Canon 40D

Started by dichterDichter, July 18, 2012, 08:55:06 AM

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1024 x 680



mode :  w x h

0 : 720 x 240
1 : 704 x 480
2 : 720 x 576


51722: 13249.867 [DispCon] TurnOnDisplay (PUB)
51723: 13266.642 [LV] lvSetPsave 0x0
51724: 13267.371 [LV] LV_GetPtpZoomWindowArea IX=1560(16384), IY=1038(0)
51725: 13267.404 [LV] LV_GetPtpZoomWindowArea CX=0, CY=0
51726: 13268.004 [LV] lvSetWbIntegRegisterForAe 1
51727: 13268.045 [LV] StartLiveViewWbPass
51728: 13268.920 [LVCDEV]->lvcdevStartDev
51729: 13270.190 [LV] lvResetPsave
51730: 13270.396 [LV] WB 1974 1151 1151 2533(1377)
51731: 13270.503 [LV] lvResetPsave(1) 0x5A 0x454 0x49E
51732: 13270.528 [LV] lvResetPsave(2) 0x0 0x0 0x0
51733: 13271.801 [LVCDEV]->lvcdevResourceGet(0,1)
[b]51734: 13272.366 [DPATH] LV_JPG START Y:0x1de43c64 J:0x1ca700c8 Y411:0x10798ea0[/b]
51735: 13275.198 [LV] lvVDInterrupt
51736: 13275.363 [LV] WB 1974 1151 1151 2533(1158)
51737: 13279.334 [DEV] LV_JPG YuvWriteCompleteCBR
51738: 13279.373 [DEV] LV_JPG YUVReadCompleteCBR
51739: 13279.499 [DEV] LV_JPG JpCoreCompleteCBR( 0x2e1c6 )
51740: 13279.553 [DEV] LV_JPG JpegPopCompleteCBR
[b] 51741: 13279.672 [DPATH] LV_JPG STOP Y:0x1df97c64 J:0x1ca9e28e Y411:0x107a0e20[/b]
51742: 13280.277 [LVCDEV]->PD(VF:0x107927ec,MS:0x485540)
[b] 51743: 13282.818 [LV] lvReturnVram[/b]
51744: 13282.851 < GUI Lock > GUILock_PermitPowerLock (PUB)
51745: 13283.134 < GUI Lock > GUILockTask 1


In 2008 dataghost teased the world be getting video from his 40d. Now it looks like it might just happen for other 40d users. Congratulation on your hard work!!!



I think this is a lot better than Dataghost obtained (I've followed the thread back then). If all goes well, we will have MJPEG 422 at 1024x680.

Sure, we need to have a working port first. If you share the current status and code, I can help with this.


Congrats you have done marvelous job...........eagerly waiting to use it on my 40d :)


Thank you all, but this would not have been possible without your help.

The Coutts, Chucho and the A1ex helped me a lot.

I have to thank also to the guys of CHDK. In the past they did an excellent job.
Without this work and without tools Alex would be very complicated.

I have spent many hours on it. I'm a little tired. Once you have a little time, I'll share with you my code.

My next steps will be to change the boot process.
I want to do something similar to what exists for other cameras.

I've read some things and did not seem very complex. With time and with your help will be easy.


Take it easy. This low-level stuff can take a lot of time, even for experienced people.


'Vram Instance' : 0xFF9B943C


That's the same LV resolution as the 50D, what about frame rates though?
Canon EOS 6D, 60D, 50D.
Sigma 70-200 EX OS HSM, Sigma 70-200 Apo EX HSM, Samyang 14 2.8, Samyang 35 1.4, Samyang 85 1.4.
Proud supporter of Magic Lantern.


Some strings from 40dv111 ...

s vram

[b]ffca0178: '[IMP] CreateVram %d' [/b]
ffca0930: '[IMP] CompleteVramSyncroClearCBR err:%d'
ffca0d48: '[IMP] (PUB) SetVramInformation(w:%ld h:%ld) %d'
[b]ffca7528: '[IMPV] MakeHDVram %d' [/b]
ffca0e9c: '[IMP] DrawImageToVram GetJpegInfo():%d'
ffca1298: '[IMP] (PUB) RefreshImageVram %d'
ffca12b8: '[IMP] RefreshImageVram : VramNo not found'
ffca15a8: '[IMP] (PUB) AbortDrawImageToVram %d'
[b]ffca648c: '[IMPV] SetVramImageInfo %d' [/b]
ffca2c04: '[IMP] (PUB) SyncroClearImagePlayVram %d'
ffca089c: '[IMP] ImageVramCompleteCBR err:%d'
ffca349c: '[IMP] (PUB) SetVisibleImageVramOffset %d'
ffca3518: '[IMP]  pVramImagePositionY %d'
ffcaff38: 'Not Exist Bitmap Vram!!'
[b]ffca32fc: '[IMP] (PUB) GetVramImageInfo %d' [/b]
[b]ffca0ec4: '[IMP] ERROR DrawImageToVram %s, %d' [/b]
ffca644c: '[IMPV] Complete MakeHDVram Error(%d)\n'
[b] ffca64a8: '[IMPV] SetVramImageInfo x:%ld y:%ld w:%ld h:%ld' [/b]
ff906cd4: '[GUI] uiImageWidth(%d) uiImageHeight(%d) uiVramWidth(%d)'
ff906d88: '[GUI] uiImageWidth(%d) uiImageHeight(%d) uiVramHeight(%d)'
ffca087c: '[IMP] ImageVramCompleteCBR %d'
[b]ffca12e4: '[IMP] RefreshImageVram VramAdd:0x%lX' [/b]
[b]ffca7b8c: '[IMPV] MakeHDVramFromJpeg Rot:%d Mag:%d Aspect:%d' [/b]
[b]ffca7cc4: '[IMPV] MakeHDVramFromYuv Rot:%d Mag:%d Aspect:%d' [/b]
[b]ffca7f74: '[IMPV] (PUB) MakeHDVramCheck %d' [/b]
[b]ffca8254: '[IMPV] GetVramImagePosAndSize s:%ld y:%ld w:%ld h:%ld' [/b]
[b]ffca01b4: '[IMP] Vram%d:0x%lX' [/b]
ffca34f8: '[IMP]  pVramImagePositionX %d'
[b]ffcb16fc: '[BmpDDev] RefreshPhysicalVram (PUB)' [/b]
ffca7c84: '[IMPV] MakeHDVram Error!'
ffca02a8: '[IMP] DeleteVram %d'
ffca02bc: '[IMP] CopyCurrentDisplayVramToIdleVram %d'
ffca08c0: '[IMP] CompleteVramSyncroCopyCBR %d'
[b]ffcb0290: '[BmpDDev] CreatePhysicalVram (PUB)' [/b]
[b]ffb2d1d0: 'lv_vram_dump' [/b]
ffca7bd8: '[IMPV] WorkAdd:0x%lX VramAdd:0x%lX RotWork:0x%lX'
[b]ffca7b68: '[IMPV] (PUB) MakeHDVramFromJpeg %d' [/b]
ffca7c50: '[IMPV] VramWork basew:%ld x:%ld y:%ld w:%ld h:%ld'
[b]ffca7ca0: '[IMPV] (PUB) MakeHDVramFromYuv %d' [/b]
ffca2984: '[IMP] ERR: Not Found Display Vram'
ffcb03b4: '[BmpDDev] DeletePhysicalVram (PUB)'
ffca822c: '[IMPV] (PUB) GetVramImagePosAndSize %d'
ffcb1ba8: '[ImgDDev] WARNING Divide Zero Vram Width (%d)'
ffca2ff8: '[IMP] (PUB) SyncroAllClearImagePlayWorkVramWithoutEngine %d'
ff9122a4: '[GUI] CalcLvVramSize VramSize X(%d) Y(%d) W(%d) H(%d)'
[b]ffb32b30: '[LV] lvReturnVram' [/b]
ffcb3204: 'Already Vram For Adjust!!'
ff8b30ac: '[GUI] PlayModel.c DrawAspectFrame VramSize X(%d) Y(%d) W(%d) H(%d)'
ffca331c: '[IMP] GetVramImageInfo x:%ld y:%ld w:%ld h:%ld'
ffca334c: '[IMP] (STUB) SetImageVramColorMode(color:%ld) %d'
ffcb3530: 'Not Exist Vram For Adjust!!'
ffb34d94: '[LV] WriteEDmacVramCompleteCBR_x5'
[b]ffca3810: '[IMP] (PUB) GetVramInformation %d' [/b]
ffca08e4: '[IMP] CompleteVramSyncroCopyCBR err:%d'
ffca090c: '[IMP] CompleteVramSyncroClearCBR %d'
ffb361c4: '[LV] WriteEDmacVramCompleteCBR_x10'
ff883b18: '[TestEndDrawToVram] dwErrCode = %d'
ffcb8b6c: '[DispCon] GetVramSize (PUB)'
ffb39140: '[LV] WriteEDmacVramCompleteCBR_x1'
[b]ff9b943c: 'Vram Instance' [/b]
ff9b9558: 'pVram->Image.pPaletteIndex != NULL'
ff9b9594: '!IS_ERROR(pVram->hSemaphore)'
ff9b96b0: 'pVram->Mode == LOGICAL_VRAM'
ffca2e4c: '[IMP] (PUB) SyncroAllClearImagePlayIdleVramWithoutEngine %d'
ffca2e88: '[IMP] ERROR : Vram State'
ffca0e6c: '[IMP] (PUB) DrawImageToVram(rot:%d cb:0x%lX) %d'
ffca0d88: '[IMP] (PUB) SetCopyVramMode(mode=%d) %d'
ff87ece8: '  [Graphics] EndDrawToVram (PRI), err %d'
ffcaa8bc: '[IMP][PBFEN] Fencing_StartVRAMMode'
ffca0e0c: 'SetImageVramParameter x:%ld y:%ld w:%ld h:%ld/* Aspect:%d*/'
ffc9ff6c: '[IMP] GetVramNumber %d'
ffc9ffa0: '[IMP] SetVramImageParameter %d'
ffc9ffc0: '[IMP] SetVramImageParameter add:0x%lX BaseW:%ld'

s 411

ffcaa86c: '[IMP][PBFEN] Fencing_SetDataYUV411VType'
ffc492c0: '[DPATH] LV_YPACK START Y411:%#lx YPACK:%#lx'
ffc492ec: '[DPATH] LV_YPACK STOP Y411:%#lx YPACK:%#lx'
ffc9af8c: '[IMPD] rot:%d cnv411:%d cnv422:%d cnv411_444:%d cnv422_444:%d'
ffc46e00: '[DPATH] LV_JPG START Y:%#lx J:%#lx Y411:%#lx'
ffc9a10c: '[IMPD] rot:%d block:%d cnv411:%d cnv422:%d'
ffc46fbc: '[DPATH] LV_JPG STOP Y:%#lx J:%#lx Y411:%#lx'
ffc96db0: '[IMP][PBRSZ] GetCnv411Mode %d'

s 422

ffc96d90: '[IMP][PBRSZ] GetCnv422Mode %d'
ffc9af8c: '[IMPD] rot:%d cnv411:%d cnv422:%d cnv411_444:%d cnv422_444:%d'
ffc9a10c: '[IMPD] rot:%d block:%d cnv411:%d cnv422:%d'
ffcaa894: '[IMP][PBFEN] Fencing_SetDataYUV422Type'


ffc95578: '<RESIZE> SetParameterResizeYuv Abort End Before Lock'
ffc955fc: '[IMP][PBRSZ] RequestResizeYuv RdAdr:%#lx, WrAdr:%#lx'
ffcb56b8: 'gyuv'
ffb301f8: '[LV] YuvAddress = 0x%08lX'
ffb00db8: 'Dp_ReduceImageData_Yuv()'
ffc498dc: 'PonyYuvPath'
ffc95810: '[IMP][PBRSZ] RegisterCBROfCompleteResizeYuv %d'
ffb01094: 'Dp_AdobeRgbToSRgb_Yuv()'
ffcaa86c: '[IMP][PBFEN] Fencing_SetDataYUV411VType'
ffb013c0: 'Dp_ClearWidth_Yuv()'
ffc959b8: '[IMP][PBRSZ] Zoom:%d InYuv:%d OutYuv:%d'
ffafaf14: 'Dp_ExecuteYuvRotatingCBR() ErrorCode [0x%08x]'
ffc49f7c: '[DEV] Pony YuvWriteCompleteCBR'
ffca6754: '[IMPV] Yuv:%d Add:0x%lX BaseW:%ld'
ffb02720: 'Dp_CopyImageData_Yuv()'
ffb02738: 'pDstYuvDataAddress [%d]'
ffb02750: 'pSrcYuvDataAddress [%d]'
ffc45c34: 'FactoryYuvPath'
ffc444b8: '[DEV] JPG_EN YuvWriteCompleteCBR'
ffaf9fa8: 'Dp_YuvToYuv()'
ffca47a8: '[IMPL] Yuv:%d Add:0x%lX BaseW:%ld'
ffca4c1c: '[IMPL] (PUB) CalculateYuvResizeParameter %d'
ffb36258: '[LV] WriteEDmacYuvCompleteCBR_x10'
ffc988b0: '<ROTATE> RequestRotationYuv Before Lock'
ffca5294: '[IMPL]_CalcResizeSizeForRotZoom InYuv:%d OutYuv:%d Aspect:%d'
ff84534c: '[FA] FA_YuvDevelopTestImage'
ffca580c: '[IMPL] _CalcResizeSize InYuv:%d OutYuv:%d Aspect:%d'
ffc4604c: '[DEV] FactoryYuvPath_ChangeCBR(ID=%#lx)'
ffca630c: '[IMPV] GetAjustUnitYUV %d'
ffb018bc: 'Dp_CutImageWidth_Yuv()'
ffca6dec: '[IMPV] YuvMode:%d'
ffc47068: '[DEV] LV_JPG YuvWriteCompleteCBR'
ffca72e0: '[IMPV] YuvMode:%d BaseAdd:0x%lX BaseW:%ld'
ffca730c: '[IMPV] YuvMode:%d  BaseAdd:0x%lX BaseW:%ld'
ffcadf00: '[IMP][DECWIN] SetNQDecParam adr:0x%08lX yuv:%d'
ffb01438: 'Dp_ExpandImageWidth_Yuv()'
ffb01490: 'Dp_ShiftYuvRotationData_Yuv()'
[b]ffca7cc4: '[IMPV] MakeHDVramFromYuv Rot:%d Mag:%d Aspect:%d' [/b]
ffc49c90: '[DPATH] Pony2 START YUV1:%#lx YUV2:%#lx'
ffc9c32c: '[IMPD] (PUB) ExecuteYuvRotating %d'
ffcb6ddc: '[DispCon] Err Factory Adjust For DisplayYUVGain'
ffc49ae4: '[DPATH] Pony1 START C:%#lx YUV:%#lx'
ffc49c2c: '[DPATH] Pony1 STOP C:%#lx YUV:%#lx'
ffc458c0: '[DEV] YuvWriteCompleteCBR'
ffc47048: '[DEV] LV_JPG YUVReadCompleteCBR'
ffb01b2c: 'Dp_AdjustCroppingSize_Yuv()'
ffc49e94: '[DPATH] Pony2 ReStartPonyYuvPath2'
ffb0134c: 'Dp_ClearHeight_Yuv()'
ffc49eb8: '[DPATH] Pony2 STOP YUV1:%#lx YUV2:%#lx'
ffc99db0: '[IMPD] YuvMode:%d'
ffc99de4: '[IMPD] StartYuvResizing Comp'
[b]ffb2d1e0: 'lv_yuv_dump' [/b]
ffcad330: '[IMP][DECWIN] SetResizeParam OutYuv:%d InputSel:%d'
ffcada9c: '[IMP][DECWIN] SetWinResDecParam adr:0x%08lX yuv:%d base:%ld'
ffcb15fc: '[BmpDDev] GetYUVPaletteFromDisplayDevice (PUB)'
ffb02798: 'Dp_ShiftImageHeight_Yuv()'
ffca7ca0: '[IMPV] (PUB) MakeHDVramFromYuv %d'
ffc8f344: '<ROTATE> RequestRotationYuv Abort End Before Lock'
ffc8f3a0: '[IMP][PBLOT]  RequestRotationYuv Before Lock'
ffcb0608: '[BmpDDev] SetYUVPaletteToDisplayDeviceh (PUB)'
ffad0f50: 'YuvMode[%d]'
ffad0fd0: 'YuvMode[%d] BaseAddress[%d]'
ffafa738: 'ResizeYuvT Input nYuvMode [%d]'
ffb391d4: '[LV] WriteEDmacYuvCompleteCBR_x1'
ffc98708: '[IMP][PBROT]  OUTPUT --- Yuv:%d Add:0x%lX Base:%ld'
ffca6d94: '[IMPV] ZoomMode:%d YuvMode:%d'
ffb0ff6c: 'Dp_YuvToJpeg [0x%08x]'
ffcadfa0: '[IMP][DECWIN] pYuvAddress:%#lx'
ffb02004: 'Dp_AdjustFrameWithWhite_Yuv()'
ffb34e28: '[LV] WriteEDmacYuvCompleteCBR_x5'
ffca5dd0: '[IMPL] rot:%d zoom:%d inYUV:%d outYUV:%d'
ffcb8d9c: '[DispCon] GetYUVGain'
ffc95520: '[IMP][PBRSZ] SetParameterResizeYuvForMovie %d'
ffc95634: '<RESIZE> RequestResizeYuv Abort End Before Lock'
ffc95664: '[IMP][PBRSZ] ERROR pResizeYuvCompleteCBR is NULL'
ffc95698: '[IMP][PBRSZ] CancelResizeYuv %d'
ffc95840: '[IMP][PBRSZ] UnregisterCBROfCompleteResizeYuv %d'
ffc95874: '[IMP][PBRSZ] AbortResizeYuv %d'
ffc96334: '[IMP][PBRSZ] Input:%ld Output:%ld InYuv_f:%ld OutYuv_f:%ld'
ffc46030: '[DEV] YuvWriteCompleteCBR'
ffc4937c: '[DEV] LV_YPACK YuvReadCompleteCBR'
ffb0ff5c: 'Dp_YuvToJpeg()'
ffcb7564: "[DispCon] Warning: YUV Gain Don't Adjust"
ffb17f6c: '[GYO]Dp_YUVDustReduction'
ffc98684: '[IMP][PBROT] SetParameterRotationYuv %d'
ffc986ac: '[IMP][PBROT]  INPUT  --- Yuv:%d Add:0x%lX Base:%ld'
ffc98838: '[IMP][PBROT] RequestRotationYuv %d'
ffc9885c: '<ROTATE> RequestRotationYuv Abort End Before Lock'
ffc98cc0: '[IMP][PBROT] CancelRotationYuv %d'
ffc98ce4: '[IMP][PBROT] RegisterCBROfCompleteRotationYuv %d'
ffc98d18: '[IMP][PBROT] UnregisterCBROfCompleteRotationYuv %d'
ffaf9720: 'Dp_JpegToYuvNew() Layout[0x%08x]'
ffaf97a4: 'Dp_JpegToYuvNew [0x%08x]'
ffcad788: '[IMP][DECWIN] SetResWinParam yuv:%d InputSel:%d'
ffb01160: 'YuvBaseAddress [0x%08x]'
ffc99dc4: '[IMPD] StartYuvResizing TIMEOUT'
ffc9a150: '[IMPD] StartYuvRotating Comp'
ffafa4cc: 'Not Executed Dp_YuvToYuvHalf()'
ffafa6a8: 'Dp_YuvToYuvCopy()'
ffafa6d8: 'Dp_YuvToYuvReduce()'
ffafa720: 'Dp_ExecuteYuvResizing()'
ffafa758: 'ResizeYuvT Output nYuvMode [%d]'
ffafa998: 'Dp_ExecuteYuvResizingCBR() ErrorCode [0x%08x]'
ffafa9dc: 'Dp_YuvRotation() Rotate:%d'
ffc8f1c8: 'EvenSize >= YuvUnit'
ffc9f1e0: '  < IMD > ERR: YUV mode'
ffafaf44: 'ExecuteYuvRotation'
ffc99d44: '[IMPD] StartYuvResizing %d'
ffc955d0: '<RESIZE> SetParameterResizeYuv Before Lock'
ffc99d78: '[IMPD] ZoomMode:%d YuvMode:%d'
ffc99e04: '[IMPD] ResizeYuv:%d'
ffc9b9d8: '[IMPD] ERROR Dpx_ExecuteYuvAngleAdjust %d'
ffc49f9c: '[DEV] PonyYuvPath_ChangeCBR(ID=%#lx)'
ffc9c308: '[IMPD] (PUB) ExecuteYuvResizing %d'
ffc9a0f0: '[IMPD] StartYuvRotating %d'
ffcaf664: '  [BmpDDev] ConvertYUVPaletteToPBPalette (PRI)'
ffc44d70: '[DPATH] DCF_EN START DCF:%#lx YUV:%#lx'
ffc44f24: '[DPATH] DCF_EN STOP DCF:%#lx YUV:%#lx'
ffafa4b8: 'Dp_YuvToYuvHalf()'
ffc9c350: '[IMPD] (PUB) ExecuteYuvRotatingFor2Buffer %d'
ffafa68c: 'Dp_YuvToYuv64up() W:%d H:%d'
ff83e778: 'FA_YuvDevelopTestImage'
ff83e844: 'FA_GetYuvImage'
ffb151a8: 'YUV-Control Done'
ffca62f4: '[IMPV] SetUnitYUV %d'
ffcaa894: '[IMP][PBFEN] Fencing_SetDataYUV422Type'
ffafa9c8: 'ExecuteYuvResize'
ff845488: '[FA] FA_GetYuvImage'
ffca0e48: '[IMP] (PUB) SetYuvColorParameter %d'
ffc95550: '[IMP][PBRSZ] SetParameterResizeYuv %d'


something interesting... mbm29lv2mx16

ROM:FFD5D808 aAssertionFai_0 DCB "Assertion failed: (char*)WriteDataInFastModeOnRam > (char*)Erasi"
ROM:FFD5D808                                         ; DATA XREF: sub_FFD5DE00+28o
ROM:FFD5D808                                         ; ROM:off_FFD5DE80o
ROM:FFD5D808                 DCB "ngMethodOnRam, file ../MTD/mbm29lv2mx16/mbm29lv2mx16.c, line 86",0xA


some more addresses : 0xC0F1407C , 0xC0F14074
In [12]: r 0xC0F1407C


In [13]: r 0xC0F14074




return *0xBEA0



if *0xBEA4 == 0 /*EQ*/:
    return 720
return 704



if *0xBEA4 == 0 /*EQ*/:
    return 240
if *0xBEA4 == 1 /*EQ*/:
    return 480
return 576


Display Resolution/Mode (maybe):

0 : w = 720, h = 240
1 : w = 704, h = 480
2 : w = 704, h = 576


0x5B74 : unknown
0x5B78 : unknown
0x5BB8 : unknown
0x5BF8 : Vram Instance (maybe)
0x5BFC : unknown
0x5C00 : unknown
0x5C04 : unknown
0x5C08 : unknown
0x5C0C : unknown

0xB854 : unknown

0xBEA4 : DISPLAY MODE (maybe)

0x1E004 : VRAM SEMAPHORE (maybe)
0x1E0A8 : unknown
0x1E100 : VRAM PARAMETERS  // 0x1E0A8 + 0x58 = 0x1E100


   302:   589.004 [GUI] MasterResultCBR
   303:   589.210 [GUI] GUI_Initialize ClassID[21]GUI[23]Ctrl[24]
   304:   589.992 [GUI] -> handleGuiInit
   305:   595.929 [DispCon] InitializeDisplayDeviceController (PUB)
   306:   597.086 [IMP] (PUB) InitializeImagePlayer 1113
   307:   598.805 [CERES] RegisterAdapterStatusCallback
   308:   604.642 [Graphics] GuiStartGraphics (PUB)
   309:   605.045 [IMP] (PUB) StartImagePlayer(mode=0) 1189
   310:   605.096 [IMP] CreateVram 665
   311:   605.252 [IMP] Vram0:0x1065BE00
   312:   605.354 [IMP] Vram1:0x106F3C8C
   858: 10003.647 myTaskDumpf:80: [MY_TEST] VRAM INFO:
   859: 10003.702 myTaskDumpf:84: [MY_TEST] Show ImageVramParameter : x:0 y:24 w:720 h:216
   861: 10118.505 [IMP] (PUB) GetVramInformation 3766
   862: 10118.608 myTaskDumpf:101: [MY_TEST] GetVramInformation : arg0=1065BE00 ; Vram0
   863: 10118.642 myTaskDumpf:102: [MY_TEST] GetVramInformation : arg1=00000000
   864: 10118.683 myTaskDumpf:103: [MY_TEST] GetVramInformation : arg2=106F3C8C ; Vram1
   865: 10118.708 myTaskDumpf:104: [MY_TEST] GetVramInformation : arg3=00000002
   866: 10118.739 myTaskDumpf:105: [MY_TEST] GetVramInformation : arg4=000002D0 ; 720
   867: 10118.768 myTaskDumpf:106: [MY_TEST] GetVramInformation : arg5=000002D0 ; 720
   868: 10118.798 myTaskDumpf:107: [MY_TEST] GetVramInformation : arg6=000000F0 ; 240

0x1E010+0x00 -> arg0
0x1E010+0x04 -> arg4
0x1E010+0x08 -> arg5
0x1E010+0x0C -> arg6
0x1E010+0x10 -> arg1
0x1E010+0x14 -> arg2
0x1E010+0x24 -> arg3


Some more stubs :

NSTUB(0xFFCB02B4, CreatePhysicalVram)
NSTUB(0xFFCA01C8, CreateVram)
NSTUB(0xFFCA75C4, MakeHDVram)
NSTUB(0xFFB32EA0, LV_lvReturnVram)
NSTUB(0xFFCA130C, RefreshImageVram)
NSTUB(0xFFCA38DC, SetVramInformation)
NSTUB(0xFFCA432C, GetVramInformation)
NSTUB(0xFFCA3AA0, SetImageVramParameter)
NSTUB(0xFFCA6520, SetVramImageInfo)
NSTUB(0xFFCA3EC4, GetVramImageInfo)
NSTUB(0xFFCA8498, GetVramImagePosAndSize)
NSTUB(0xFFCA35D0, GetWorkImageLengthAndPosition)


I did dump some state-objects and found that the structure appears to be the same as 5DC.

NSTUB(0xFFB3D088, LVCDEVState_CreateStateObject);   // Mem 0x7770 / state matrix : 0xFFB3C9D4
NSTUB(0xFFB3BC98, LVCAFState_CreateStateObject);    // Mem 0x7748 / state matrix : 0xFFB3B540
NSTUB(0xFFB3A554, LVCAEState_CreateStateObject);    // Mem 0x7738 / state matrix : 0xFFB39F5C
NSTUB(0xFFB32CB8, LVState_CreateStateObject);      // Mem 0x7628 / state matrix : 0xFFB2EDC4
NSTUB(0xFFD5CEA4, DMState_CreateStateObject);      // Mem 0xEFDC / state matrix : 0xFFD5CD84

   973: 11003.762 logMemory:24: DUMP DMState:
   974: 11003.815 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201AD8) = 0xFFD4EE3C : type - "StateObject"
   975: 11003.861 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201ADC) = 0xFFD5CD7C : name - "DMState"
   976: 11003.890 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201AE0) = 0x00000000 : auto_sequence
   977: 11003.935 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201AE4) = 0xFFD4F018 : StateTransition_maybe
   978: 11003.980 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201AE8) = 0xFFD5CD84 : state_matrix
   979: 11004.009 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201AEC) = 0x0000000E : max_inputs
   980: 11004.039 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201AF0) = 0x00000002 : max_states
   981: 11004.069 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00201AF4) = 0x00000000 : current_state
   983: 11004.124 logMemory:24: DUMP LVState:
   984: 11004.169 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797940) = 0xFFD4EE3C
   985: 11004.214 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797944) = 0xFFB2F454
   986: 11004.244 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797948) = 0x00000000
   987: 11004.289 logMemory:30: MEM(0x0079794C) = 0xFFD4F018
   988: 11004.335 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797950) = 0xFFB2EDC4
   989: 11004.366 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797954) = 0x0000000F
   990: 11004.396 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797958) = 0x0000000E
   991: 11004.426 logMemory:30: MEM(0x0079795C) = 0x00000000

   993: 11004.483 logMemory:24: DUMP LVCAEState:
   994: 11004.528 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FB4) = 0xFFD4EE3C
   995: 11004.573 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FB8) = 0xFFB39F50
   996: 11004.603 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FBC) = 0x00000000
   997: 11004.648 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FC0) = 0xFFD4F018
   998: 11004.693 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FC4) = 0xFFB39F5C
   999: 11004.724 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FC8) = 0x0000000A
  1000: 11004.754 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FCC) = 0x00000006
  1001: 11004.784 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00796FD0) = 0x00000002

  1003: 11004.841 logMemory:24: DUMP LVCAFState:
  1004: 11004.887 logMemory:30: MEM(0x0079742C) = 0xFFD4EE3C
  1005: 11004.932 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797430) = 0xFFB3B534
  1006: 11004.962 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797434) = 0x00000000
  1007: 11005.007 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797438) = 0xFFD4F018
  1008: 11005.052 logMemory:30: MEM(0x0079743C) = 0xFFB3B540
  1009: 11005.082 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797440) = 0x0000000C
  1010: 11005.112 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797444) = 0x00000009
  1011: 11005.143 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797448) = 0x00000001

  1013: 11005.199 logMemory:24: DUMP LVCDEVState:
  1014: 11005.245 logMemory:30: MEM(0x0079754C) = 0xFFD4EE3C
  1015: 11005.290 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797550) = 0xFFB3C9C8
  1016: 11005.320 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797554) = 0x00000000
  1017: 11005.365 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797558) = 0xFFD4F018
  1018: 11005.410 logMemory:30: MEM(0x0079755C) = 0xFFB3C9D4
  1019: 11005.440 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797560) = 0x00000008
  1020: 11005.471 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797564) = 0x00000003
  1021: 11005.501 logMemory:30: MEM(0x00797568) = 0x00000001


MEM(0x0001E000) = 0x00000000 (0)         // unknown parameter
MEM(0x0001E004) = 0x0011C1B0 (1163696)      // VRAM SEMAPHORE (maybe)
MEM(0x0001E008) = 0x0011C18C (1163660)      // maybe another semaphore
MEM(0x0001E00C) = 0x00000000 (0)         // unknown parameter
MEM(0x0001E010) = 0x1065BE00 (275103232)   // Vram0 address - (GetVramInformation - arg 0)
MEM(0x0001E014) = 0x000002D0 (720)         // Vram0 width (maybe) - (GetVramInformation - arg 4)
MEM(0x0001E018) = 0x000002D0 (720)         // Vram0 pitch (maybe) - (GetVramInformation - arg 5)
MEM(0x0001E01C) = 0x000000F0 (240)         // Vram0 height (maybe) - (GetVramInformation - arg 6)
MEM(0x0001E020) = 0x00000000 (0)         // unknown parameter - (GetVramInformation - arg 1)
MEM(0x0001E024) = 0x106F3C8C (275725452)   // Vram1 address - (GetVramInformation - arg 2)
MEM(0x0001E028) = 0x000002D0 (720)         // Vram1 width (maybe)
MEM(0x0001E02C) = 0x000002D0 (720)         // Vram1 pitch (maybe)
MEM(0x0001E030) = 0x000000F0 (240)         // Vram1 height (maybe)
MEM(0x0001E034) = 0x00000002 (2)         // unknown parameter - (GetVramInformation - arg 3)
MEM(0x0001E038) = 0x1DBC0064 (498860132) // Some Video memory
MEM(0x0001E03C) = 0x00000798 (1944)         // RAW (w / 2) - SRAW ???
MEM(0x0001E040) = 0x00000798 (1944)         // RAW (w / 2) - SRAW ???
MEM(0x0001E044) = 0x00000510 (1296)         // RAW (h / 2) - SRAW ???
MEM(0x0001E048) = 0x00000798 (1944)         // WorkImageSize - w
MEM(0x0001E04C) = 0x00000510 (1296)         // WorkImageSize - h
MEM(0x0001E050) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E054) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E058) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E05C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E060) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E064) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E068) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E06C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E070) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E074) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E078) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E07C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E080) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E084) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E088) = 0x00484E5C (4738652)
MEM(0x0001E08C) = 0x00400000 (4194304)
MEM(0x0001E090) = 0x00000001 (1)

MEM(0x0001E094) = 0x00000F30 (3888)         // JpegSize - w
MEM(0x0001E098) = 0x00000A20 (2592)         // JpegSize - h

MEM(0x0001E09C) = 0x00001D40 (7488)         // EffectiveSizeOfJpeg - w
MEM(0x0001E0A0) = 0x00001380 (4992)         // EffectiveSizeOfJpeg - h

MEM(0x0001E0A4) = 0x00000000 (0)

MEM(0x0001E0A8) = 0x00000001 (1)   // star of some structure - unknown parameter ???
MEM(0x0001E0AC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E0B0) = 0x00000000 (0)

MEM(0x0001E0B4) = 0x1DBC0064 (498860132)        // SetImageWorkMemory - 1
MEM(0x0001E0B8) = 0x1E26F264 (505868900)         // SetImageWorkMemory - 2
MEM(0x0001E0BC) = 0x106F3C8C (275725452)    // Vram1 address

MEM(0x0001E0C0) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E0C4) = 0x00484E5C (4738652)
MEM(0x0001E0C8) = 0x00400000 (4194304)
MEM(0x0001E0CC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E0D0) = 0x00000000 (0)

MEM(0x0001E0D4) = 0x00000F30 (3888)         // RAW w
MEM(0x0001E0D8) = 0x00000A20 (2592)         // RAW h

MEM(0x0001E0DC) = 0x000009C0 (2496)         // SetImageWorkMaxPixel - w
MEM(0x0001E0E0) = 0x00000750 (1872)         // SetImageWorkMaxPixel - h

MEM(0x0001E0E4) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E0E8) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E0EC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E0F0) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E0F4) = 0x000002D0 (720)
MEM(0x0001E0F8) = 0x000001E0 (480)
MEM(0x0001E0FC) = 0x000002D0 (720)
MEM(0x0001E100) = 0x00000000 (0)         // pVramImagePositionX - ImageVramParameter
MEM(0x0001E104) = 0x00000018 (24)         // pVramImagePositionY - ImageVramParameter
MEM(0x0001E108) = 0x000002D0 (720)         // WholeWidth - ImageVramParameter
MEM(0x0001E10C) = 0x000000D8 (216)         // WholeHeigh - ImageVramParameter
MEM(0x0001E110) = 0x0001DC00 (121856)      // Aspect - ImageVramParameter ???
MEM(0x0001E114) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E118) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E11C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E120) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E124) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E128) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E12C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E130) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E134) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E138) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E13C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E140) = 0x005E5558 (6182232)
MEM(0x0001E144) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E148) = 0x0001DB90 (121744)
MEM(0x0001E14C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E150) = 0xFF8851E4 (-7843356)
MEM(0x0001E154) = 0x00012D6C (77164)
MEM(0x0001E158) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E15C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E160) = 0xFFCA415C (-3522212)
MEM(0x0001E164) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E168) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E16C) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E170) = 0x00000000 (0)

MEM(0x0001E174) = 0x00000000 (0) // SetVramImageInfo - x
MEM(0x0001E178) = 0x00000018 (24) // SetVramImageInfo - y
MEM(0x0001E17C) = 0x000002D0 (720) // SetVramImageInfo - w
MEM(0x0001E180) = 0x000000D8 (216) // SetVramImageInfo - h

MEM(0x0001E184) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E188) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E18C) = 0x106F3C8C (275725452)   // Vram1 address
MEM(0x0001E190) = 0x000002D0 (720)
MEM(0x0001E194) = 0x000000F0 (240)
MEM(0x0001E198) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E19C) = 0x00000018 (24)
MEM(0x0001E1A0) = 0x000002D0 (720)
MEM(0x0001E1A4) = 0x000000D8 (216)
MEM(0x0001E1A8) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1AC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1B0) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1B4) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1B8) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1BC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1C0) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1C4) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1C8) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1CC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1D0) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1D4) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1D8) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1DC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1E0) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1E4) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1E8) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1EC) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1F0) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1F4) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1F8) = 0x00000000 (0)
MEM(0x0001E1FC) = 0x00000000 (0)



   698:  3711.532 [GUI] StartPlayMain
   699:  3718.551 [Graphics] CreateSharedBuffer !!!
   700:  3719.198 [IMP] (PUB) SetImageWorkMemory 1:0x1dbc0064, 2:0x1e26f264
   701:  3719.274 [IMP] (PUB) SetImageWorkMaxPixel W:2496,H:1872,0x6af200

   702:  3719.292 [Graphics] GuiGraphicsNormalMode (PUB)

ImageWorkMemory 1: 0x1dbc0064
ImageWorkMemory 2: 0x1e26f264

0x1dbc0064 + 0x6af200 = 0x1e26f264

0x6af200 size (maybe)

Maybe YUV422 VRAM - Playback Image


I found four 'Vram Instance' strings in memory.
I believe that is the beginning of the structure vram_object.
I think two of them should be cacheable version and the other two uncacheable version.



    I found a service menu on the 40D.
    I ran the function at 0xFF8170D4 and appeared to me an error in the CMOS camera's LCD.

   NSTUB(test_servicemenu_maybe, 0xFF8170D4)  at v1.1.1

   757: 59388.950 [GUI] DlgMnMainTabHeader.c PRESS_MLT_LEFT_BUTTON
   758: 59403.149 [GUI] DlgMnMainPlay1 GOT_TOP_OF_CONTROL
   760: 60043.684 [GUI_E] GUI_Control:60 0x0
   761: 60044.247 [GUI] IDLEHandler SERVICE_MENU
   762: 60044.300 [GUI] SetGUIRequestMode(25)
   763: 60044.324 [GUI] NotifyGUIEvent(1)


ERR    123 123 123 025 032

REL     11709

CMOS  J0369547



Be careful what you call, some things can do permanent damage.


Thank you Alex. I'll be careful. I am aware that there is dangerous.


no guts no glory they say
As a suggestion stay away from factory mode and prop changes unless you absolutely need them
EOS 1100D | EOS 650 (No, I didn't forget the D) | Ye Olde Canon EF Lenses ('87): 50 f/1.8 - 28 f/2.8 - 70-210 f/4 | EF-S 18-55 f/3.5-5.6 | Metz 36 AF-5


For a first port, take a look at 7D changeset, once you find the stubs it's probably a good starting point.


Ok, i'll do that...

Thank you