Using MLV_DUMP.EXE (tutorial) MLV to DNG

Started by sdeming, April 15, 2017, 08:48:16 PM

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I went out and shot a bit with the new lower data build. I was shooting on the 5dIII, 10bit, MLV.

When I got back, I tried to use the MLVRawViewer (as I've been used to using for a while - this is a great post on using that) Of course, it didn't work.

So, I looked into the MLV_DUMP.EXE and as someone who has never used the CMD prompt before, I was a bit over my head. Anyway, with the grace of God (!) I figued it out (thanks to this post here). I screen grabbed my workflow, it's a bit cumbersome, but boy is it fast.

Here's what I do.

1. Separate each .MLV file into a folder.
2. Copy the MLV_Dump.exe to each folder
3. In that folder, I select the MLV FILE, and then go to file/Open Command Prompt/Open Command Prompt
4. It opens with that file path connected to the .MLV File
5. Type in: mlv_dump --dng mXX-XXXX.MLV (in the images below I'd type in m15-1026.mlv)

Hope that helps someone!

1. Separate each .MLV file into a folder.
Separate into folders by sdeming, on Flickr

2. Copy the MLV_Dump.exe to each folder
Copy mlv by sdeming, on Flickr

3. In that folder, I select the MLV FILE, and then go to file/Open Command Prompt/Open Command Prompt
2_Select MLV File by sdeming, on Flickr

4. It opens with that file path connected to the .MLV File
3_CMD pops up by sdeming, on Flickr

5. Type in: mlv_dump --dng mXX-XXXX.MLV (in the images below I'd type in m15-1026.mlv)[/b] 4_Type in this by sdeming, on Flickr

There are your DNGs!
5_There's the DNG's by sdeming, on Flickr


Quote from: sdeming on April 15, 2017, 08:48:16 PM
1. Separate each .MLV file into a folder.
2. Copy the MLV_Dump.exe to each folder
3. In that folder, I select the MLV FILE, and then go to file/Open Command Prompt/Open Command Prompt
4. It opens with that file path connected to the .MLV File
5. Type in: mlv_dump --dng mXX-XXXX.MLV (in the images below I'd type in m15-1026.mlv)[/b]
Facepalm :(
Why not just search forum?
This thread have some handy tuts:;all


Ah, well to be honest I didn't come accross that thread.

But even after looking at it, It took me a long time to figure it out. Here's a few tips for those who are extreme windows newbies.

1. It doesn't matter what you name the command file, it just hast to END with the .cmd (suffix?) ending. So I called mine processingMLV.cmd

2. Place the MLV_DUMP.EXE file in a place where it's not going to move. You'll need this folder path to tell the command where to go.

Mine looked like this:

@echo off
for %%a in ( %* ) do ( md "%%~na" 2>nul )&( "C:\Users\Deming\OneDrive\Documents\MLV_Processing\"MLV_Dump.exe -o %%~na\%%~na_ --dng %%~na.MLV )

So, I put the MLV_DUMP.exe file in my Documents folder. Also note that the end qoutes need to be BEFORE the MLV.DUMP.exe -o%%...

Hope that helps someone else!


THANK YOU, sdeming!
Finally some one made what really helps! and on Windows!! :o

But I can't figure out your second post and this thread;all    at all))
Could you at least tell me why do I need anything besides your first instruction? Something with files/folders automation?

and is Vertical Bandind handling and Chroma Smoothing implemented and enabled somehow in mlv_dump or I really should use that unspeakable "%*~\--" something? :)
... which I think I'm too dumb and busy to study and use it flexibly and fluently :-[ 

thanx again for nice and simple tutorial!