Canon 70D

Started by nikfreak, January 15, 2015, 12:22:15 AM

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"3. Should I shoot raw 1280x720 and then upscale to 1080?"
Yes, but you need to bear in mind that with 720p image will be cropped at the edges as well as the 1080p refer to 720p

"5. Bonus scenerio: would 1280x720 raw have less noise in a 720p export or would an h264 downscaled to 720p have less noise"
RAW-video has greater clarity and even increased 720 to 1080 look much better than if the record in 1080 at h264

All you need for this - big and fast SD-card


Hello Nickfreak,

any chance to look into option that will limit Auto Iso range to set value eg 1600?



Did you try out the autoexpo module already? Does that suit your needs?
[size=8pt]70D.112 & 100D.101[/size]



"So what would give me the cleanest image at lets say 1600 iso to start"
H264 All-I compression is what you will want, with a flat picture style, that will max. out at ISO 1600.  Process in post with log/colour correction.

RAW video depending on your camera will likely have hot pixels starting at ISO 800.  You can process in post, but the longer
the clip runs the more they appear.  Shadow noise in low light may be a problem so ISO 400 is a safe max.
Even with RAW I use a flat picture style, just to capture more DR in the footage.  Cinestyle is OK if you use their LUT.  There are others.
There is an entire ETTR approach but you really need to verify how many stops (1/3rd stop is commonly stated).  I prefer to use zebras at 1% with a flat pic style. 

As for resolution, I have a lot of posts on the specifics.  Check on my backposts.
720p 24fps is continuous raw.  1600 @ 2.35 24fps, is probably the most useful for up. res. as it runs for about 60s with a 50MB/s+ write card speed.

As for the person who enquired about 10 or 12 bit raw video.
ML gets 14 bit raw, by not reprocessing the sensor data. It would be more difficult/slower to get lower raw bits.
I would suggest anyone who wants 12bit raw up to 4k at 16:9, aps-c sensor, global shutter, look at the BMD ursa mini, starting $3k.
The 5DMk2 can get you 14bit raw, FF sensor, at [email protected] 24 fps, for about $1k. You can also push the ISO higher for low light.

T3i+ML & 70D.112+ML, Tokina 11-16 2.8, Sigma 18-35 1.8, 50-150 II 2.8, 50 1.4, Canon 28 1.8, 35 2, 85 1.8 "Shoot Wide and Prosper"


Quote from: ShootMeAlready on September 16, 2015, 04:45:45 PM

As for the person who enquired about 10 or 12 bit raw video.
ML gets 14 bit raw, by not reprocessing the sensor data. It would be more difficult to get lower raw bits.
I would suggest anyone who wants 12bit raw up to 4k at 16:9, global shutter, look at the BMD ursa mini, starting $3k.
The 5DMk2 can get you 14bit raw at [email protected] 24 fps, for about $1k.

Thanks, but for low- or nobudget indiefilmers it would have been a nice option. Reprocessing would of course bring several problems with it plus the coding itself ...
Maybe another option would be a Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera or Pocket Camera...
70D with 70.111.B


Quote from: ShootMeAlready on September 16, 2015, 04:45:45 PM

Even with RAW I use a flat picture style, just to capture more DR in the footage.  Cinestyle is OK if you use their LUT.  There are others.

RAW video means unprocessed raw data captured by the sensor and that means no picture style is baked in it. So it doesn't matter what picture style you have selected. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Quote from: Strikefox on September 16, 2015, 05:08:28 PM
Thanks, but for low- or nobudget indiefilmers it would have been a nice option. Reprocessing would of course bring several problems with it plus the coding itself ...
Maybe another option would be a Blackmagic Micro Cinema Camera or Pocket Camera...

I used with Auto, landscape and Tecnhicolor style and yes they look different if you try to do Cinemastyle you can use Tecnhicolor S-cuver or MARVE's style and you will have more DR and all the color corrections will be more easy


"RAW video means unprocessed raw data captured by the sensor and that means no picture style is baked in it. So it doesn't matter what picture style you have selected. Correct me if I'm wrong."

RAW is a set of data off the sensor.  So yes you can change picture style in post, correct that its not baked in but ...
If you want to shoot ETTR, you will want a flat pic style. This will help you to set exposure optimally.  By using a flat pic. style
you can push for more DR, by using a pic style that supports best ISO, f-stop, shutter and even focus.  These are baked in your footage. 
What looks good on a non-flat Canon pic. style will tend to less than optimal DR exposure settings (possibly focus).  If in doubt do your own comparison to see the difference.   

The only caveat I have is that when you are shooting low DR subjects, like mist or fog, in those types of subjects you will probably benefit from a contrasty pic style.  With a flat pic style, it would lesson the contrast, which is what you are trying to maximize in your exposure/focus.  OK same is true for low DR in terms of colour, so flat colour subjects probably are best shot with vivid colour pic styles.
T3i+ML & 70D.112+ML, Tokina 11-16 2.8, Sigma 18-35 1.8, 50-150 II 2.8, 50 1.4, Canon 28 1.8, 35 2, 85 1.8 "Shoot Wide and Prosper"



Thanks a lot for your reply. It's very informative and helpful. :)


Hi there people. Once again thank you all for making this possible by both testing the bugs and creating this firmware. I just wanted to know how I can download the beta version since there are no options for the 70D in the downloads section.


You can download it from the first post in this thread.


Report: magiclantern-Nightly.2015Aug22.70D111B

MLV Sound: ok

- Auto ETTR: ok
- Expo Lock: ok
- Expo Presets: ok
- Dual ISO: ok
- Expo Override: ok
- ExpSim: ok
- Auto expo: ok

Overlay: ok

- REC Key: ok
- Gradual Expo: ok
- HDR video: ok
- Vignetting: ok
- Image Fine-tuning: ok
- Raw Video (MLV): ok
- Raw video: ok
- Movie Crop Mode: ok
- Movie Tweaks: ok

- advanced bracket: ok
- intervalometer: ok
- post deflicker: ok
- bulb timer: ok
- audio remoteshot: ok *can threshold be increased another 10db? 15-20 was still very sensitive
- motion detect: ok
- silent picture: ok
- mirror lockup: ok
- flash tweaks: ok
- shoot preferences: ok

Focus: ok

Display: ok

Prefs: ok

- install and uninstall was super easy
- if using the set button for custom controls, disable it if you intend on using set for ML functions (Auto ETTR, etc).
- after a battery change, several modules were un-loaded and the module menu disappeared. i had to restore the default config to get the module menu back so that i could re-load them.
- when in the ML menu, pressing the shutter button would bring up the canon q menu and then show live view. for me the q menu was in the picture style menu.

i am in love with Magic Lantern! i purchased a T5i 2 years ago and immediately installed ML and was blown away. unfortunately i needed to upgrade to the 70D and was so sad that ML wasn't available at the time. i didn't even know alpha was available in january because i wasn't following the forum. i will never use a camera again unless it has ML on it. A big, big, big thank you to the devs making this happen.
Canon 70D (70D.111B)


- install and uninstall was super easy
- if using the set button for custom controls, disable it if you intend on using set for ML functions (Auto ETTR, etc).
- after a battery change, several modules were un-loaded and the module menu disappeared. i had to restore the default config to get the module menu back so that i could re-load them.
- when in the ML menu, pressing the shutter button would bring up the canon q menu and then show live view. for me the q menu was in the picture style menu.

i am in love with Magic Lantern! i purchased a T5i 2 years ago and immediately installed ML and was blown away. unfortunately i needed to upgrade to the 70D and was so sad that ML wasn't available at the time. i didn't even know alpha was available in january because i wasn't following the forum. i will never use a camera again unless it has ML on it. A big, big, big thank you to the devs making this happen.

Did you turn off camera before changing battery?

Also when pressing the shutter button happens likely because it is set to start metering at half press, this bring you out of even normal canon menus
[5D3 1.2.3 ML] [6D 1.1.6 ML]


yes i powered the camera off. waited for sd card activity to stop/sensor clean and removed the battery. i've tried other battery swaps, but i can't seem to replicate. maybe a fluke?

that's good to know about the shutter half press, i'm using back button focus custom controls. it's just a visual thing, doesn't affect ML performance at all.
Canon 70D (70D.111B)


hallo everyone, i never mounted ML on my 70D because i'm a bit afraid. does it tend to overheat when ML is on?



        Mine never has -- But I don't shoot RAW Video so have no experience in that area.

                                                                                            ORR ~ DeanB
ORR~DeanB  ~~  80D-ML  &  SL1+ML  &  5D2+ML  &  5DC+ML  &  70D+ML(AliveAgain)


When there is a final version Magic Lantern for Canon 70D?

Walter Schulz

No, and don't hold your breath for it. Devs changed development model to some kind of rolling release years ago. Expect 70D's integration into nightly builds instead.


Which is even better anyway! [emoji6]
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Nitfreak, first thanks for the hard work, I haven't posted but have been tinkering with the firmware since one of the earlier Alphas.

After avoiding another hobby interest, I have finally been sucked into contributing and am working on some minor feature enhancements (non 70D specific).  I am currently working out of the Unified branch, but only have a 70D so I will probably make a fork of it as well to test changes.

I don't want to be the guy asking for dates(they really aren't relevant), but wanted to know your thoughts on merging with the nightly builds.  Are you hoping to "finalize" the 70D branch and get most or all features working 100% before committing, or to stabilize the core features and merge earlier knowing that additional work is needed?


If I want to use two different SD cards both with the same version of ML on them do I need to unload and reload ML when I switch between the cards?


Quote from: briandmiller on September 24, 2015, 03:24:15 PM
If I want to use two different SD cards both with the same version of ML on them do I need to unload and reload ML when I switch between the cards?
No, that would be crazy..


Hello my 70D just died. I was shooting in dog shelter today and everything worked just fine. About 7 hour later I wanted to make photo of nice night sky and it just did not turn on at all...I tried All 3 batteries, turn it on without memory card, without lens or with other lens. Nothing. Only One beep of red LED when I plugged battery in and closed door. Otherwise nothing. Viewfinder turns brighter when I plug battery in, so juice is there.
I don't know if it is because of ML, but I doubt it, because I was using it since alpha 3 I guess, but be careful please. Mine was less than year old, so if it won't start till morning, I am calling warranty service...and in a week I am shooting wedding, very great :/

UPDATE: This morning I managed it to run. Looks like the card is damaged or something, because it started only without the card (which is weird, because in the evening it didn't start even without card). I will look at card today, format it and try with and without ML
Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM, Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM, Helios 44M-4


MattNoir, good news! I followed your situation with excitement


You must always take the card AND the battery out each attempt. If the camera crashes, the power switch has no effect, you have to take the battery out. Most people don't realize that the power switch is not really a power switch, it's just a button like any other button. If the camera is locked up, toggling it has no effect.

You probably tried removing the card and powering on without actually removing/replacing the battery.

IMO, this is a poor design on Canon's part. If they were going to make it operate like a button (which it does), they should have actually made it a button. Making it a switch, makes people think that it operates like a switch (off means off and on means on), which it does not (off means "request off" and on means "request on").