MLVProducer: [v3200]

Started by AWPStar, May 29, 2015, 10:44:45 PM

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New settings for new version.

1. Multithreading. Threads count. Also works with Debayering.
2. Low Quality playback.


Works with options: "Remove focus dots", "Remove hot pixels", "Remove Vertical Stripes", "BlackLevel", "Exposure"
Scaling is not ready(I do not know what's inside this tag.).
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


Love the new settings GUI -- can't wait to test this out on OS X El Captain with my new MBP.
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


GUI is old, just new features.
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


Well I'm a bit behind in here especially in the Windows world obviously, right? [emoji6]

Thanks, anyway!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Great, is the new version available for testing?   5D Mark III, 6D, 550D


It's not ready yet(there's a lot of things to do). But you can try to test current build.  ;)
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


I got it, thanks :)

So first thing i tried cdng export and it seems not entirely working yet. I exported sequence as CDNG, i found that there was no *.wav file inside the folder despite i clicked "include sound". I imported this sequence into resolve 12, it was opened but only one frame was visible, not a movie. I have also noticed that exporting CDNGs with exposure setting (tried +3 or so) resulted blown out highlights CDNGs in both ACR and resolve - so looks like the MLV producer settings affects outputted CDNGs.

Well, i am so excited with your new improvements :) It looks like the ultimate Magic Lantern raw app is around the corner :)

I couldnt find "settings" box from the post above, is it somewhere in the version you have send me?   5D Mark III, 6D, 550D


Quotei found that there was no *.wav file inside the folder
Not ready yet)
Quoteit was opened but only one frame was visible, not a movie.
Timecodes are not ready too.

QuoteI couldnt find "settings" box from the post above, is it somewhere in the version you have send me?
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.

kgv5   5D Mark III, 6D, 550D


I've found this bug!
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


Just Checking out the Exporting MLV/Raw to Cdng's on the latest posted build ,
Cdng Uncompressed Work fine now in Adobe Premiere Pro cc 2015 & SpeedGrade cc 2015  the direct import to SpeedGrade from PremierePro is nice ,
displays as you would see from premiere pro viewer.
Good job , Thanks for that.


Quote from: AWPStar on October 21, 2015, 04:44:11 PM

Works with options: "Remove focus dots", "Remove hot pixels", "Remove Vertical Stripes", "BlackLevel", "Exposure"
Scaling is not ready(I do not know what's inside this tag.).
Dude, you are genius! Dat screen... Love it. Thanks for your time!
Canon 70D (ML 70D.111A - Beta-3) | Canon: 24-70mm f/4 L IS USM, 50mm f/1.8 STM, 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 STM | FD 35mm f/2.8, FD 50mm f/1.8, FD 135mm f/3.5, Soligor: FD 28mm f/2.8 | old Canon flash Speedlite 299T | Windows 10 64bit


Bugreport on build1858
Bad news:
1. Timeline window has fixed canvas size. I see middle - up 1920x1080 crop out of 3520x1320 video and find no way to see full size image.
2. Playback is choppy, compared to MLRawViewer.
3. Canon EOS 50D in Exif, actually was shot on 5D MkIII.
4. No lens info (Noone CDNG extracting tool can provide this, though, so no wonder)
5. Incorrect WB in ACR  - 4350 temp and +70 tint, should be 4450 and +16 according to RawtoCDNG. But In Resolve - 6500 temp and 0 tint. Take a look at RawtoCDNG - it provides correct and consistent WB across ACR and Resolve.
6. Extracts correct number of frames, but all the frames are identical - it's the first frame of the video- so, it's not problem with timecode :)
Good news.
1. It imports to Resolve. (!!!!!!!)
2. It has wider waveform than mlv_dump and RawtoCDNG exported files altogether.
How did you get this?
I checked several times - all the settings identical, but yours looks like alredy graded.
It's awesome if you find the way to extract more shadows and highlights, but what if this lead to clipping or something like that? Need more testing though.
In total.
Just one critical problem - only first frame extracted.
Great, great thanks for your efforts !!!


Thank you!

1. You can use "S" key or this button
2. It depends on many factors. Debayering method, effects, preview quality. But it is totally not just a viewer.
3.DNG's was not ready to use.
4. I think it is possible.
5. fixed values.
6. see 3)

1. One Frame=)
2. I think it's because i'm replacing WhiteLevel from 15000 to 16383.

If you want another test build so here it is. :)
All dng's can be extracted, not just one frame.
Sound can be extracted.
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.


Group View, Snapshot, Color Calibration, Sharpness and Author's settings.

MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.



Awesome work AWPStar!

Are you looking into render output settings customization? And then perhaps NVENC or quicksync support?


I just try it and its so nice the cdng!  I see that the remove strips didn't work, at least for the 7D, also in the info its say 50D and not 7D.

Thanks again for this =)


Just tested out MLVP Build #1908 and Thanks for that!

However, after successfully installing/running via Wine on my fairly new MBP running El Captain -- I am unable to locate my Two Disk Drives from my Desktop Screen under the Open dialog windows?

Thoughts? Or could this be limiting factor to OS X?
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


@DeafEyeJedi , wondering if you try and double click on "My Computer" dose it open up to all your disk drives ?
That usually the way in PC , should see OS Drive + all the attached drives


5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Interesting @DeafEyeJedi I guess I have to load it up on my MAC and see if it freeze also


Go to "MyComputer/Z:/Volumes/..." ;-)
5D3.113 | EOSM.202


QuoteAre you looking into render output settings customization?
What do you mean?
QuoteAnd then perhaps NVENC or quicksync support?
Not now=)
(edit) i can try
Quote-vcodec h264_qsv
with ffmpeg. But i can not test it. I don't have Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge CPU.
or i can try to use this build.

QuoteI see that the remove strips didn't work, at least for the 7D
It calculates pattern when you are checking "remove vertical stripes" option. Try it on another frame.

I don't have MAC so i cannot help you with that  :-[
Have you tried drag'n'drop?
MLVProducer. p.s. sorry for my bad english.

andy kh

5D Mark III - 70D