RAW Video: PostProcessing -- Beginners Guide --

Started by RenatoPhoto, May 24, 2013, 10:11:21 PM

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rawtherapee, darktable, or ufraw (which can be used with gimp)

For raw video there are many programs to convert from ML's custom formats to something useable. Many converters just convert to DNG, a few, however, will convert directly to some common video format like ProRes. See the sticky threads here: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?board=54.0


Thanks a lot!  :)

After a short session of googling, I think I'll go with rawtherapee - no time to try them all. I did look at the threads suggested over the last couple of days, so much usefull information there, but it is a little bit confusing for a newbie. I hope every time I re-read them, I will understand some more.

One more request, if I may (though OT in this thread). I am sure I read somewhere in the forum about a good practise to format CF card in a particular way to help the write speed and avoid stopping recording/dropped frames. Unfortunately, now that my card arrived I am not able to find it  ::) . Would someone please direct me to the right thread?


I've read about formatting the compact flash as exFat on the PC instead of fat32. This way files won't be broken into 4gb chunks.


Hello again  :) !

I have spent more or less 30 - 40 hours shooting and processing video with 50D, mostly raw and thanks to your advise I am quite impressed with the results. My current simple and free workflow is: .mlv->raw2cdng.1.6.5.->RawTherapee 4.2.147->VirtualDub32bit->.avi

I would appreciate your advise on the following:

1. For upresing to full HD I use RawTherapee (Lanczos). I can't say I am unhappy with the results, but I wonder if there is a better and free way of doing so?

2. What do you use to view .avi files? I noticed that Windows Media Player shows warmer colors as compared to the original raw files and it also seems that color depth is inferior. Winamp on the other hand seems to show the right colors, as far as I can tell. Any suggestions?
