Zero Bit Error?

Started by fridaycaleb, December 01, 2020, 03:22:34 PM

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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem. No RAW converters that I've used will recognize the data in my RAW files that I shot recently. Even if I use the most basic RAW2DNG it ends in 1 second and the folder created is empty. The footage has the info/size when I right click and it was shot on 2 different ML loaded CF cards and footage from neither will be recognized.


We need more information :)  What camera did you shoot on?  What version of ML are you using?  What OS are you using?  Can you give us an example file?


5DMIII, It's an older version of ML, can't lookup the exact number right now. I've tried on Mac Catalina and this morning I tried on Windows 10 Pro 64bit. I can upload an example shortly if that's needed.


Thanks.  Yes, we need an example file.  Can't fix a problem without being able to test it.


Sure, Do you have a preferred file hosting method? Google Drive work?



File is 1.1GB and ends in .RAW.  This is not a Canon raw image.  What format are you expecting this file to be?  How did you produce it?  Is this perhaps supposed to be raw video?


Yes it's raw video. It's definitely an older ML version but i've been using them for a long time without issue until now.


Okay, I think we now have the required information to help.

Longer term, you should move to a more recent ML version, the file format has been .mlv for several years now (which is a better name!  No confusion on whether you mean raw images or raw video).

It should be possible to convert these files but I've never worked with raw video so I can't help.  Probably someone else will see this and let you know how to convert.

Walter Schulz

No problem with Windows 10 and raw2dng.exe. These are the executables I tried:


Yes! that worked, thank you so much! The flicker is actually the gym lights strobing lol, but thanks!

Walter Schulz

Glad to help! But you should know ML doesn't support old RAW file format anymore. Consider updating and using MLV_LITE instead.