qDslrDashboard on iPad

Started by marekk, December 01, 2014, 08:10:08 PM

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I'm trying to find something to monitor RAW recording on external display. I've found paid version of dslrdashboard for IOS. Does it work with raw video ??


Doesn't work over USB, only wifi for cameras that have it (no video). Best at the moment is dslrcontroller for iOS as it's almost as fast as hdmi but it's for jailbroken devices only and it's purely a viewer, no controls yet. And it doesn't work with raw. Afaik raw disables this h.264 output stream as it doesn't work with the canon eos utility either. So someone would have to make a modded version of the mlv module (likely sacrificing data rate)


The USB video feed is disabled whenever the RAW or MLV modules are active. Wireless monitoring is possible using an HDMI radio sender, but it's not cheap and the extra CPU load from HDMI mirroring sometimes messes up the recordings.