MLP - Mac OSX batch processing workflow (former cr2hdr-r)

Started by Danne, October 05, 2014, 04:09:34 PM

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[email protected]

Sorry. Im new with this amazing app, but I can´t get it to work. I have download I think all the files. I have INSTALL FIRST the command stuff, and the run the app and select the folder in the CF CARD where the MLV hdr files are and them some folders appear like ORIGINAL, but inside the folders there is not any mov or converted dngs. I don´t get what to do.

Can anybody help? Thanks. I have a mac yosemite and 5D mark 2



You need ffmpeg for it to work. Link and description in first post. The binary has to be placed in /usr/bin/ folder.
Also recommended that you place your files on the computer rather than working from cf card.

[email protected]

I have ffmpeg in this place "usr/bin" because first it says was missing, but as I say it doesn´t work.


Ok, so if all is installed you follow the instructions

1 - On first run the app creates folders and then it quits. (PRORES, HDR_RAW_MLV_MOV, ORIGINALS folder)
2 - Place the files in the folder that you want. For instance if you want HDR files you have to move the HDR files to the HDR_RAW_MLV_MOV folder. If you want prores files move your files to the PRORES folder. If you only want dng folders keep the files in the parent folder. That is outside the other folders.
3 - When all files are sorted in the right folder you run the app a second time and then the transcoding will start searching through the folders one by one.

*If it says ffmpeg is missing you have to manually put it in the /usr/bin/ folder since it is not provided in the installation package.


Great job on updating the first post with guidelines, valuable information and useful tut's for others. Thanks for keeping up with your work ethics, stay strong and be swell!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Man it feels good to be back in here... I decided to give it another run with cr2hdr-r again from the service workflow with a bunch of quick Dual ISO shots (did a bunch of quickies from varies of cameras for @AWPStar) anyway I noticed this odd behavior or bug when viewing my EOS-M files through ACR within AE during SmartImport2 -- I noticed that a few out of several of the converted DNG's stated that the camera was 5D3 but it was really from EOS-M... I'm sure this has happened before and you may already be aware of it but what can I do to help you fix this?

If possible?

Hope all is well with you and the family at home!

5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Not sure where the problem occurs. Could you tell me more?


Here are the quick M files... You'll see what I mean.  mean.
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


No files in the link.
I need to know where in the program you converted the files. Did you reproduce the problem. How was the files lined up in the folder?


My apologies for the silent treatment. Got caught up with work lately. Decided to run Beta10 instead of the service workflow (twice to be sure) and this is what I was able to reproduce...

Spanning files seems to occur during crop mode shooting but not sure if that's the culprit here.

No big deal though just thought it was worth noting.

Will try to shoot some more test files (non crop and crop mode) to determine the real problem but then again there may be no problem at all but just points back to the limitations of the EOSM being shot in Crop-Mode because it just randomly spits out spanning files (tho I admit that I had to turn off camera by taking battery out because it just kept saying "busy" after finished recording the crop-mode shots thus the reason why it kept creating spanning files but theres really nothing in it? Just all pitch black just like how you see it in the video.

Sorry for the off topic but I probably should post this to the EOS M thread... Thanks again,D!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Hi deafeyejedi. Always nice with a video. I, ll check it when it, s ready.
By the way. Do I have a "workflow" that differs from beta10 and the 2.5 version somewhere :)?


The M15 numbered file doesn,t have the original .MLV file so it can,t convert anything. The other issue I have no idea how to look for. I may very well be fully related to the eos-m camera so that has to be ruled out first.


Updated to version 10.7_align in first post.

Biggest changes is in HDR_RAW_MLV_MOV folder. As default I added jerrykil align script implementation to HDR conversion. It is multithreaded although slow. It will give you much better quality to your HDR files. To disable it write the letter x to a RAW/MLV file. More info here.


Main usage

RAW, MLV files
1 - Create a folder and put in either RAW, MLV, mov, MOV files in your created folder. Preferrably files filmed in 48, 50 or 60 fps but other fps settings will also work.

2 - Double click cr2hdr-r icon and when the prompt opens select your parent folder.  An ORIGINALS colder will be created in which the originals (RAW, MLV, MOV, mov) files will be stored. First cr2hdr-r will create regular .MOV file of your RAW/MLV files, secondly it will create a second .MOV file which will merge the frames and create the end result.

MOV, mov files
1 - When filming h.264 HDR the cr2hdr-r goes right into creating a HDR file and creates a second .MOV file for end result.

As default cr2hdr-r is set to align RAW/MLV HDR files. This will take longer but the end result is much better than without aligning. To disable the align feature simply put the word x in the name of one of your RAW/MLV files. This will disable aligning for all files making conversion much faster.

HDR files filmed in h.264 tend to be softer since the preferred method is to film with camera settings set not to sharpen in camera. By writing the word sharpen to one of your files. This will sharpen all of you MOV files. Preferrably you use this with h.264 files and not RAW/MLV files.



When i transcode a normal mlv file, i have a "Canon EOS 5D Mark III" metadata in the resulting DNGs, but when i transcode a dual iso mlv  i end with a "canikon" metadata in the DNGs. The consequence is to not be able to choose camera profile in ACR. It is not specific to this last version, i think.
Have i missed something?



5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


Havn, t checked dual iso in a while. Did you run the app outside the downloaded folder? Put the cr2hdr-r onto your desktop and run it from there and report back.


It's  version 10.7_align. The app was run from the applications folder, and i made another try putting the app on the desktop. The folder containing the MLV file is on the desktop.
If i open the dual-iso MLV with MLVFS i can see that the metadata tag is "Canon EOS 5D Mark III" in the DNGs.
When i use CR2HDR-R to convert the dual-iso MLV, i have a "canikon" metadata tag in the DNGs after conversion.



Just ran the 10.7 version cr2hdr-r with a dual iso file and metadata copied fine to the new files. Try download the 10.7 version again and do following if you havn,t done so

1 - run the uninstall.command before running the install.command
2 - run the app again

By the way. What OS version are you using? If it,s not working, could you upload a sample dng?
Also try downloading a later version of exiftool. Shouldn, t b necessary since a version is provided but worth a try.



Running the uninstall.command before running again the install.command resolved the problem, now it's works. I have the good tags embedded in the DNGs.
I do not understand why, but it's works.
Thanks a lot.


Probably you were using an older build of exitool or cr2hdr20bit. Good you solved it.


*new stuff
folder_ProRes444 workflow

Updated top of first post with a download link

Been thinking of creating an automator workflow service which would transcode folders of dng files to ProRes444 files. Mainly to be able to use it with dmilligan,s highly useful mlv file system or if having folders with dng files lying around. folder_ProRes444 transcodes multiple folders in parallell and these files are exported next to the mlvfs partition in to a created PRORES folder. Has to be this way since It can,t create subfolders in the mlvfs partition. It will scale stretched slowmo footage.

How to use it

1 - Install the the folder_ProRes444 service.

2 - click done.

3 - Select only ONE folder in the mlvfs partition(see pic below). This will make the workflow search through the whole directory and transcode 3 or 4 folders in parallell and continue til all folders are transcoded to ProRes444 mov files. Don,t select all folders at once since it will start to convert all folders at once. Bug.. Fixed.

4 - Wait for the files to get ready. The files will be placed in to a created PRORES folder next to your mlvfs partition.


This is so much like Beauty and the Beast...

Finally a happy ending for all of us and I also tested this new workflow service while playing with AE to see if I can still color grade them while exporting ProRes444 for me to use as dailies or quick previews for clients or even use them to color grade (maybe not as good as if you were to use as a flat log) which seems to work well!

Merry Christmas, Danne! [emoji12]
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


folder_ProRes444_lut (alpha)

Updated first post with yet an additional workflow service. This one includes the ability to use 3d luts in the conversion process. It,s on the top first page.
Instructions are included in the download. If any problems, write here.