MLVFS - a FUSE based, "on the fly" MLV to CDNG converter

Started by dmilligan, August 31, 2014, 02:01:24 AM

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Thanks, I appreciate your willing to help but I already converted footage i had with described setup and now have no more records and spare time, so lets things move as it could.


Hi guys,

I am in windows 10

I actually use Pismo and convert mlv files directly in davinci resolve. Is really smooth.

But Resolve did not recognized audio and video linked so I spent hours relinking audio and video together

Is there a solution? (newer version, or a different software than Pismo)?

Thank you. Cheers.


hi guys, MLVFS finally worked in my other desktop.

1 question: How do I quickly add ALL clips in 1 folder to Premiere Pro CC, instead of having to select the 1st DNG of EVERY short clip manually?



thanks dmilligan

kind as usual  ;)

I'll download it and install


Shot some test MLV_Lite files on 5D3 running 123 today earlier and just tried using the latest MLVFS (Version: 93684e7 2016-02-27) to check out the files.

The WebGUI works like normal but then the Mount folders are empty. Both of them.

Here's part of the log from the beginning since the entire code is too long for this post.

Last login: Mon Feb 29 14:55:41 on console
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ cat ~/.mlvfs.log
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2141.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2142.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2143.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2147.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2144.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2145.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2151.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2146.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2153.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2152.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2156.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2159.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2248.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2246.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2249.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon.png...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2250.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2258.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2301.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2257.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2302.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/favicon.ico...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2304.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2303.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon.png...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2308.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2306.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2307.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2305.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2309.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2310.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2316.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2313.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2312.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2314.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2311.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2315.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon.png...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2321.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2319.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2320.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2318.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2317.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2141.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2146.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2145.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2144.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2143.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2142.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/favicon.ico...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2147.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2151.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2248.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/apple-touch-icon.png...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2153.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2152.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2156.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2246.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2250.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2249.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2159.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2258.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2303.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2302.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2301.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2257.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2304.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2306.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2309.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2308.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2307.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2305.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2310.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2314.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2316.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2313.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2312.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2311.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2315.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2320.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2321.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2319.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2318.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2317.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2141.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2142.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2143.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2147.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2144.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2148.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2145.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2151.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2146.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2153.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2152.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2156.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2159.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2248.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2246.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2249.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2250.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2258.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2301.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2257.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV...
/Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2256.MLV: Error reading frame headers: vidf block for frame 0 was not found
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2302.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2303.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2304.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2305.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2306.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2308.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2307.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2310.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2309.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2311.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2314.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2313.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2312.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2315.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2316.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2320.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2319.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2318.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2317.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/M16-2321.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Volumes/KB_128GB/DCIM/100EOS5D/...

Should I consider downgrading to previous versions of MLVFS? I'm also running these same files with MLP atm and all seems fine and running like normal though I still have to wait for the final results.

Will report back and Thanks, D!
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


The beginning of the log tells me nothing, it's old (same as the one you posted before). Send the end of the log, upload the whole log somewhere, or preferably: delete the log before running MLVFS, then run MLVFS with the problem files and then send the log that is generated so that it's just the info the run that failed.

mv ~/.mlvfs.log ~/old.mlvfs.log


Okay something odd is going on. I just randomly decided to try AE and they show up fine in there. I can see the files in the Mount folder. However, when clicking on DAvinci Resolve within Web GUI -- thats when the files disappear inside the mount folder and thus I can't see the files in DR12.

Here's log from while in DR mode:

Last login: Tue Mar  1 13:24:29 on ttys000
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ cat ~/.mlvfs.log
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1246.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1247.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1252.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1246.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1247.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1252.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$

Here's the log from while in Default mode:

Last login: Tue Mar  1 13:24:31 on ttys000
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ Last login: Tue Mar  1 13:24:29 on ttys000
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ cat ~/.mlvfs.log
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1246.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1247.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1252.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1246.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1247.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1251.MLV...
webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1252.MLV...
webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MDeafEyeJedi  ttys000                   Tue Mar  1 13:27   still logged in
DeafEyeJedi  ttys000                   Tue Mar  1 13:24 - 13:26  (00:02)
DeafEyeJedi  ttys000                   Tue Mar  1 13:24 - 13:24  (00:00)
DeafEyeJedi  ttys000                   Tue Mar  1 13:23 - 13:24  (00:00)
DeafEyeJedi  ttys000                   Tue Mar  1 13:22 - 13:23  (00:01)
DeafEyeJedi  ttys000                   Tue Mar  1 12:36 - 12:41  (00:04)
DeafEyeJedi  ttys000                   Sat Feb 27 14:52 - 15:20  (00:28)

wtmp begins Fri Feb 26 19:16
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ cat ~/.mlvfs.log
-bash: Apples-Macintosh-10:~: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1246.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1251.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1247.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1252.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1246.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1247.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1251.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: analyzing /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/M01-1252.MLV...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ webgui: scanning /Users/appleuser/Desktop/SHOGUN vs MLV_Lite/MLVLite/...
-bash: webgui:: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$ Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$
-bash: Apples-Macintosh-10:~: command not found
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$
Apples-Macintosh-10:~ DeafEyeJedi$

Now I am baffled at why the log is coming out differently even tho it's using the same exact set of MLV Lite files?
5D3.113 | 5D3.123 | EOSM.203 | 7D.203 | 70D.112 | 100D.101 | EOSM2.* | 50D.109


The naming scheme option changes the file/folder names, so if you are going to do it, then you should do it first, immediately before doing anything else like browsing files. Otherwise you are ending up in folders that don't exist any more (b/c you changed the naming scheme for them).


It's not a user error issue. It's an issue with the new Mac build. I'm using MLVS and Resolve in the same manner I've been using them for almost a year. Choosing the Resolve naming scheme at launch prior to launching Resolve results in the MLVS folders appearing empty in the Resolve media window. In previous builds a thumbnail image appeared in place of a folder. Leaving the default naming scheme in place at launch results in a single file appearing within the MLVS folders in the Resolve media window (appearing as a thumbnail image). I can't open any of my Resolve MLVS projects because they were all created with the Reslove naming scheme.


There's been some rework to the path handling and the resolve naming scheme had not yet been implemented (I didn't realize this). I've just implemented it and uploaded a new build. The actual naming scheme had to change slightly b/c of the new way we are doing things, sorry if this breaks your existing projects.


I'm using MLVFS to convert my MLV files and it works great. I want to use a camera profile in ACR but none show up. the stock camera profiles include profiles for the 650D but in ACR my camera is listed as Rebel T4i, would that info be stored in the DNG's produced by MLVFS?


Some time ago I realised that MLVP produce dng that looks something different in Resolve.
Difference among other convertors was minor, while with MLVP - huge.
Same time ACR gets confused with predefined camera profiles, only "Embedded" looks good.
Author responded that its due to different white level - MLVP use 16383.
Moreover, it's possible to change this value.
Need to say my camera is always 16383 in video mode(okay, while not tricked with adtg_gui :) ).
MLVFS seems use 15000 hardcoded.
Today I tried to tune MLVFS dng with exiftool.
Need to say my exiftool is very choosy regarding changing these tags, white level works only with -IFD0:
exiftool -IFD0:WhiteLevel=16383 *.dng -overwrite_original
And ... I didn't find the way to change black level(from 2047 to 2044)
so I don't know if it matter or not but changing white level alone makes difference.


Quote from: mothaibaphoto on March 02, 2016, 08:56:26 AM
Some time ago I realised that MLVP produce dng that looks something different in Resolve.
Difference among other convertors was minor, while with MLVP - huge.
Same time ACR gets confused with predefined camera profiles, only "Embedded" looks good.
Author responded that its due to different white level - MLVP use 16383.
Moreover, it's possible to change this value.
Need to say my camera is always 16383 in video mode(okay, while not tricked with adtg_gui :) ).
MLVFS seems use 15000 hardcoded.
Today I tried to tune MLVFS dng with exiftool.
Need to say my exiftool is very choosy regarding changing these tags, white level works only with -IFD0:
exiftool -IFD0:WhiteLevel=16383 *.dng -overwrite_original
And ... I didn't find the way to change black level(from 2047 to 2044)
so I don't know if it matter or not but changing white level alone makes difference.
Thanks but I think I'll wait to see if anyone has a proper fix or try another app but I do appreciate the help


Quote from: newsense on March 02, 2016, 09:17:18 AM
Thanks but I think I'll wait to see if anyone has a proper fix or try another app but I do appreciate the help
Sorry, my post was not addressed to your problems.


Compiling under VS fails again:

>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol slre_match
>mlvfs.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals


Quote from: bouncyball on March 02, 2016, 09:42:13 AM
Compiling under VS fails again:
yep, I know, see the commit messages

Quote from: mothaibaphoto on March 02, 2016, 08:56:26 AM
MLVFS seems use 15000 hardcoded.
Nope. It uses the value in the MLV file, same with black level. If it's wrong, then it's wrong in the MLV file => therefore you need to go to the source of the MLV file to fix the issue.

Quote from: mothaibaphoto on March 02, 2016, 08:56:26 AM
And ... I didn't find the way to change black level(from 2047 to 2044)
so I don't know if it matter or not but changing white level alone makes difference.
White level and black level are objective values that are either correct or incorrect. There is no "tuning" you should do to these values to try and adjust the "look" of your image.

Quote from: newsense on March 02, 2016, 07:43:45 AM
the stock camera profiles include profiles for the 650D but in ACR my camera is listed as Rebel T4i, would that info be stored in the DNG's produced by MLVFS?
Yep, and again this is something that comes out of the MLV file.


Quote from: dmilligan on March 02, 2016, 01:09:36 PM
yep, I know, see the commit messages
Nope. It uses the value in the MLV file, same with black level. If it's wrong, then it's wrong in the MLV file => therefore you need to go to the source of the MLV file to fix the issue.
White level and black level are objective values that are either correct or incorrect. There is no "tuning" you should do to these values to try and adjust the "look" of your image.
Yep, and again this is something that comes out of the MLV file.
Just to make sure I understand the UniqueCameraId is stored in the MLV file so it's ML reporting my camera as rebel t4i instead of 650d so this happens before I even convert to DNG?


You are double posting
Your camera can either register the t4i or with 650D tag, it,s nothing wrong with either one. If acr plugins or other applications can,t read that tag you can change the tag to whatever you want with exiftool.


Quote from: dmilligan on March 02, 2016, 04:44:42 AM
There's been some rework to the path handling and the resolve naming scheme had not yet been implemented (I didn't realize this). I've just implemented it and uploaded a new build. The actual naming scheme had to change slightly b/c of the new way we are doing things, sorry if this breaks your existing projects.

Okay, it appears we're back in business. MLVs are loading in Resolve and the thumbnails are visible. No problem re the naming scheme change, I can run an older version for existing projects.


Tried to reproduce this issue, but couldn't (probably it was fixed meanwhile).

Instead, I've found an issue with webgui on Linux (which used to work): it gives a blank page, and this message in console:

load_resource: fopen error: html_template.html

It doesn't seem to look in the right path - getcwd() returns the directory where I've started mlvfs from.

The old version where the webgui used to work didn't use an external HTML template - it was hardcoded in webgui.c.


Quote from: dmilligan on March 02, 2016, 01:09:36 PM
yep, I know, see the commit messages

@dmilligan: Ah, my bad. Added slre source and header to the project and it compiled flawlessly :)


Quote from: a1ex on March 02, 2016, 04:32:20 PM
It doesn't seem to look in the right path - getcwd() returns the directory where I've started mlvfs from.
That's odd, it just sends a relative path to fopen. Maybe it doesn't like the mode option "rb"?


Quote from: dmilligan on March 02, 2016, 01:09:36 PM
Nope. It uses the value in the MLV file, same with black level. If it's wrong, then it's wrong in the MLV file => therefore you need to go to the source of the MLV file to fix the issue.
So, it's hardcoded in raw.c:
#define WHITE_LEVEL 15000
Actually, raw.c has routine to define white level - autodetect_white_level, but it's not called,
at least not in video mode: i uncommented debug message inside it and that "White..."
didn't appears on screen. Is that a bug?
Quote from: dmilligan on March 02, 2016, 01:09:36 PM
White level and black level are objective values that are either correct or incorrect. There is no "tuning" you should do to these values to try and adjust the "look" of your image.
It's up to you, whether to implement or not the feature I suggest to your project.
Just let me decide myself what and how I can "tune".


Quote from: dmilligan on March 02, 2016, 06:00:15 PM
That's odd, it just sends a relative path to fopen.

That relative path is just "html_template.html", and I guess it should include "data" (maybe also find somehow the directory of the executable, or expect some specific path where it should be installed).

So, I started mlvfs from the data directory (../mlvfs [options]) and the webgui works again.