3K/UHD 5D2 Raw development and Other Digic IV Cams

Started by reddeercity, April 06, 2017, 12:22:27 AM

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@Igor_Braun , I don't have time right now to investigate your camera's issue -- but it looks like a setting & corrupted images , I've seen this before (I think it was a card write issue)
I'll need to dig thought some of my past research to find info for you .


New test build , Increased vertical in FHD 48p preset from 688 to 774 , (1856x774  2:40 A.R. @ 48.028fps) write speed @ 10bit is 82MB/s so close to continuous  :)
I did reduces the rolling shutter in 48p from 29.7ms to 17.8ms  :D  Timer A has a lot of overhead in FHD I reduce the valve from 23B (default 1880) to 229 .
Still have 4k 3x1 & 2784x1160 1x1 , same as always check it out & let me know if 48p is centered correctly ( FYI , this the max height for FHD 48fps)

Edit: updated the First post/page with new test build


Congratulations on your beautiful work!
Are you still getting a 5d3?  We need your breakthroughs too!


Quote from: 70MM13 on July 16, 2019, 12:05:54 PM
Congratulations on your beautiful work!
Are you still getting a 5d3?  We need your breakthroughs too!
What do you miss on 5D3? It's all there already.


Quote from: reddeercity on July 16, 2019, 08:20:50 AM
@Igor_Braun , I don't have time right now to investigate your camera's issue -- but it looks like a setting & corrupted images , I've seen this before (I think it was a card write issue)
I'll need to dig thought some of my past research to find info for you .

David, that was for info purposes, please don't waste time for helping me:) heh, do what your doing, and i'd be happy if that what I wrote in any way can help in further development


Dont know what doing wrong, with latest build (16 july)

Can enable only 2.7k

can not enable 4k anamorphic or 48p......i watched tutorial....but nothing...

thanks for help


I get the feeling that RDC would push the limits more than is currently possible.  He's clearly enthusiastic about what he is doing, and it certainly wouldn't hurt to have him working on that camera!
As for what is missing for me, it is mentioned in my prior posts.  I won't repeat what those things are, as it always results in some form of backlash.
If the 5d3 was working at its full potential I think there would be longer recording times.  Bright scenes stop recording just when the action is right.  Not very nice.
I like RDC and think it would be great for him to be working on the 5d3!
It's just my opinion...  please be kind.


I was only curious to hear what was missing.
I keep my opinion to myself about the other stuff mentioned.


Quote from: banertop on July 16, 2019, 06:30:25 PM
Dont know what doing wrong, with latest build (16 july)
Can enable only 2.7k
can not enable 4k anamorphic or 48p......i watched tutorial....but nothing...
thanks for help
You have to start in 3x crop (5x zoom) first , so liveview should say "2144x1074" default crop_mode
then enable 4k 3x1 preset next , refresh liveview again , stay there for a few second (record a few second it you like)
then go directly to FHD48p preset with out refreshing liveview , crop menu will say 48p & frame size of 4064x590 .
next press half shutter then the zoom button once , should now be in FHD 48p (1856x774)
Here a quick flow chart showing the process .



Quote from: 70MM13 on July 16, 2019, 12:05:54 PM
Congratulations on your beautiful work!
Are you still getting a 5d3?  We need your breakthroughs too!
Thanks ,
I'm still looking for a good deal on a 5D3 , everyone wants too much $$$ for the cam's here in western Canada
I can get a EOS RP for the same price as a used 5D3 ($1500-1600) (The EOS R & RP have the greatest potential for ML with a 176MB/s SD card interface)
But at some point I do plan on getting one  , just not sure when it may be after I get a EOS RP but there again I may get the 5D3 first  :D

Yes there still a lot of stuff to discover on both D4/5 cameras and I would love nothing better then to fine tune the 5D3 .
After reading thought a1ex's code for 5D3 I see sooooo much more that this camera can do , we are just scratching the surface .


Now you're just teasing!

Get the 5d3 first!  We need your help!


What about collaborating with other ML people who have a 5d3?  Maybe there's one in red deer city?!

Or over the internet, which of course would be very slow and not fun...  or just get a 5d3 :)


Quote from: reddeercity on July 17, 2019, 07:48:00 AM
I can get a EOS RP for the same price as a used 5D3

I'm still on 5dIII, but you're right that it's much better to get a newer system R or RP as it has more potential and power! If there is a ML for EOS R, I would switch to that system without hesitation.
R8 | Canon 16-35 4.0L | Canon 50 1.4 | Canon 100mm 2.8 macro
Ronin-S | Feelworld F6 PLUS



Thank you....

After yours latest instruction post, i was able to record 48p and 4k anamorphic  :)

Is it possible to see what you record in those two modes? Or the live view is frozen?...no real time, or any buggy preview?

I set greyscale preview, but after pressing record button it is frozen



and, one more question, please...

How to unstretch in post 4k squeezed footage?



Quote from: banertop on July 17, 2019, 06:26:54 PM
How to unstretch in post 4k squeezed footage?
Load into MLVApp, streching is done automatically. Or use Resolve and stretch 300% manually vertically.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Quote from: banertop on July 17, 2019, 06:26:54 PM
and, one more question, please...

How to unstretch in post 4k squeezed footage?

Just run them thought MLV App , set the vertical stretch to 300% and export as Cdng (which will be at the native bit depth)
and then you will have the 1x3 tag in the dng and any program like Adobe After Effect & Balckmagic Resolve will read them
correctly without having to manually stretching even windows file explorer display the frame correctly (at least in Windows7 pro)
Info from Exiftool
Default Scale                   : 1 3
Default Crop Origin             : 0 0
Default Crop Size               : 4064 590
Exported from mlv app with 300% vertical , and you can see the tag "Default Scale" 1 3 (1x3) so any app that read Cdng or DNG's  will scale it correctly to 4064x1770
this how I work in Adobe After Effect , plus it keeps the 10bit raw frames @  2.86MB , where a 10bit 4096x1706 frame = 8.33MB

Default Scale                   : 1 1
Default Crop Origin             : 0 0
Default Crop Size               : 4064 590

This one was export with mlv app. without setting the 300% vertical stretch and you can see the "Default Scale" say 1 1 (1x1)
and this one will not be displayed the correct frame scale size , so all app will see it as 4064x590.

So you need to set the scale with all mlv file from "mlv_rec.mo" with vertical squeeze files .


Quote from: reddeercity on July 18, 2019, 04:59:20 AM
... and any program like Adobe After Effect & Balckmagic Resolve will read them
correctly without having to manually stretching ...
Unfortunately Resolve is not able to read the metadata (at least up to v15.x, did not try v16). You have to strech manually in Resolve. But no big deal.
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


Hi David, but it's possible see well in the liveview or only streched?


Look, David, i marked the center with the red circle.
So, it's not centered in 4k.
PS: can't activate the 48p preset... but now i'm scary trying to get into it if it's not enabling because my cam is half-alive right now and i have a project to shoot, heh... i'll attempt a little later or wait till next build if you don't mind



Is preview during recording frozen in 48p and 4k anamorphic mode?


Quote from: reddeercity on July 17, 2019, 07:29:31 AM
You have to start in 3x crop (5x zoom) first , so liveview should say "2144x1074" default crop_mode
then enable 4k 3x1 preset next , refresh liveview again , stay there for a few second (record a few second it you like)
then go directly to FHD48p preset with out refreshing liveview , crop menu will say 48p & frame size of 4064x590 .
next press half shutter then the zoom button once , should now be in FHD 48p (1856x774)
Here a quick flow chart showing the process .

I uploaded the July 15th build, the same thing happened with a build about a month ago: all the modules I enable don't download, they give "error".Ideas? Thanks


Try to use another CF
Edit: @reddeercity, tomorrow i have my final shooting with 5d2 for the long period and after that will try to get into all the features in your last build. A also found an interesting thing about Lexar 1066. You remember i told you that it became a brick without any possibility to format it with any program or camera? So, the one thing i needed to do with it is insert it to 5d2 with magic lantern bootflag activated, then plug it again to the PC et... voilĂ , it works! And all the files are in their places. So i think will it crash/restore again if doesn't have ML folder on it