Canon 6D

Started by Maqs, May 01, 2015, 09:56:15 AM

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Walter Schulz

Or use search (left sided one between "Help" and "Profile".


found it. damn it costs a lot 330 euro. wtf


hey guys been awhile since i have updated my magic lantern on my 6D.

Im kind of lost basically, what i have is tragic lantern last build from sept 2014-09-26 6D FW 1.1.3,
I have the SD card set with working tragic lantern.

What is the process to update to 6D FW1.1.6 with the latest ML build?

Also if i update to the Latest ML build for FW 1.1.3, can i just replace the bin exe files on the SD card?

Is it worth going over to FW1.1.6? or i can just use the ML FW 1.1.3 build

Thanks in advance

Walter Schulz

Quote from: boogotti84 on August 13, 2015, 11:07:12 AM
What is the process to update to 6D FW1.1.6 with the latest ML build?

Update Canon firmware = 1.1.6
Delete ML dir, Autoexec.bin and *.fir from card and copy extracted nightly build contents to card.


Quote from: Walter Schulz on August 13, 2015, 12:32:27 PM
Update Canon firmware = 1.1.6
Delete ML dir, Autoexec.bin and *.fir from card and copy extracted nightly build contents to card.

Thank you, will try when im home tonight. what new goodies are there to play with since sept build?

Walter Schulz
- Seamless MLV/RAW recording for > 30 minutes.
- Full resolution silent pics
- New installer


Abergon said:
QuoteNow with 1.1.6, Power Save will deactivate the GPS whenever the 6D goes to sleep mode, even if it is on. As a result, each time the 6D is reawakened, the GPS has to look for the position again, resulting in loss of information due to the time it takes to make a fix.

This is the same behavior as with 1.1.3.  Then and now... the GPS in the 6D turns off when the camera goes to sleep OR when the 6D is turned off.

Jim in Boulder


hi friends there!
Just installed: magiclantern-Nightly.2015Jul02.6D116

can't find the audio ML menu??! it starts (from left) with the EXPO menu..really missing the manual audio control feature!!

Walter Schulz

Load and and restart camera. Not that much options, though.


thanks Walter, very sorry for would be so useful!


Hello friends.

I have a problem with a sd card running this nightly but I don't know if magic lantern was the problem.

I have worked some days with it. Sandisk Extreme 32gb. Suddenly the camera doesn't work, I have to remove the sd, change it and remove the battery, then the camera turn on again.

When I put the sd in the camera again, the camera did not turn on.  The pc does not recognise the sd too, and I cannot recovery data from sd.

I need to know if it's a problem from sd (2 week since I buy it) or might be a magic lantern problem with my 6D

Sorry for my bad english. Thanks for all.

P.S. I have one more of this Sandisk Extreme 32 gb, and I have no troubles

Walter Schulz

ML doesn't reprogram SD-card controller. So it's unlikely ML caused this error.
If you remove card too quickly after opening compartment door there is in fact a very good chance you might get corrupted data. After opening the door the cam will access the card and it doesn't matter if the cam is turned off.


It could be a fake/counterfeit card. This practice is very rampant nowadays. Make sure you only purchase SD cards from reputable, trustworthy sources. If you see a deal too good to be true, it probably is.

Walter Schulz

Trustworthy sources won't prevent from purchasing fraudulent flash memory. Dealers are not able to check each single item on the shelf and "product pirats" are sometimes not that bad matching visual/appearance.
My recommendation: Use h2testw (windows) or f3 (OS X) on all cards at home. This will tell if card's storage size is faked, which will cause data corruption if real size limit is reached.


I have not removed the card from camera. I just turn off the camera, when i tried to turn on came the problem.

I bought the sd card in, and were distributed by , so I know that they are not fakes. I have fully filled it in another works and nothing happened.

thanks for all... I still trying to recover the clips, and searching for the mistake.

Walter Schulz

There is nothing to be called trustworthy in flash memory market.
Always test your memory cards before going productive.



Has anyone else experienced any camera lock-ups? I don't think mine is related to ML, and actually doesn't even require that there be a card in the camera. but almost every time I pull my camera out of the bag now (it's gotten progressively more frequent over the last month), it will take one photo, and then hang, as if it's writing the image to the card. I've tried the newest versions of ML, no version of ML (factory reset), no card even, and it still always hangs. the LCD on top of the camera will flash "Busy" and if I switch the camera off, I get the blue disk saying that it's writing "1 image to card." But it never writes, and I eventually have to pull the battery to get it to reset. Any ideas?


have you tried different batteries?  i've had some weird problems crop up with dying aftermarket batts.
canon 600d
canon 60d - Nightly.2016Apr17.60D111
canon 70d - 112


Yes, I have 4 batteries, the original and another 3 more., and I have the same problem with them. I tried a lots of softwares as well as linux SO unsuccessfully. The memory card is dead I think.

You are right, it is very difficult to know if it is a fake, but the item is sold and dispatched by amazon, as well as packed by amazon and sandisk with a special  cheap packaging, not the usual. Then Sandisk send the memory card directly to amazon and amazon pack the memory card. I Think that it is difficult to be a fake


Quote from: gatocosmico on September 01, 2015, 02:06:18 PM
Yes, I have 4 batteries, the original and another 3 more., and I have the same problem with them. I tried a lots of softwares as well as linux SO unsuccessfully. The memory card is dead I think.

You are right, it is very difficult to know if it is a fake, but the item is sold and dispatched by amazon, as well as packed by amazon and sandisk with a special  cheap packaging, not the usual. Then Sandisk send the memory card directly to amazon and amazon pack the memory card. I Think that it is difficult to be a fake
If u format it, it will work but u'll lose all your data... Happened to me once and not sure what caused it, could be removing it fast after u open the lid


Guys, any suggestions about how to remove this black bar on top of the video frame?

My 6D connected to external monitor via HDMI and i've tried all layout modes (16x9, 16x10, 3x2 etc) and to disable everything info except bottom and top lines.
Everything looks good on camera screen, only on external one i have this bar.


Awesome I'm excited to update to 1.1.6. Good work!


hi guys,

I understand that the current build can only record up to 120 frame (around 5secs) with RAW video (near 1080p). May I know if there's any stop-gap measure to record for at least 30s, but perhaps in compressed RAW mode? I would love to stick to the near-1080p resolution.


In addition, is there a way to use 1:1 crop mode without using RAW video? Couldn't find a way to enable crop mode without using MLV.