Premiere cc 2014 workflow, edit original?

Started by javyelow, November 11, 2014, 12:28:21 PM

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Hi everyone!

I have import my dng files into premere cc 2014,

any way to adjust it using edit original?




Sorry, what is your intention?
a) You want to load MLV/RAW video files into Pr? -> See answer above.
b) You want to load MLV/RAW video files into AE? -> See answer above.
c) ?



i want to use cinemadng files into premiere directly and adjust it using edit original

is this possible??


What is "edit original"? I've never heard of that.

You can import CDNG directly in Premiere. You can color correct and grade them using any of the effects built-in to Premiere or you can "direct link" to SpeedGrade and do color correction and grading there.