MLP - Mac OSX batch processing workflow (former cr2hdr-r)

Started by Danne, October 05, 2014, 04:09:34 PM

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I don,t think so. Try redownload it again and install again. I,m on Yosemite here as well.


Are you running cr2hdr-r from the downloaded folder? In that case put the cr2hdr-r on desktop or in applications folder.


Hello Danne - i copied the cr2hdr-r to the Application folder, and ran it from within the Application folder :( 

i just re-downloaded it - but its still showing the same behavior. 

Maybe I should have run the uninstall.command from the previous cr2hdr-r version (already removed it)   before installing this new one?


Shouldn, t be necessary. Could you film your procedures? Or upload an example file?


Hello Danne - here is one of the CR2 files -

Thank you so much!

P.S.  Ooops forgot to mention the file name - its the IMG_9986.CR2 file (city hall pic).


Just tested 9986.CR2 and worked fine.
Does it look something like this in the Binaries_cr2hdr-r folder after you have run the install command?


Hi Danne, yes it looks the same - except of course for the timestamp (i am in Pacific time) :)  I have posted the screenshot in my google drive link for your reference.

not sure how to post the screenshot on the forum posting :(


Hm, I have no idea. What version did you hae that last worked? I could upload an older build or try folder_ProRes i sent you.


Thank you Danne - a quick update - it just created a DNG file now for the same CR2 file i sent you- I don't know why its running now but I am glad it did.

When I took the dual iso shots, they look ok, but the processed DNG looks all over-exposed.  Did my CR2 look over-exposed to you after it was processed? 

i will try the folder_ProRes  - where can i get it?

Thank you for your patience, Danne.  Really appreciate it.


Check you message inbox. Do you shoot with a 70D? Then that could be the problem here.


Yes, it was taken with 70D - didnt know until now that the 70D shots in dualiso turn out this bad :(

and yes, Danne - i got your message in my inbox now. thank you!


Probably not bad but certain ACR versions will read the file as corrupt. Nothing wrong with the files.  You can try change camera model name with exiftool to eos 6D instead.


Thank you Danne, I'll take a look at your suggestion - you're the man! :) 


Could you try double clicking this command among a files with converted DNG files coming from a 70D and see if that helps?


hi Danne, sorry i don't quite follow the instruction you shared.   i did download that eos 6d command but it gave me the "insufficient access" error message.

I believe the intent of this command file is to change the camera model for the converted DNG files from 70D to 6D, and once this command is run I'll reopen the DNG file and see how it looks like?

Anyway, i googled and found some instructions on changing the model using exif -
1. go to Terminal, and navigate to the folder containing the DNG files
2. type 'exiftool -l  <dng file name>' - it shows model = Canon EOS 70D
3. type 'exiftool -MODEL="Canon EOS 6D"  to change the model to 6D
4. type #2  again - this time the camera model is showing Canon EOS 6D

However, when i tried to open the  DNG file in Photoshop - which opens ACR - it still reads it as Canon EOS 70D  :(   
Appreciate your input!


@ciriuss925 The camera model shows up in a few different places in the EXIF data. What Danne's command is changing and what you are changing are different. Try this:

exiftool "-UniqueCameraModel=Canon EOS 6D" -overwrite_original

I'm surprised that there is still an issue with ACR. It has been updated several times since the problem was first pointed out in this forum.


hi dfort,

thank you for the share!  And actually I was able to finally run that Canon_EOS_6D.command!

I am using Photoshop CC 2014 which uses ACR 8.8 - I've read that ACR is now in version 9 and wondering if this 70D dual-iso DNG issue still persists?  Which version of ACR are you using, and are you still getting this problem?


Older versions works with 70D. I reckon the problem is a conflict between the color matrices which are the same for both 6D and the 70D.

If the script fails try to give it chmod permissions.

chmod u=rxw [drag script.command here]
hit enter


Hi Danne,

the Canon_EOS_6D.command works now!   I followed that chmod command to update the permissions to the file and it worked wonders :)   ALL DNG files now open beautifully without over-exposing.



You,re welcome. There could probably be a fix in the script that applies the 6D tag to the 70D dual iso files. Challenge would be separating those files from other DNG files from other cameras if you have mixed footage. Of course one could script a question to every file but would slow up things.


Is there a difference between cr2hdr-r OSX app and the cr2hdr- Plugin for lightroom, in the way it works with Dual ISO Video?
once you go raw you never go back


In the PRORES folder Cr2hdr-r applies same white level to the file to avoid flicker. It also adds a 3d lut(hardcoded) To bring out the most of the shadows and highlights to the prores file. Multithreading which makes it faster.

If you only transcode to DNG files (parent folder) it will add only same whitelevel and color matrix. The files will be usable in preferred NLE.

Kichetof is working on stuff for film sequences from what I,ve seen in his thread.


once you go raw you never go back


I,ve added a test out feature in MLP. Downloads in first post. It is an additional MLP_guide workflow which is intended to be installed together with MLP. The guide won,t work if not both workflows are installed. By choosing the MLP_guide instead of MLP on a folder the user will be presented with a few steps which will add settings files to the A_lut_hold folder. It is far from perfect and I,m not sure what more could be done with this through automator.
More info is to be find in the use_guide page 16-17.


Reworked the list thingy with automator. It,s now called MLP_look_base and it starts off with a look_preset bank followed by a full manual list. More info starting at page 16 in the user guide, first post.