How would you shoot...?

Started by emphram, January 12, 2016, 06:55:27 PM

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Hello folks! I have a question regarding photography. I cover a lot of weddings, baptisms, quinceañeras, etc, almost all are catholic, but I usually cover the video aspect. It seems like I will have some photography work cut out for me however, and I have noticed that the most photographers do their work as quickly (you don't get more than a few minutes at the end of the ceremony, anyways) as possible with very little tinkering in the camera. My questions are: what mode do they shoot in? And can anyone post examples of pictures you take at the church?


Full auto mode, the green square on the mode dial :P

Seriously, could be any mode.
I don't shoot wedding or baptisms etc. but for these examples you name, most photographers would like to control depth of field, so most are probably shooting in aperture mode (Av).
I use Av mode a lot, set the aperture I want, choose an iso value that delivers fast enough shuttervalues, 1/focal lentgh or minimum about 1/160th for slow moving people.



I don't do weddings etc. But my bird shots are manual with auto ISO. That way I can control the depth of field and handle motion blur and yet not need to fiddle for each shot.


Hi - maybe I might entice you to change your working methods a little. First of all planning. You're not making a video or some shots of an event. No! You're making video and photos, that are to be enjoyed many, many years from now by children and grand children and great grand children. So - planning!!!!!

Talk with the marrying couple. What do they want? Do they have special wishes? Photos with parents and friends? Setups with children...?

Talk with the best man - when is he going to address the couple, and where will you be able to put your microphones? Don't play telelens with your small mike.

Talk with the toast master - when are uncles and aunts going to hold their inevitable and incredibly dull speeches, and where can you set up your mikes? The music? When are the marrying couple dancing with dad, mom etc.? Planning.

The cutting of the cake late in the evening? If light is low be sure to give every guest a small candle, it is very romantic - and it provides a little extra light for your footage and photos.

Weddings are not done in a hurry, but is an all-day (rest-of-the-life) event. Take your time, have everything planned from the menu to the music. Don't allow any other photographers with their crazy flash lights and poor lenses running between you and the marrying couple. Tell all those would-be phonegraphers to get rid of themselves and get lost and not get in the way of the MAN - you!, giving the marrying couple clean, well-prepared pics and footage of the day of their life.

EOS RP, 5dIII.113/Batt.grip, 5dIII.123, 700d/Batt.Grip/VF4 viewfinder + a truckload of new and older Canon L, Sigma and Tamron glass