Canon EOS 1300D / Rebel T6

Started by the12354, October 03, 2016, 11:51:34 AM

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Walter Schulz

So you are trying to install Canon's firmware file 1.1.0?
Show card's root directory content.


Guys I today had weird problem, so few months ago I installed ml on 1 sd card, then I bought new sd card (without ml) and used few months, then today I tried to turn on dslr but it didnt work, then I tried to turn on without sd card and it worked, so bassicly camera want boot on with sd card and without it will. So i reset all settings and now works so what was problem? My camera normaly worked few months without ml sd card


Format card on PC and try again.
Too many Canon cameras.
If you have a dead R or RP mainboard (e.g. after camera repair) and want to donate for experiments, I'll cover shipping costs.


It works now after i reset settings in dslr


Quotei reset all settings and now works so what was problem?

You've answered your own question.  One of the settings was the problem.  Which setting?  I can't tell you, I don't know what they were.

It's possible for settings to become corrupted.  This can happen with or without ML, due to the way Canon saves them.  If you can find a repeatable way to hit the problem, and if it's due to ML, then we can try to work out the cause and fix it.  If you can't repeat it, there's nothing we can do.


since the 2000d uses the same digic processor, i would like to try and port it to my camera
what resources do I need since I'm only experienced in java?


Hello! I've recently loaded ML onto my Canon Rebel T6! using the "" Build provided in this forum.

Although "Clear Overlay" works, I do not see any "fps override" in this ML build that i've seen someone mention having in this forum. Does this build have an "fps override" option? and if so, how can i enable it? as i dont see anywhere to enable this option.


I have a problem, if I want to record 10bit or 12bit raw video, Why it will record a black screen?


Video mode not
Canon 1300D, 500D, EOS M, EOS M2


Hello everyone! I wanted before everything to thank you guys who are working on this. Thank you so much.
I tried to download and install Magic Lantern on my 1300D/T6 following the guide provided on this topic.
When I insert the battery into the camera, with the switch being in the off position, the red light makes just one blink but nothing else happens even turning on the camera, and the battery drains until it runs out of power.
When I turn on the camera without SD card, it boots normally.
Do you happen to know the reason of this?
Thank you so much in advance for the help, have a good day!

EDIT: i solved by updating the canon firmware first, i thought it was unnecessary because i already had 1.1.0.


Quote from: critix on May 28, 2022, 12:48:27 PM
Video mode not
How can I help ?    I discover err70 error always happen when I running Self tests -> Stubs API test or load


Hi everybody.
I tried to start an install from scratch. It says no  PTP/USB device found couldn't enable boot disk. When I try to change the drivers like the manual says I don't know what device driver to change. Because the manual is not showing the image
On the other hand, could you guys make a newly updated referral point with all the steps for a new installation? Thank you for your time and effort


Hi Gabochess, I just fixed the manual link.
You might need to do a hard refresh to update the cache (Ctrl+Shift+R)


Hey thank you for your reply. The only driver I can see is WUDFWpdMtp (v10.0.19041.746) no WinUSB. I did a fresh install of the firmware from 1.1.0 to 1.1.0.


Quote from: petabyte on October 09, 2021, 01:48:57 AM
I was going to do a fresh install on my camera and decided to make an installation guide.

I've enabled editing for anybody, so feel free to make any edits. Eventually I may add it into the ML wiki.

Hey everyone, I am new to the forum, a friend recommended ML to me and then I discover 1300D isnt properly supported like the other cameras.
I just wanted to give a massive thanks to Petebyte for this brilliant install guide that made it simple to accomplish!! I would also like to say an even bigger thanks to those who help produce the ML mod for the 1300D!! Keep up the great work!




I used the 64 bit version ( from and got the data on the SD card ok but when I went to install zadig.exe I am given the notification "This app can't run on your PC - To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher". Any idea if there is a workaround? Working off a fairly new Windows 10 machine.

Thanks in advance.


Currently figuring out how make it so that mlinstall will work on Windows without Zadig. (Where it's a pain to uninstall libusb)

Option 1:
Use win32-libusb filter installer:
Without an installer:

Option 2:
Use the native Windows API directly.
- This adds WinUSB support to a libusb-like interface,
- I tried to get WinUSB to connect to my camera, but it wouldn't accept it.
- It might be possible to fork libusb-win32 and patch it to work on a specific GUID (GUID_DEVCLASS_IMAGE)


I am having an issue installing the ml software. Forgot to downgrade my firmware from 1.2.0 and cant seem to get any downgrade options to work. Still connects fine to my pc and is still recognizable, but EOS utility doesnt work which i kinda expected. 


Quote from: clarko on August 30, 2022, 01:47:09 PM
.. I went to install zadig.exe I am given the notification "This app can't run on your PC - To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher". Any idea if there is a workaround? Working off a fairly new Windows 10 machine.

It does work fine here, I am using Windows 10 x64, v21H2, OS build: 19044.2006.

Which Windows 10 version are you using?

Walter Schulz

Quote from: Niichad on September 28, 2022, 12:25:37 PM
I am having an issue installing the ml software. Forgot to downgrade my firmware from 1.2.0 and cant seem to get any downgrade options to work. Still connects fine to my pc and is still recognizable, but EOS utility doesnt work which i kinda expected. 

Sorry, please explain your problem(s) in more detail. It is hard to follow right now.


Quote from: Niichad on September 28, 2022, 12:25:37 PM
I am having an issue installing the ml software. Forgot to downgrade my firmware from 1.2.0 and cant seem to get any downgrade options to work. Still connects fine to my pc and is still recognizable, but EOS utility doesnt work which i kinda expected.
There is an issue upstream with Zadig, which makes the driver near impossible to uninstall. I'm very slowly working on a solution.
You can use the battery door method to downgrade the firmware, see
Eventually mlinstall itself will have a feature that makes it possible to downgrade the firmware over USB.


Working on porting ML to 1300D/T6 firmware version 1.2.0.

Currently it boots into menus, and passes stubs API test. I'll test it more over the next few weeks.

The plan is to move the codebase to,
which is more modern and has some build system fixes.


Finally managed to get EOS Utility working with my camera. Turns out LibUSB wasn't permanently installed, but I had managed to uninstall the Windows MTP driver.
In order to restore this driver, head to C:\Windows\INF\ and right click on the wptmtp.inf, and Cick Install. That, along with uninstalling the LibUSB connection in device manager, should restore everything.

Zadig still seems very janky, slow, and destructive, so I now recommend using the libusb win32 filter installer:
The nice thing about it is that you don't need to remove it, I've been able to run EOS Utility and mlinstall at the same time. Not sure if it's stable, but it can work. Probably still a good idea to remove the filter when you're done.


Magic Lantern 1300D 1.2.0: I've been testing this for a while to make sure there aren't any random crashes, and it's worked okay so far.
I updated every single address I could find (and checked all the ifdefs). The code is copied directly from critix's 0.1.0 repository.
Passed self test. I went ahead and deleted a few modules I wasn't confident with, but left mlvlite in. I've recorded a good bit of raw (maybe 10-20 minutes) and I haven't had any issues so far, but I should still warn you, it might break your camera. No guarantees.

EDIT: The 1.2.0 port has been removed. Newer and more stable version will be released in the future.

I've made a few attempts to port the 1300D port to the names_are_hard magiclantern_simplified fork, but the camera crashes after trying to register some property handlers. I probably won't continue trying (no point in doing so), but if anybody else wants to give it a shot: