the same correction values across all frames:


So guys why don't you release 14.1 beta with these new dual iso corrections? It won't hurt anyone :) It's been a long time since the last release..


Quote from: Skinny on March 17, 2023, 07:23:37 AM
So guys why don't you release 14.1 beta with these new dual iso corrections? It won't hurt anyone :) It's been a long time since the last release..
The new version is not in the main branch. And I think some testing appart from iaburns work could be useful too. Releasing several times with all the deployment needed to make it work on as much computers as possible, probably with fixes, might not hurt, but is a lot of work which makes not too much fun.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Hello guys! My old, good friends and newcomers.

I'm glad this great thread is still active and productive and newcomers providing great contributions!

I have missed you all :)



Quote from: Skinny on March 17, 2023, 07:23:37 AM
So guys why don't you release 14.1 beta with these new dual iso corrections? It won't hurt anyone :) It's been a long time since the last release..
For Mac users I and also iaburn and probably a few others we could release a test build. For Windows users there must be someone out there...
Code is still worked upon so releasing official betas might.not be necessary.


I've been also using the version compiled with the new Qt and dual ISO speed up on Windows and works fine.
I leave the decision of putting everything together and release a new version to Masc, as I think he is currently the main contributor to MLVApp.

It would also be cool to have a final version of cedricp's flickering fix, so we can put everything together when the time comes :)


@iaburn, I tried the Windows version you posted and it really makes a difference on some clips.
So far, it works best when the whole scene is relatively well exposed without clipping and only the shadows needs lifting.
When there are a lot of highlights and mid exposures in a given area, we get the horizontal lines and resolution artifacts (Especially when not using a tripod).

I also saw that the "Transcode and import" option will not allow to import 10 second DNG sequences. On the official Mac version, it is possible to import around 260 frames before it gives an error.
This function is quite handy to match footage coming from motioncam, when the film emulation filter is used in MLV app.

Is this a Windows limitation?


Quote from: gabriielangel on March 21, 2023, 03:41:58 PM
@iaburn, I tried the Windows version you posted and it really makes a difference on some clips.
So far, it works best when the whole scene is relatively well exposed without clipping and only the shadows needs lifting.
When there are a lot of highlights and mid exposures in a given area, we get the horizontal lines and resolution artifacts (Especially when not using a tripod).

Is this something specific on my fork or an issue in MLVApp in general? Could you please point out an example illustrating the issue?


Your fork makes it less obvious, but this is an issue in general, as it also does it with the official build.
I will try to make a few examples in a controlled / repeatable manner over the weekend (I cleaned up my previous tests).


Quote from: gabriielangel on March 21, 2023, 03:41:58 PM
I also saw that the "Transcode and import" option will not allow to import 10 second DNG sequences. On the official Mac version, it is possible to import around 260 frames before it gives an error.
This function is quite handy to match footage coming from motioncam, when the film emulation filter is used in MLV app.
Is this a Windows limitation?
Yes, Windows cmd line is limited. But only 260 frames on Mac? Currently I process GoPro RAW timelapse footage in MLV using DNG import and I also had 300+ frames... I've seen no error so far.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: iaburn on March 20, 2023, 06:23:56 PM
I leave the decision of putting everything together and release a new version to Masc, as I think he is currently the main contributor to MLVApp.

It would also be cool to have a final version of cedricp's flickering fix, so we can put everything together when the time comes :)
I've seen there is a pull request ongoing. Nice to see all that contribution! For myself: I barely use dualiso, so I have to trust your input... also the reason why I was asking for more testing (also of other users) ;)
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: masc on March 21, 2023, 09:18:09 PM
Yes, Windows cmd line is limited. But only 260 frames on Mac? Currently I process GoPro RAW timelapse footage in MLV using DNG import and I also had 300+ frames... I've seen no error so far.

Sorry, the Official Mac 1.14 version can transcode and import 420+ frames (Don't know the exact upper limit)
Official 1.14 PC Version: 305 frames Max (Gives an error at 306)
Iaburn's openmp version: Cannot transcode and import


Quote from: gabriielangel on March 22, 2023, 02:41:37 AM
Official 1.14 PC Version: 305 frames Max (Gives an error at 306)
Iaburn's openmp version: Cannot transcode and import
If I remember right, Windows cmd is limited to 8196 characters. The number of frames possible to import, depends on the path name lengths.
You need raw2mlv executable in app image / path.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: masc on March 21, 2023, 09:20:40 PM
I've seen there is a pull request ongoing. Nice to see all that contribution! For myself: I barely use dualiso, so I have to trust your input... also the reason why I was asking for more testing (also of other users) ;)

We have merged cedricp's changes with mines on my fork. I will try to compile the app for Windows and MacOS ARM, but I think I was having problems with focus pixel maps downloading not working...
Another thing that I forgot is that sounds doesn't work, at least when I build it with my Qt versions
After that, I'll post it here and maybe put a link to the post also on the Facebook group, trying to get more people to test and getting it ready for a pull request


Quote from: iaburn on March 21, 2023, 04:13:04 PM
Is this something specific on my fork or an issue in MLVApp in general? Could you please point out an example illustrating the issue?

Here are a few examples (2.5k and 5k frtp, with and without dual ISO 100/800):

In order to trigger artifacts in a clip easily, you must:

Move the camera vertically slowly;
Have areas where clipped and non-clipped detail-rich elements are next to one another (Like bare tree branches towards the sky);
Have horizontal elements moving through High and Low ISO scanlines;
Clip must be at least a few seconds long for you to see movement happening.

The exposure flickering is more visible in large, relatively flat areas (few details), where blending occurs.

If you use a tripod and avoid what is stated above, artifacts are sometimes imperceptible.


Quote from: gabriielangel on March 23, 2023, 04:28:38 PM
Here are a few examples (2.5k and 5k frtp, with and without dual ISO 100/800):

In order to trigger artifacts in a clip easily, you must:

Move the camera vertically slowly;
Have areas where clipped and non-clipped detail-rich elements are next to one another (Like bare tree branches towards the sky);
Have horizontal elements moving through High and Low ISO scanlines;
Clip must be at least a few seconds long for you to see movement happening.

The exposure flickering is more visible in large, relatively flat areas (few details), where blending occurs.

If you use a tripod and avoid what is stated above, artifacts are sometimes imperceptible.

Thanks for the samples (nice images btw, lots of snow still!).

I see now what you mean, thin horizontal shapes with highlights are one of the worst cases for dual ISO. I tried to minimize the artifacts by adjusting settings but cannot get rid of them completely.
In one of the videos is very obvious on the tree branches and the railing next to the building. On this edge cases, I'm afraid there is not much you can do  :(


Quote from: iaburn on March 15, 2023, 07:36:01 PM
I don't think there is currently a way to rotate the image on MLV App, but if you are editing on Premier it's just a small inconvenience while preparing for export.

Most of the time I do my final editing on Davinci Resolve, exporting as DNG from MLV App. It is more convenient to do color correction and video cut on the same place, and also much faster to export.
MLV App is awesome on many aspects, but there are things like highlight recovery, noise reduction or local corrections that I miss from Resolve.

When importing footage / DNG images into Davinci Resolve what input color space settings are you using for images captured using ML? I know Zeek used to suggest using Arri Alexa but I'm wondering what the native color space is for ML. I would have assumed a Canon variety color space would have been optimal but I'm left wondering

Thanks RE.


Quote from: RhythmicEye on March 27, 2023, 11:09:54 AM
When importing footage / DNG images into Davinci Resolve what input color space settings are you using for images captured using ML?

As long as you work with Raw DNG only, unless you are a professional colorist, my advice is to just trust DVR. Go for DaVinci YRGB Color Managed with Automatic color management. Then I suggest choosing HDR as Color processing mode, regardless of your Output color space (SDR should be the norm here). Also, in the Camera Raw settings, under CinemaDNG, I suggest you do *not* enable Apply Pre Tone Curve, leave Color Science = Camera Metadata, and pick Color Space = Blackmagic Design.

At least that's what I do after trying out more complex settings.
5D3 for video
70D for photo


I use cineon log in mlv app (color space use wide gamut like: adobe rgb, alexa wg, sony or davinci gamut) when edit using DR with default setting,  I think.. it gives better gamma and easier to grading when work in rec.709 environment.
EOS 700D


Quote from: vastunghia on March 27, 2023, 12:03:30 PM
As long as you work with Raw DNG only, unless you are a professional colorist, my advice is to just trust DVR. Go for DaVinci YRGB Color Managed with Automatic color management. Then I suggest choosing HDR as Color processing mode, regardless of your Output color space (SDR should be the norm here). Also, in the Camera Raw settings, under CinemaDNG, I suggest you do *not* enable Apply Pre Tone Curve, leave Color Science = Camera Metadata, and pick Color Space = Blackmagic Design.

At least that's what I do after trying out more complex settings.

@vastunghia thank you for your excellent reply.

Yes all of the information you stated is correct but the most important information to make it all work correctly within DR is knowing your input color space first or the color space your camera records hard baked into your data. If you don't know this or get this right none of the other settings that you apply will be accurate because they relate to output color space / display color space. You must know the input color space first before you can get accurate results within DR for output to your monitor. Example: Canon C-Log (input CS) to REC 709 / Gamma 2.4 (output CS)

Even with color managed Davinci Wide Gamut Intermediate you still need to know your camera's or input (graphics etc) CS. If you don't know this info it's very difficult or even impossible to get accurate results when color grading. Especially if you are using footage from multiple, different camera manufacturers within the same project.

I'm assuming ML must use some form of Canon Log for the color space data.

Thanks again RE


Are you talking about raw images here?  Those don't really have a colour space.


Ahhh yes RAW. My bad I meant some form of Canon RAW not log.

In DR there is an option for DNG Raw or Canon Raw. I'm assuming the Canon color science / algorithmic data from the sensor must remain in the DNG files.

Maybe not but that seems strange as all the sensors are Canon. I know this must seem pedantic but I think it's important to clarify.


Raw files are straight from the sensor, no colour science has occured.  They don't have a colour space.  You can convert the raw data into any colour space you want.  I would guess DR has an option for Canon Raw because CR2 / CR3 is a different file format to DNG.