MLV App - All in one MLV Raw Video Processing App [Windows, Mac and Linux]

Started by ilia3101, July 08, 2017, 10:19:19 PM

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Quote from: ricardopt on July 28, 2019, 11:15:38 PM
Any chance of disabling the cmd window "poping up" when it changes from one conversion to another (batch), the conversion im doing at the moment will take about 3 hours, i tought about watching something on netflix etc etc while it converts the videos but the cmd windon keeps popping up.
It pops up on Windows only, because of Windows. On any other OS it won't pop up.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Compiled latest version. Something is very fishy:

Not an issue with previous build. Compared an same frame looks alright. DidnĀ“t have tie to check latest updates.


yes i'm about to reverrt that change i did  (or you can revert it as you have access that may be quicker, as im just busy working on this further, trying out more ideas)



Hi! Very much impressed with the abilities of MLVAPP. Great work, it really helps!

I have some questions, if you dont mind.

1) Is there any chance that we will see real time playback of mlv files in future updates? This feature will dramatically increase footage sorting time.
2) Is there any way to get rid of black window during render procedure? And maybe minimize main program window? They interfere with other programs.


Quote from: MalcomZ on July 30, 2019, 12:34:09 AM
1) Is there any chance that we will see real time playback of mlv files in future updates? This feature will dramatically increase footage sorting time.
2) Is there any way to get rid of black window during render procedure? And maybe minimize main program window? They interfere with other programs.
Thank you.
1) I don't think so. But you can export proxies for realtime preview and for cutting the project.
2) See only a few posts above yours: this is a Windows-only issue, but we can't change Windows. Just try another OS and you won't have this issue. Minimizing main program Windows also does not work for Windows? Huuu...why that?! No problem on Linux and OSX.
Edit: ah I see... the Dialog is in focus only. Hm... I think we have no chance here. It was different before, but different in a worse way.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote2) Is there any way to get rid of black window during render procedure? And maybe minimize main program window? They interfere with other programs.

Assuming that you are on the current Windows 10, Try running it in its own desktop. All associated processes should be self contained within that desktop instance and not interfere your main desktop processes.

Window key / Tab Key to create an additional desktop.

Switch to and run the app in the new desktop. I would expect that when running a time consuming processes like a batch export or importing a lot of files: that those process will run fine in the background if you switch back to your main desktop to do other activities.
EOS 7D.203, EFS 55-250mm, EF 75-300 III, Tamron 16-300 DiII VC PZD Macro, SpeedLite 580EX II.


Quote from: masc on July 30, 2019, 07:57:39 AM
Thank you.
1) I don't think so. But you can export proxies for realtime preview and for cutting the project.
Ok, i understand. The reason i asked about it its the MLViewer software. As far as i remember, that program was able to play 14bit MLV files in realtime. It was very useful in quick footage preview and helps me to quickly choose the right shot. But  it does not work with 10 or 12bit files.

Quote from: Ottoga on July 30, 2019, 10:11:39 AM

Window key / Tab Key to create an additional desktop.

Switch to and run the app in the new desktop. I would expect that when running a time consuming processes like a batch export or importing a lot of files: that those process will run fine in the background if you switch back to your main desktop to do other activities.

Tnhx! Never heard about this feature, but unfortunately it does not help to solve the problem. Black DOS window easily jumps from one desktop to another and pulls focus to itself.   :(    So when you need to render a lot of clips and it tooks a lot of hours you need to switch active window every 3-5 minutes in order to continue you current activity. This is a bit annoying.


MlRawViewer was realized in a different way and did not do so much processing as MLVApp does. If it is able to load such files, it can directly be called from MLVApp for realtime preview. With default parameters MLVApp will reach about 18-20fps playback speed for FHD clips on a i5 Quadcore 2.5GHz - so close to realtime.

To avoid the DOS box, change to another OS, e.g. Linux is fine and will also have less crashes, because memory management is better.
On the other side... all people are crying MLVApp is so slow while the computer is getting hot... why do you make it still slower and heat it even more by playing something else while processing?! Processing and export is a "nice task" for overnight.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: masc on July 31, 2019, 10:09:18 AM
why do you make it still slower and heat it even more by playing something else while processing?! Processing and export is a "nice task" for overnight.

Overnight is a good idea. Except if your computer/laptop has a loud fan ;)
A good idea could be to get an SSD Hard Drive (E.g. Samsung EVO 850/860/960). Export in 4K is quite quick on my old Macbook PRO 2012 which only costs $300 and upgrade ram from 8GB to 16GB FOR $80-100. Playback is pretty good in MLV App, though sometimes crashes when you pause. SSD is definitely a good idea.


Hey Quick Question. Is there any way to 'Undo' in MLV APP?

Like I adjusted a shadows slider but I want to undo the adjustment
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andy kh

Quote from: yourboylloyd on July 31, 2019, 02:34:46 PM
Hey Quick Question. Is there any way to 'Undo' in MLV APP?

Like I adjusted a shadows slider but I want to undo the adjustment

Double click the shadows slider
5D Mark III - 70D


@ZEEK: if you can reproduce such crashes, please tell howto. I just can fix bugs I can catch with the debugger (and even than it is hard :) )

@yourboylloyd: there is no undo/redo. There is just the doubleclick-on-slider-handle-feature for default value.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: Ilia3101 on July 28, 2019, 11:22:04 PM
Could you put MLV App on a different virtual desktop in windows? (

Hi, the cmd still pops up on a different desktop, i just have to get used to the idea of not using the pc as long as mlvapp is running, hoping a "cleaner" solution comes in future versions.


Quote from: ricardopt on July 31, 2019, 03:15:09 PM
...hoping a "cleaner" solution comes in future versions.
Not impossible... but has to be delivered from Microsoft with a better Windows. A "pipe" (the interface to communicate with ffmpeg) is a standard C interface. Only Windows brings a cmd box without any function, which nobody needs.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: Ilia3101 on July 21, 2019, 07:45:33 PM
could you tell us why you were staying at 1.3? did something get worse or break?

Really silly reason but I wanted to keep the 'Use Camera Matrix' as a checkbox and not a dropdown because my muscle memory is with the checkbox as I typically process 80 - 100 clips at a time once or sometimes twice a week so it adds up. It's truly a case of 'it's not you, it's me'. If there's a version in between 1.3 and 1.X that still has the checkbox then I just missed it as I simply rolled back to 1.3
5D Mark II
10 bit 12 bit Experimental Build


Quote from: masc on July 31, 2019, 03:24:12 PM
Not impossible... but has to be delivered from Microsoft with a better Windows. A "pipe" (the interface to communicate with ffmpeg) is a standard C interface. Only Windows brings a cmd box without any function, which nobody needs.

i really don't know what i'm talking about, but i just saw this and an idea came to mind:

can you somehow globally disable CMD, at least while you are doing these tasks?  maybe some of you recall "tweakUI", maybe it had some ability to do this, or perhaps it could inspire the way to do it?

just a crazy idea, maybe it will help?


Quote from: KirbyLikes525 on July 31, 2019, 05:04:02 PM
I wanted to keep the 'Use Camera Matrix' as a checkbox and not a dropdown because my muscle memory is with the checkbox as I typically process 80 - 100 clips at a time once or sometimes twice a week so it adds up.
Why not do it just once, Ctrl+C, configure as in screenshot, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+V... and no matter how many clips you have, the camera matrix option of all clips is configured like the clip you edited.

@70MM13: thanks for you idea... I tried so much, I even tested another much more complicated implementation for Windows only... but I didn't got it better, nothing was working for me. Maybe I just did it wrong, but now we have a 99,9% identical implementation for 3 different platforms, 2 work perfectly, one works but is ugly.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


i was actually thinking it might be something the user can do, system-wide...

but again, i don't know ;)



Quote from: masc on July 31, 2019, 06:19:16 PM
Why not do it just once, Ctrl+C, configure as in screenshot, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+V... and no matter how many clips you have, the camera matrix option of all clips is configured like the clip you edited.

Many, many thanks!!!!!!!
5D Mark II
10 bit 12 bit Experimental Build


So much discussions about the black window...
Here are two more programs to hide cmd window -

And a C++ sample  here.

Script languages like Autoit/Autohotkey also run hidden processes without a problem.


Running a program without cmd is no problem. We got this already... The problem is building a pipe without the cmd window. This is normally done with popen(...), when using stdlib. This works very easy and identically on each OS - only stupid Windows brings the box. Therefor on Windows you can implement it somehow much more difficult using "CreateProcess" WIN32API (as Windows-only solution). But with this I had no luck to get the picture data from MLVApp to ffmpeg.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Im a total newbie when talking about coding, sorry if i offend anyone with my suggestion but would it be possible in windows to use the cmd window but minimized, i know its not perfect or even possible but instead of opening windows in the middle of teh screen it would open them but automatically minimized, is that possible?


This would indeed be the easiest solution, but popen() does not allow to send flags to cmd.exe, so it is not possible this way. It would be the way to go with the more complicated WIN32API.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202