[Win-Script] Open 10&12bit files in MLRawViewer + Black Level FIX

Started by Jonit, July 13, 2017, 02:39:24 PM

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Hi there!

I love MLRawViewer so much, mainly for its C-Log profile and simplicity of use, but it bugged me that it won't open 10bit and 12bit .MLV files.
Also another thing was, that i could't fix black level issues so I had to fix those corrupted files in MLVProducer instead.

So I created this Windows batch script for mlv_dump to help me with all of this.

if not exist ".\MLV_Fixed_14bit_2048" mkdir .\MLV_Fixed_14bit_2048
for %%f in (*.MLV) do mlv_dump -o .\MLV_Fixed_14bit_2048\%%f.MLV -b 14 --black-fix=2048 %%f

It's super simple. You just copy this .bat file along with mlv_dump.exe to a folder with your .MLV files and run the .bat file.
It will look for the .MLV files and "convert" them into 14bit. It also fixes the black level to value to 2048.
-note: you can edit the script for a different value

Now you can open those "converted" files with MLRawViewer  :).

DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jiv91fboroqis5z/MLV%2014bit-2048%20Script.zip?dl=0

