Switch for macOS Catalina/Linux (former cr2hdr.app)

Started by Danne, May 05, 2015, 04:32:38 PM

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99.221.254 byte, should be the last one!


It works over here so not sure what,s going on unfortunately.
*Update. Was an issue with multiple spanned files. Fixed now.


Thanks for the kind update @Danne in regards to the MLV log countdown via Terminal. 

It can be handy when working on other things and to be able to see this prompt window is awesome actually!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


cool. I´m putting in a notifiyng countdown counter for most of the stuff in time. If downloading the downlod repository directly I just added the counter to RAW and dual iso CR2 processing as well. Idea from feedback from togg originally.


Quote from: Danne on April 17, 2017, 07:11:27 PM
I´m putting in a notifiyng countdown counter for most of the stuff in time. If downloading the downlod repository directly I just added the counter to RAW and dual iso CR2 processing as well. Idea from feedback from togg originally.

Nice. I did notice @togg was responsible for the concept. Great thinking @togg!

Also @Danne do you plan on doing the same for ProRes renderings as well?
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


QuoteProRes renderings as well?
Yes. I´m right now fooling around some idea that right now opens up a new notifier for every process being started but I will somehow make it stay within the same terminal window. Let´s see when I trick bash to do exactly what I want ;).


Having some issues with pink highlights in 50p 3x3 (old style - 1920x672).

Is this something to do with ML or the DNG processing?

Sample zip file:


Hi Beauchampy. You could try set white level to 15000 instead of 16200 ad see if that helps some. Then I think you have to be careful with highlight recovery here since there are a lot of blown highlights. Don´t think there´s anything wrong with ML or processing. Only difficult footage.


octave:1> a = read_raw('M14-1541_000000.dng');
octave:2> prctile(a(:), [1 5 10 50 90 99 99.9 99.99])'
    2278    2846    3306    5634    8430   12558   12654   12710

=> try 12500.

Details: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5601.msg181926#msg181926

Steps to reproduce?


Slight bit of pink @ 15000
Much less pink (but still a tiny tiny amount) @ 12500

Thanks both!

@a1ex - this didn't used to happen with 14-bit, I could usually blow the highlights and they would recover as grey, unless I'm mistaken. Is this something to watch for when exposing & 12-bit?



I doubt it has to do with lower bit depth, but you need to show me the steps to reproduce the issue (preferably from a clean configuration, e.g. reset both Canon and ML to defaults).


Seems these may have to do with using 1080p 45/48fps 3x3 in prior to. I was able to get some of these pink cast around the blown highlights in recent tests with 14-bit lossless 3.5k afterwards.

Here are some samples.  Will try to find a way to reproduce on my end and report my findings.

Short Samples:
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Thanks Danne for the CR2HDR April 18 build!  I'm now gladly converting 3K mlv to dng on my mac.  Rather than having to do it on my PC then transfer the dngs back to Mac.


Cool that a1ex mlv_dump version seems to play nicely in cr2hdr.app @shadowsenhance.

Uploaded a new version. Includes notifiers for core processing (mlv_dump, raw2dng, cr2hdr, dcraw/FFmpeg ProRes piping). When processing is done there will be an ending prompt specifying total processing time and also how long each process took.



End prompt


Digging all the new notifiers big time especially the end prompt -- really useful details and great job @Danne!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Great job on the latest build!

Just wanted to add, I noticed inside cr2hdr there was embedded both mlv_dump and mlv_dump4k. I was processing all 3K lossless stuff, and some MLVs processed okay, others gave a single corrupted frame and moved on to next MLV.

I figured for some reason maybe cr2hdr had used the non-experimental build for these, giving the corrupted result. So I replaced mlv_dump with mlv_dump4k (so both files are the same experimental build), ran cr2hdr again, and everything processed without a hitch.

So maybe the technique to determine whether to use mlv_dump or mlv_dump4k is not perfect yet. But as I am only shooting 3k/4k stuff, this workaround is fine for me.


Yes, I'm using information based on what happens when regular mlv_dump fail. Usually it stops after one file outputting something like "processed one frame" but this might not be the case always.
As it turns out Bouncyball just released recoded versions of mlv_dump and mlvfs I will put up a version which hopefully fixes the issues with having two versions.
Check out the latest from mr B here.


New version which supports compressed raw as well as regular 10/12/14bit raw files.
Download link

I "monkeywrenched" Bouncyball´s lj92 implemetation to work with cr2hdr.app. It won´t get me any prices but it seems to fly.
Code here:

Andrew Baldwin(MlRawViewer) worked out lj92 code

Code has been around and worked upon and now Bouncyball reworked the code so that it works with MLVFS and mlv_dump for steroids. Major leap here. Big thanks to Bouncyball. I somehow managed to get the code working with 14bit ml-dng(dmilligan) branch in cr2hdr.app.
The pros are obvious. Hopefully working with a1ex and g3gg0 stellar vertical stripes code and chroma smoothing, cold pixel fix etc. If testing please report your experience both good and bad on Bouncyball´s thread or here. Check if vertical stripes code is working and so on.
Bouncyball "updated MLVFS" thread

Do not miss out on downloading Bouncyball version of dmilligan´s state of the art MLVFS fully working with compressed raw.

Darkframe averaging seems not to be working with compressed raw yet.


Quote from: Danne on April 25, 2017, 10:43:29 PM
New version which supports compressed raw as well as regular 10/12/14bit raw files.
Download link

I "monkeywrenched" Bouncyball´s lj92 implemetation to work with cr2hdr.app. It won´t get me any prices but it seems to fly.
Code here:

Andrew Baldwin(MlRawViewer) worked out lj92 code

Code has been around and worked upon and now Bouncyball reworked the code so that it works with MLVFS and mlv_dump for steroids. Major leap here. Big thanks to Bouncyball. I somehow managed to get the code working with 14bit ml-dng(dmilligan) branch in cr2hdr.app.
The pros are obvious. Hopefully working with a1ex and g3gg0 stellar vertical stripes code and chroma smoothing, cold pixel fix etc. If testing please report your experience both good and bad on Bouncyball´s thread or here. Check if vertical stripes code is working and so on.
Bouncyball "updated MLVFS" thread

Do not miss out on downloading Bouncyball version of dmilligan´s state of the art MLVFS fully working with compressed raw.

Darkframe averaging seems not to be working with compressed raw yet.

Can someone put this in laymans terms? Do I just need to update cr2hdr and it's much faster? Or does this require MLVFS as well? I know how to use both converters, just never used them together. DeafEye, where are you? You're good at explaining this stuff  :D


Just do what you normally have done. Download and install. This time it's temporarily called cr2hdr.app_lj92 from the bitbucket download link above.

Re: MLVFS from within this app (assuming you've updated to the latest supercharged MLVFS from @bouncyball) - Once you get into main menu and press 'ml' to get into MLVFS menu then press 'A' to activate.

It should then also prompt up MLRawViewer (if you have it installed) as well. Once you're done previewing the footage, simply quit MLRV and yet cr2hdr.app will be standing by upon waiting for your next command request.
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Installed everything, I'm missing a step to understand how to compress the MLV (if it is possible)!

edit: ok it seems it is not yet since martinhering is asking for it mmm


Question: Would it be long to make cr2hdr.app also works on OSX 10.6.8?
I have two systems on my Mac and 10.6.8 is my choice for the moment, so each time I test ML I have to restart. Don't ask ;-)


Is it not working on 10.6.8? What is happening when you run it?


Nothing, the window doesn't open.


Maybe you need to change security settings?
Could also be that you need to put in all scripts in your older automator version to make it work. Hard to tell.