Switch for macOS Catalina/Linux (former cr2hdr.app)

Started by Danne, May 05, 2015, 04:32:38 PM

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What happens in resolve has nothing with converting to do. Check google or create a new post if you can't find your answer in here already.


Quote from: Danne on June 01, 2020, 07:30:22 AMCheck google or create a new post if you can't find your answer in here already.
MY bad, sorry, I can't find in Google anything about how Resolve handles dng(from-mlv) with different tonemapping...

But actually my question was mainly oriented on Switch: which is its default tonemapping? Is there one?
And more generically: converting to DNG (which I'd do with Switch), which is the "most advisable" (if there's one) profile/tone to make the conversion? Or, being DNG, it's insignificant? (Here I mentioned Davinci only because, if it's insignificant, why I saw a huge difference in the same MLV converted in DNG with two different tonemappings?)

Another Switch specific: I saw it can handle CR2 for dual-iso or HDR. I shooted a normal timelapse in CR2s with MagicLantern. Can Switch handle/convert timelapse too?


No time to explain dng specifics, sorry.

Regarding timelapse sequencing I usually convert my CR2 files with Ilia3101 raw2mlv tool. I wrapped it into an app here:

When converted into mlv it´s just a matter of importing to mlv app and off you go.


@adjork DNG or any kind of raw has no tonemapping of any kind, ever, at all. What are you talking about?

If you saw difference it was for other reasons, please explain more.


Quote from: Danne on June 01, 2020, 09:55:55 AMRegarding timelapse sequencing I usually convert my CR2 files with Ilia3101 raw2mlv tool.
Fantastic, I didn't know that software. Thank you!

Quote from: ilia3101 on June 01, 2020, 11:41:49 AMDNG or any kind of raw has no tonemapping of any kind, ever, at all. If you saw difference it was for other reasons, please explain more.
Thank you so much for your kind reply ilia3101. Yes, as I knew DNGs should not have tonemapping, but I saw a big visual difference importing 2 dng-folders into Davinci. These 2 dng-folders are two different conversions of the same MLV: one made with Switch (leaving all default) and the other one made with MLV-App with Cineon tonemapping and Alexa gamut applied. I imported into Davinci both the dng-folders, and in RAW Panel I set both with BMD Film in Color Space and Gamma. I expected to see the same visual result, instead I noticed a huge difference: the one converted with MLV-App (with Cineon tonemapping and Alexa gamut) has midtones strongly brigther and less saturated than the one converted with Switch (default). Why? Why does Davinci interpret these 2 dngs in different ways? And which is the right thing to do?
Thanks a lot.


It makes no sense of what you are describing. Again, a screen record will probably reveal the answer. Also upload dng files, one from each program.


Now the problem is clear (not really the solution): the case of the MLV converted into two DNGs (Switch-default vs MLVApp-cineon) which are seen differently by Davinci, does make sense because it happens only when the MLV is a somehow faulty dual-ISO.
HERE the screen record.
And HERE the two first-frames of the DNG-folders.
And finally HERE the original problematic dual-ISO MLV.
Thanks a lot.


There you go. With proper info all is clear as crystal.


Quote from: Danne on June 03, 2020, 06:26:20 AMWith proper info all is clear as crystal.
Well... not "all" actually: now it's clear that the problem is the faulty dual-ISO MLV, but it's not clear (to me) how to fix it (or IF it's possible to fix it...) Anyway, this is not directly a Switch problem, so I'll try to migrate my question to the proper dual-ISO topic.
Thanks again :)


Question about Switch vs MLVFS:
If I understand correctly, MLVFS should do on-the-fly what Switch does saving a new dng-folder. If that's true, the following two things should be identical: making an mlv-to-dng conversion via Switch, or copying&pasting a "virtual" dng-folder from the MLVFS' virtual-drive to another "real" place.
Is that right?

I'm asking this because I noticed that MLVFS maintains the complex naming structure I used for my MLVs (with dots and dashes), and Davinci seems handle it without problems.


Everything doesn't work everywhere. Just fix your naming structure or get your hands dirty and fix my code part.
Adding punctuation to a folder is never a good idea in general imo.


Of course Danne (and I'll never do it again in future).
But just to know: do you confirm that when you copy&paste a dng-folder from the MLVFS'virtual-drive to another "real" folder-place is exactly like doing a conversion with Switch (or MLVApp)?


No. Why would it. Three different programs, with code variations.


Hi Danne, thanks for you work!

I cant get the new cr2hdr implementation to work - when i drop a CR2 onto Switch the notifications say the cr2hdr shortcut is running and complete but no output is created.

I've downloaded the latest Switch and installed dcraw and exiftool and I'm running Catalina 10.15.5. Do you know why this is? Are there any other dependancies i need?

Thanks  :)


Checked the log file?
Please upload an example CR2 file as well.
All dependencies are included inside Switch. It might reveal what´s not working in the log file.

Wait. I changed cr2hdr to an older version before. Probably breaking 64bit. Will try and fix it.


Ok, I couldn´t resist merging the latest from cr2hdr into the 64bit version fixed by @names_are_hard and it seems it is working. Needs to be tested:

As I am on a very slow connection I suggest @adamk71 download the binary directly and replace cr2hdr inside Content folder inside Switch and test again:

If working it will confirm @names_are_hard changes will work for later 64bit os systems on mac.

@a1ex, sorry, ml source and Switch need updating again  :P


Just tried latest Switch and working perfectly, thank you!


Great. I have a few more changes going in but will have to wait for a better connection.


Confirmed latest Switch works flawlessly in Mac OS 10.15.5 (Hackintosh) & 10.15.3 (MBP). Thanks for the update, @Danne!
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So I really love this!  I used it today to convert some 5D3 RAW footage at work (just some stuff I was playing around with), and I was able to take 1080 footage, upscale, add sharpening and noise reduction, and the shots looked just like our Panasonic Varicam LT.  A bunch of shots from this shoot will make it to air in our show.

I wanted to go home and do the same thing, but unfortunately I have a windows environment, and I haven't found a tool that can do the same upscale, sharpening and noise reduction as Switch.

Any chance this will ever get a windows version? 


Sounds good. No windows version planned on my part. Did you try Mlv App maybe? Works cross platform.


I spent about 4 hours last night going through every program I could put my hands on, and unfortunately either the software isn't ass good (or reliable), or there is a learning curve I couldn't beat...

To give you a background, I spent maybe 2 hours at work playing with the different softwares, and Switch was by far the best outcome.  There is a slight learning curve with the menu system, but once you find settings that work, it's a breeze.

I used MlRawViewer in the past, and it's a good solution for converting, but it doesn't upscale and include the denoise and sharpening options

I used Mlv App last night and I tried about 5-6 different Sharpening and denoise options, but none of them kept the details, they just muddied the image up, and smoothed out edges.  Needless to say, I couldn't get the results I got on Switch.  In addition, it froze doing a batch at about 12%, so I consider that unreliable.

Switch essentially gave my 5dIII new life, because the 1080 RAW image that came out of it could be upscaled and could sit side by side with an actual 4K image out of a production camera.  I'd really like to have the opportunity to work with those files or anything I shoot at home.  Unfortunately all my processing power is the PC ecosystem. 

The only other options I have is to try Linux, but I'm not at all familiar with that ecosystem, so I would have to get over a steep learning curve... 


Hehe, cool. Yes, I like the dcraw + ffmpeg options too in Switch. Only way in windows would be trying to get it working in linux subsystem but that is a pain really.


I tried using this on Catalina, but maybe I am missing something. Can Switch be used to convert DNGs back to MLV, or to DNG again, but apply the Force Vertical Stripes processing upon output? I can't seem to figure it out.


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Please don't double or triple post. I already answered you in another thread.