Is it possible? HDR+4K at 5fps. on Canon 60d?

Started by naso, October 31, 2015, 07:42:46 PM

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Hi guys,

I researched and tried and tested, but still cannot find solution for what I want to achieve.
Basically I want to make short (2-3min) time lapses of still cars. So far I have slider with mechanism that drags the camera very slowly while shooting stills (~3500 by 2700) on 5.3 fps.

First problem I want to solve is he mirror. I want it UP, locked during the whole period of continuous shooting. At the moment it goes up and down like crazy 5 times a second and creates vibrations which I want to avoid. Basically I only want the shooter to open and close.

Second thing I am wondering... its possible to have HDR 4k videos which are 4 of 5 fps (or may be more)? If its possible to have fullHD HDR video, why not having 4K HDR shot on around 5 FPS. If its a video that automatically means mirror will be locked and shooter open so it will solve the first problem.

From what I am aware its not possible at the moment with ML. Where can I ask if it could be developed or who to ask?

Thanks guys

cmccullum this might help solve your problem..? I haven't done much experimenting with the silent pic function, but it's probably worth checking out for what you want